Ingredients for Miracle Vegetable Soup
Clockwise from top – Carrots, Fresh Shitake Mushrooms, White Radish or Daikon WITH Leaves, Burdock Root (Gobo, or Ngau Pong in Cantonese)
The recipe and information of this soup has been circulating in Taiwan and Malaysia for many years, in Chinese magazines and newspapers. I couldn’t read any Chinese and so I didn’t come across this wonderful soup. My friend told me this soup is known in Cantonese as “Ng Sik Tong” (5 Colour Soup), and gave me the recipe for it. I was fascinated and wanted more information. Very fortunately, a search over the Internet came up with “Takeshi Kazu’s Life Extension Soup with Brown Rice Tea.” 
The vegetable soup and brown rice tea are so easy to make, and they don’t cost much…it is worth trying it for the sake of good health. It is better than taking hundreds of dollars worth of vitamins and supplements…..the soup and tea only cost a fraction, certainly very affordable and best is, it can treat a whole lot of ailments for the entire family! 
There is a wealth of information on this incredible soup legend below (resources from a translation of his article in Taiwan and from HERE) :-
(The recipe below is the same as in Part 1, with the addition of some interesting personal comments of the author).
(The recipe below is the same as in Part 1, with the addition of some interesting personal comments of the author).
What the Miracle Vegetable Soup may do -
- Heal Cancer
- Restore injured joints and bone structure
- Slow down the aging process
- Rejuvenate the skin
- Heal Cataracts
- Heal liver disorders
- Lower high blood pressure
- Improve heart conditions
- Reduce brain tumors and other head-injury problems
- Reduce high white blood cell counts
- Improve T-cell function
How did this soup come about
Tateshi Kazu based his soup on the principles of Five Elements theory, the harmonizing balance of the forces of yin and yang, acid and alkaline, that engenders health as opposed to the imbalance, which leads to disease.
The five elements in our environment are wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Because of the balance of the five elements, the earth is able to produce life.
Each essence possesses its own color: green, red, yellow, white and black. These relate to the corresponding internal organs: heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidneys. He used the concept of the five different colors as matched to specific vegetables.
- Green = Daikon Radish Leaves
- Red = Carrot
- Yellow = Burdock Root
- White = Daikon Radish
- Black = Shittake Mushrooms
Vegetable Soup Recipe
- 16 ounces or 450 gm white radish/ daikon
- 8 to 10 ounces or 225 to 380 gm white daikon greens
- 8 to 10 ounces or 225 to 280 gm carrots
- 8 ounces or 225 gm fresh burdock root (also known as Gobo in Japanese, Uang in Korean, Ngau Pong or Niu Pang in Chinese) [if using dried burdock root, use only 2 ounces or 1/4 of fresh amount required]
- 3-5 fresh shitake mushrooms (sundried) – if not sundried, expose dried mushrooms to sun again. This is to convert the good stuff into Vitamin D in the mushrooms (refer to information on mushrooms below)
1. Don’t peel anything! Don’t add any seasoning!
2. Fill a pot with three times the quantity of water as the vegetable.
3. When it comes to a boil, reduce the flame and simmer for two hours.
4. Strain and drink.
5. Store in refrigerator immediately when cool to avoid losing any of the soup’s goodness. Be sure to store in stainless steel pots or glass containers as the soup may react with other materials (especially aluminium)
Below is my pot of Miracle Vegetable Soup:-
Some possible “getting-well” temporary reactions
The formula is basically working on our different internal mal-functions and toxins, some we may not even be aware of, and those with more problems will have more instant and longer reactions on the particular problem areas.
These will be normal detoxification effects like itchy skin or eczema and increased frequency of bowel movements, etc. Varying with different toxins in different individuals, the following conditions may be felt.
- More instant and intense reactions for those with more problems Reactions less noticeable and in stages for the less focused
- Seemingly no reactions for those who are in better health and with better adaptability
- More vigorous reactions for the weak and feeble
The health of modern man is under constant threat of air and water pollutions, chemical additives and preservatives in food and agricultural products and all kinds of environment toxins. Our body becomes more acidic, and the very precious inborn immune system is declining. To avoid developing chronic diseases and cancer, our body need to be properly cleansed and maintained.
“Getting-well reactions” are normal detoxification effects in accelerating body cell activities, enhancing metabolism and strengthening of the immune system, building up stronger body resistance. When these effects are felt, our detoxification system is awakened and activated; this shows the progress of healing, and the more vigorous they are, the more toxic our body is that need proper care and management.
Nutritional value of the five vegetables
Radish is very rich in vitamin C, ten times more than that in pears and apples.
It also has plenty of digestive enzymes, particularly of starchy foods, that help mend the stomach membrane, improve the secretion of digestive liquids and promotes energy circulation, preventing gastritis, ulcer in the stomach and excess of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice.
It also has anti-cancer properties INDD that checks the growth of cancer cells and dissolves ammonium nitrate that is cancer causing.
