When it comes to cancer treatment, the history gets a bit scandalous — and very interesting.
But you should know how systemic enzyme therapy works to reduce cancer growth, the key people and historical facts behind the story and where things stand today.
Dr. James Beard
In 1902, James Beard, a well-known Scottish Ph.D. embryologist, observed that animal placental embryonic cells (today we call them stem cells) invade the female uterus in many ways like cancer’s invasion of body tissues.
Cancer cells are essentially trophoblastic cells (embryonic cells) that can occur in any organ tissue, and, like placental trophoblastic cells, grow very rapidly, migrate, invade other tissues, and form a blood supply of their own. The main difference is that the placenta knows when to stop growing and invading, but cancer does not.
Dr. Beard found that the placenta stops invasive cell growth when the embryonic pancreas starts secreting pancreatic enzymes. From this observation, he determined that pancreatic enzymes control and kill cancer.
In 1906 he used animal pancreatic enzymes to successfully treat cancer in animals and humans. But his work was not published in mainstream medical literature.
William Donald Kelley, D.D.S., M.S. (1925 – 2005)
Dr. Kelley was a practicing dentist who was diagnosed with metastatic pancreatic cancer and successfully survived using the dietary teachings of Max Gerson, M.D., and Dr. Beard’s pancreatic enzyme therapy protocol. Pancreatic cancer is known to have less than a 3 percent survival rate today.
In 1969, Dr. Kelley published an account of his own personal battle with pancreatic cancer and a theoretical explanation of why his protocol worked. Entitled One Answer to Cancer, his book became a best-seller in the “underground” natural medicine market.
Dr. Kelley used his diet modification/proteolytic enzyme protocol and reported a 93 percent success rate for cancer patients who came to him first (before having chemo, radiation, or surgery), and a 50 percent chance of survival for end-stage cancer patients given 3 months to live.
He, as you might expect, was aggressively persecuted for his successes by the medical establishment.
In 1976 the Texas Dental Board suspended his license for 5 years as a result of the “non-dental” cancer therapies he provided. He moved his practice to Tijuana, Mexico and eventually, along with his fellow practitioners, treated approximately 33,000 patients.
In the U.S., Dr. Kelley’s work was suppressed and he was forbidden to advise cancer victims. He tells his own story of cancer and recovery here.
Unfortunately, his story is quite similar to many others who successfully treat cancer in the U.S. (like Dr. Raymond Rife and Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski).
Dr. Kelley wrote: “In our time, there will never be a cure for heart disease or for cancer because there’s just too much money in it for the elite. Between the AMA, the hospitals, pharmaceutical and drug manufacturers, the money wheel never stops turning — and those who suffer needlessly are bankrupted.”
Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D.
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez is currently a practicing physician in New York. When he was only a third year medical student he personally met with Dr. Kelley, was allowed to completely review his clinic records, and wrote a detailed summary of Dr. Kelley’s almost unbelievable successes with cancer treatment.
You can read this fascinating 2009 recount of the entire story and the scandalous actions of the OTA (office of Technology Assessment) here.
Most notably, Dr. Gonzalez writes:
“The pancreatic part of my investigation proved to be most revealing. I eventually identified 22 patients with the diagnosis who had consulted Kelley between 1974 and 1982. I had been able to document that ten of the patients, all deceased, had not followed the program for a single day. This group, we agreed, could serve as an informal ‘control.’
A second group of seven patients, also all deceased, complied only partially and for limited time periods ranging from four weeks to 13 months, before abandoning the therapy. The mean and median survival for this group ran 302 days, certainly far longer than would be expected. Five patients, all alive when I completed my research, had complied fully.
The median and mean survival for this group exceeded eight years, certainly a remarkable statistic in view of the deadly nature of pancreatic cancer, with an average life expectancy reported in the range of 3 to 6 months.”
Cancer Therapy
Dr. Gonzalez, along with Dr. Linda Isaacs, has been in practice in New York since 1987, offering personalized therapy for cancer and other degenerative diseases. Their treatment program is found here.
The supplements they recommend (but do not manufacture or sell) include many nutrients, animal glandulars, and “a specially manufactured pancreas product (containing naturally occurring enzymes) made from pig pancreas.” Their cancer patients take up to 45 grams of pancreas product, which is around 130-175 capsules a day.
Today various alternative medicine clinics also use the Kelley protocol. For a list and description of these, go here.
It’s interesting to see that our government’s NCI (National Cancer Institute) currently has their view of Dr. Gonzalez posted on their website.
They detail the failure of his protocol to be effective based on their seven year clinical study, beginning in 1998, of patients with early, middle and advanced stages of pancreatic cancer who were not candidates for surgical removal of the cancer.
They reported their results in a 2010 Journal of Oncology. If you will simply read a little further you’ll discover the fiasco of study errors (intentionally botched to prove Gonazalez wrong) their researchers made, which was clearly explained and reported by Dr. Gonzalez. You can see his rebuttal here.