May 15, 2013

Since Angelina Jolie’s voluntary breast removal story hit the press yesterday, my office has been flooded with calls and e-mails from friends and acquaintances regarding this subject, and what my opinion is on such a radical preventative surgery. Readers are also starting to flood my BLOG with similar questions so let me address this issue, yet once again.
What’s Going On?
It is common medical knowledge that we are all genetically predisposed to certain diseases. We are the genetic products of our mother and our father. Therefore we all have the predisposition to develop inherited strengths and weaknesses (or diseases), passed down by them. This does NOT mean that we will develop the same health problems or die from the same diseases that our parents did. It simply means that our chances may be elevated. I will explain more on this later, and more important, how YOU can AVOID manifesting any genetic family diseases.
But specifically, with breast cancer, scientists think that they have discovered a gene, they refer to as BRCA1, that is a genetic marker for the potential development of breast cancer. The reason I say “think” is simply because almost all this testing science is proven false or at least faulty a decade or so later, like the AIDS test, or the PSA test for prostate cancer (that has now been proven defective), or giving millions of mammograms to young women whose breast tissue was too dense to see anything, which caused breast cancer and so this practice is now condemned.
Regardless of the history of medical testing blunders, many women who test positive for this particular BRCA1 gene are now opting to have their healthy breasts removed, as did Angelina Jolie in February.
And I am telling you right now, that in a decade or two, surgically cutting off healthy breasts because someone tests positive for the BRCA1 gene will be seen as a huge horrific medical mistake.
Regarding Angelina’s decision, personally I think it is an ignorant mistake. We are all just doing the best we can with the information that we have. When faced with possible death, who knows what each of us will decide? On the other hand, she was not faced with death, she is currently healthy, and I do not believe that her doctors gave her the whole picture, the whole truth, and if they had, her decision may have been very different, and not based on fear, disease and death but instead focusing on getting really healthy and staying really healthy.
So I don’t mind her ignorance, but what I do mind is her preaching her ignorance, and being some spokeswoman for BRCA1 genes. FEAR, negativity, and being a spokeswoman for the trillion-dollar medical and pharmaceutical industry that is getting rich by exploiting women’s fears—now she is becoming a spokeswomen to convince other women to cut off their own healthy breasts.
There Is A Positive Side To Testing Positive
NOTE: A positive test for this BRCA1 gene DOES NOT MEAN that you will develop breast cancer in your lifetime. In fact, if you have no family history of breast cancer, your odds of developing it are only slightly increased over the general population, like 10%. Your odds are much higher to develop breast cancer by simply living on a farm than having this gene, which can cause a 20% to 40% increase in breast cancer, but no one is suggesting that all farmers’ daughters have their breasts chopped off are they?
It is common medical knowledge that when doctors say you have a family history, or a family tendency to develop a particular disease, or even a marker gene that can mutate, it is USUALLY NOT the genetic defect that causes the disease, but what the family ate and the environment that the family lived in, that caused this gene to mutate.
But doctors say if you have a relative who did have breast cancer, and you have the BRCA1 gene, then your chances are increased up to 80%. Again, more on how to NOT manifest genetic diseases later.
Bottom Line First
The only reason a woman would cut off her healthy breasts is FEAR. Fear often caused by watching a close relative or loved one die of cancer, or specifically breast cancer. FEAR promoted by medical doctors and cancer researchers who all know better. FEAR promoted by hospitals and medical doctors because they make billions of dollars annually using this fear to sell their horrific medical procedures.
The late President Franklin D. Roosevelt stated, “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself…nameless, unjustified terror that paralyses us into retreating, instead of advancing”.
FEAR, darkness, negativity, disease, causing us to retreat instead of advance. Wow, what a great statement. This couldn’t be truer than in this instance. FEAR causing us to cut off healthy body parts instead of learning how to shut off bad genes and Creating Powerful Health.
Medical Doctors Should Be Ashamed
After all, it is their oath, not mine, that states, “Do No Harm”, and surgical removal of healthy body parts is definitely harmful, not just physically harmful and risky, as is any surgical procedure, but also harmful are all the drugs used for this type of surgery from anesthetics and antibiotics to the pain killers. Trust me, every single day patients all across America are dying from hospital contracted bacterial infections, cancer caused by x-rays and CT scans and lives are ruined by pain killing drugs and patients are killed by pharmaceutical drugs. There are 1,000 potential risks from undergoing any type of surgery. And I have not even mentioned the emotional and spiritual harm caused to a woman by having this type of surgery. I saw the negative aftermath of mastectomies in my clinic, one too many times.