Radish leaves
The abundance of nutrients found in radish leaves is amazing. It has three times as much Vitamin A as that in livers and eels, 60% more of Vitamin B1 than that in fermented soybeans, two times as much Vitamin B2 as that in cow’s milk. It is extremely rich in iron and is an ideal food for nourishing blood. Radish leaves are the richest in Vitamin C, two and a half times as that in tangerines, four times as that in spinach, so discarding the leaves when eating the radish is really a waste.
Radish leaves have a slightly pungent but pleasant and smooth taste. It is a very nutritious green-leaf vegetable that maintains a balance with the properties of the other part of the same plant: the edible part of the radish root. The special quality of the radish root and its leaves is another wonder and mystery of nature
Carrot is rich in Beta Carotene, a very strong antioxidant, and other minerals that are easily absorbed by the human body. The body changes Beta Carotene into Vitamin A, which is important in strengthening the immune system and promoting healthy cell growth. It is also rich in lignin and INDD that help fight cancer and boost up two to three times the human immunity.
Mushrooms are rich in dietary fibres, and minerals like potassium, iron, etc. It is high in B vitamins and ergosterol that will be converted to Vitamin D in the presence of sunlight, which is essential for utilization of calcium.
Mushroom has a polysaccharide compound called lentinan which helps produce T-cells to destroy bacteria and viruses and has anti-cancer, anti-tumor effects, strengthening the immune system and fighting disease-causing organisms. Zinc and selenium in mushrooms also activate thymus in the chest that helps in T-cell production. Amino acids in mushrooms arealso effective for liver diseases.
Dietary fibre in burdock is the richest among all root vegetables, which is best for prevention of diseases of the large intestine. It is also rich in minerals like potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, calcium, etc. There is equal proportion of soluble and insoluble fibres that stimulate lactic acids, improve constipation and the discharge of cholesterols. It also enhances blood circulation, relieves internal wind and heat, clearing the lung and diminishing eczema, edema and body toxins, preventing cancer and arteriosclerosis. Its iron content makes it a good food supplement for ladies for skin-care purposes.
For more information on burdock, see:
Brown Rice Tea Recipe
Another remedy that can be used in conjunction with the vegetable soup is brown rice tea. It is a good diuretic for ridding excess water from the body.
For diabetics, it can bring the sugar level down by producing more natural insulin in the body. It cleanses the blood and blood vessel.
A person with a heart condition drinking both soups in 20 days will be able to regulate their problem by drinking three cups per day. up
For a regular cancer patient, about two cups.
Ingredients :
1 cup (250 cc or ml size) or 300 gms or 10 ounces brown rice
16 cups or 4 litres or 4 quarts water
Note: only cook in stainless steel or glass. Do not mix with any other ingredients. Don’t be “creative.”
Untoasted, unwashed, raw brown rice
Brown Rice that has been dry roasted in my wok to a dark brown colour
(the white specks are white rice that came with the brown rice)
1. Roast the rice without oil until dark brown but don’t burn.
2. Boil 8 cups of water and pour roasted rice into water.
3. Turn off flame, cover and let sit five minutes.
4. Strain out rice and reserve liquid.
5. Boil 8 more cups of water.
6. Put the remaining rice back in the water.
7. Cover, lower flame and simmer five minutes.
8. Strain rice out.
9. Mix the two rice waters together. Drink when cool.
Brown Rice Tea in my stainless steel pot, ready for drinking
Special Notes:
- The amount one needs depends on the condition. The more serious the condition, the more tea.
- Do not drink tea while taking a high protein substance.
- Don’t drink the vegetable soup and brown rice tea together. Wait at least 15 minutes apart.
- If you use this remedy regularly you will never be sick.
Some possible reactions:
- itchy skin or eczema
- If you use medications and/or have eczema, use less because of possible stronger reaction
- People with head injury problems may develop headaches but don’t worry.
- People with eye problems may get temporary blurred vision or itching around eyes. Eyesight will get better. If you wear prescription glasses, try to reduce the prescription and use glasses less frequently.
- Lowering of body temperature, but this is normal.
*** Notes: For high blood pressure, drink the two soups alternately but slowly. Blood pressure will come down after one month. Talk to a doctor about reducing medication, but don’t stop medication right away. Use remedy for minimum of one month.
*** Notes: If you are on medication, do consult with a doctor to adjust your dosage. This remedy works for some people. It may not work for you. It is not intended to replace the traditional treatments.
I’m also keeping my fingers crossed that my husband will have his blood pressure and glucose/sugar level restored to normality so that he can get off his medication. Because he is working and he is taking Western medication, I can only give him one cup (250 ml) each of soup and tea (he’s supposed to take up to 3 cups each per day) on weekdays and so, his healing rate will be later than the one month mentioned.
Another word of caution – take the soup and tea separately (with half to one hour apart), and take them one hour after consuming Chinese medicine and two hours after Western medicine. This is to prevent contraindications.
(I note that this site has now been taken down. 19 Sep 2019)
Dr. Tateishi highly recommends vegetarian diet while taking this remedy. References: Ganso Yasai-Supu Kyoken-Ho by Dr. Tateishi, Kazu (Chinese edition), Taipei, Taiwan "When cancer strikes a family, what course of action should one take?" (Chinese) , Taipei, Taiwan |