Bob Livingston | Aug 02, 2012 | Comments 0
Big Pharma drug lobbyists are masters at causing confusion by equating synthetic steroid hormones with natural hormones.
Boosting Sales
The drug cartel must have sickness and disease in order to have ongoing drug sales. If things get dull, it creates disease myths like it did with the swine flu scare. How much of this nonsense have we seen and how many billions of dollars have flowed to the pharmaceutical companies for “emergency vaccines.” They have never been known to recommend a vitamin like D3 for their “flu epidemics.”
Big Pharma gets no resistance at all from the U.S. rubber-stamp Congress. It proposes bills to limit (or eliminate) natural supplements and hormones, including an effort a couple of years ago to reclassify the natural hormone DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) by classing it as an anabolic steroid (which, of course, would make it an illegal substance, or “drug”).
Drug lobbyists are masters at spreading lies about natural substances like DHEA, claiming that DHEA can cause heart disease, cancer, stroke, baldness, mood swings and liver damage. Remember our rule: Believe just the opposite of Big Pharma, along with government bureaucrats, politicians and the news media. Anything of significance will be a lie. They have to lie because propaganda control is based on lies.
Controlling Move
Let’s see, why does Big Pharma want control of DHEA? It wants to stamp out the natural DHEA and create a synthetic steroid to mass market that would create all manner of medical mischief. You see, pharmaceutical companies cannot patent natural substances. They can patent only drugs (synthetics) that they create from natural substances.
The fact is that DHEA is so powerful, so safe and so effective that it could potentially eliminate the need for several of Big Pharma’s symptom-control drugs. What’s more, DHEA is a natural hormone produced by the body. In fact, it is the most abundant hormone found in the body. God intended for it to be good. Its job is to regulate the production and regulation of other hormones. And it is a vital part of increasing lean muscle mass (very important in avoiding broken bones as we age), burning fat and stimulating bone growth.
Hormone Deficit
A deficit of this hormone leaves us vulnerable to just about every major disease out there like cancer, diabetes, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, Parkinson’s disease, nerve deterioration and many other medical problems from aging.
Incidentally, Bob Butts claims that sea salt and water daily has not failed to cure type 2 diabetes. This by itself should cost Big Pharma multitrillions of dollars because the whole population is fast acquiring adult-onset diabetes or type 2 diabetes. Dr. Royal Lee predicted in the 1960s that wide use of the synthetic sweetener high-fructose corn syrup would cause bypassing of the pancreas and shut it down, leaving a nation of diabetics. Well, just look around you!
Supplementing with DHEA has been the subject of extensive research. In the book Grow Young With HGH, Ronald Klatz writes: “DHEA supplements have been shown to help prevent cancer, arterial disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, treat lupus, osteoporosis, enhance memory, and the general immune system.” Wow!
In another book, The Super-Hormone Promise, the authors claim that DHEA hasthe ability to rejuvenate just about everyorgan system, that it restores energy, improvesmood, increases sex drive and reduces stressand body fat.
Natural substances and whole natural raw foods are a threat to Big Pharma’s symptom-control drugs. It all appears so benevolent and such high science. There is really no escape unless we constantly read the right material.
The older I get, the more I observe how helpless Americans are before a constant media barrage on all subjects. It is the perfect crime. Junk science is its standard.
(Some of this material is from: Dr. William Douglass’ The Douglass Report newsletter.)