How to AVOID Genetic Diseases
Don’t let medical doctors terrify you into making horrifying, life-changing decisions! And don’t let them talk you into cutting off healthy body parts.
All that genetic markers say is that you have the potential to develop a disease, like breast cancer. It simply means that you have genes in your body, that when stimulated, irritated or woken up, can mutate and develop into cancer. Well, what wakes these genes up is no mystery, and ALL medical and cancer researchers know exactly what turns these genes on, but they don’t want to touch this subject, simply because it’s unpopular. What turns these genes on and makes them mutate, is junk food, toxic chemicals, French fries, pharmaceutical drugs… the list is long; it’s the aftermath of the American Dream.
Studies in Israel and even worldwide have proven the direct link between cows’ milk consumption and breast cancer. The growth hormones and steroids naturally present in cows’ milk are genetically designed to create a COW, not a human, and consumption of these alien hormones has been associated with cancer. Worse, if the cows have been subjected to additional growth hormones and steroids, which almost all are in America, because the use is rampant in the dairy industry, well, your odds of developing cancer are much greater. But no one is talking about women not consuming cow dairy products.
And maybe the greatest known risk factor to cause breast cancer is the use of hormones, like taking birth control pills or the supplemental use of hormones for menopause. This can increase your risk of developing breast cancer much greater than if you have the BRCA1 gene and a mother who had breast cancer.
Taking hormones can increase your risk of cancer 15 TIMES (1,500%)!
Dr. Angela Lanfranchi, a breast surgical oncologist and cofounder of the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute, calls the contraceptive pill a “Molotov cocktail” for breast cancer!
Additionally, there are hundreds of environmental toxins that are known to cause breast cancer like heavy metals to toxic chemicals and pollutants, to numerous chemicals added to the food we eat or the water we drink, to even the containers the food and drink comes in. There are even negative emotions that are now known to cause cancer.
The bottom line is that what causes someone to develop cancer, specifically breast cancer, is not so much the genetic predisposition, as what your mother ate, drank and the environment she grew up in and was exposed to. And, if she developed breast cancer, and you continue to live, eat, drink and even think the same way she did, well, then you can certainly expect to have an increased breast cancer risk.
Now here is the big ‘BUT’… If you CHANGE, and do not live like your mother, and don’t live in the same possibly toxic environment, and don’t eat the same food, and don’t drink the same drinks, and don’t take the same pharmaceutical drugs, and don’t wear the same clothes, and don’t expose yourself to the same household chemicals, and don’t breathe the same air, and don’t think the same thoughts, and don’t torture yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually like your mother did to herself, then why would your body develop cancer? The answer is simply that these genes would NOT be stimulated and you would NOT develop cancer!
Bottom, Bottom Line
From a blog I wrote a few years ago on this same subject...
"Remember, your level of health is determined by your GENETICS REACTING to your LIFESTYLE, meaning, that you may be genetically predisposed to reproductive cancer (and there is nothing that you can do about that, that's water under the bridge) but if you create a powerfully healthy lifestyle, again, not just physically, but also emotionally and spiritually, well, you simply WILL NOT develop reproductive cancer.
On the other hand, if you live in a similar way as your parents did, or even a lower quality or lower health lifestyle, well, you can expect a similar outcome, possibly creating Reproductive Cancer. For all of us, the best way to PREVENT genetic weaknesses (family diseases) from developing in our bodies, and the best way to pass on stronger genetic coding to our children, is to live a healthy life. I don’t want to sound like a German geneticist or Dr. "Adolph" Schulze here, but this is a very basic law of Nature. The weak become diseased and die out and the strong survive, and get stronger, and I want to make sure that you are strong, healthy, live long, and that we will all create stronger and healthier future generations."
Finally, and MOST IMPORTANT!!!
Remember one thing…
It is NOT what you inherit…
It is how you LIVE that can either turn on, or turn off, genes that are predisposed to disease. But let’s get our minds out of the negative medical gutter.
I ask you to STOP being medically negative for a moment and just imagine that we also have genes in our body that are predisposed to greatness—genes for powerful strength, powerful health, brilliance, genius and maybe even super powers, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Let us STOP living in FEAR and dwelling about your genes that can possibly turn into a disease, and instead START THINKING about living a healthy lifestyle and a life that turns your other super-health genes and super-power-genes on! YES!!!
— Dr. Schulze