
Monday 16 June 2014

Gerson Therapy Five-year cancer survival rates with: Research


Five-year cancer survival rates with gerson diet therapy: Research

(NaturalNews) The Gerson diet therapy was developed by Dr. Max Gerson in the 1930's as a treatment for his own migraine headaches.

Eventually, he expanded the treatment and found that it worked for degenerative diseases and eventually cancer. The Gerson Therapy takes a natural, holistic, and whole-body approach to healing. Practitioners of this treatment believe that it reactivates the body's natural self-healing ability and comes with no damaging side effects.

Friday, November 29, 2013 by: Mike Bundrant

How Gerson diet therapy works

The Gerson Therapy uses an all-encompassing approach that focuses on treating the causes of disease rather than the symptoms. The approach generally focuses on detoxifying the body of the toxic pollutants and carcinogens that enter our body each day through foods we eat and air we breathe. This is mainly accomplished through diet modification.

Gerson therapy requires following a strict low-salt, low-fat, vegetarian diet and drinking juice from about twenty pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables each day.

The Gerson therapy approach generally consists of:

• Up to thirteen glasses of raw green-leaf juices and carrot/apple juices (prepared hourly) each day.

• Three full vegetarian meals consisting of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. This may include cooked and raw vegetables, salad, and Hippocrates soup.

• Fresh vegetables and fruit available for snacking all day

In addition to following an organic vegetarian diet, participants may be asked to take organic supplements such as:

• Potassium
• Vitamin B-12
• Pancreatic Enzymes
• Lugol's Solution
• Thyroid Hormone

The final step of the Gerson therapy is detoxification of the body through the use of coffee enemas. Patients with cancer may be asked to take up to five coffee enemas per day. According to Charlotte Gerson, this procedure is designed to ease any stress on the liver than can occur as the body tries to purge all of the carcinogens and toxic substances that have entered the body.

Furthermore, these enemas have been proven to increase the body's absorption of Vitamin A, which plays an essential role in the body's immune function and allowing them to better attack and kill precancerous cells.

Survival rates for Gerson patients

Unfortunately, the five-year cancer survival rates for Gerson therapy patients have been greatly under reported in studies and the media. A recent review of melanoma patients found that Gerson therapy is often far more effective than traditional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation.

For example, in patients with localized melanoma, 100 percent survived for five years with the Gerson therapy treatments, compared to to only 79 percent of patients who received more traditional treatments. The survival rates reported for various other stages of cancer remained considerably higher than those reported elsewhere as well.

Additionally, an Austrian study of the Gerson therapy showed that it provided patients with a better quality of life during their treatment than more traditional methods. According to the study, patients reported that they received better pain relief and a lowered instance of hypercalcemia (in patients with bone metastases).

Patients with both premenopausal and premenopausal breast cancer had an improved kidney and liver function and blood counts, and had a lowered instance of recurrences.


Though the media has under reported the Gerson therapy in general, and many scientists have attempted to discredit the therapy's value, there is no denying the scientific evidence. Studies have shown that not only does the Gerson diet therapy improve the quality of life for cancer patients when compared to traditional treatments, it offers them a higher rate of survival as well, and lowers the rate of recurrence in certain forms of the disease.

Gerson therapy has been shown to be effective for the treatment of lupus as well.
To learn more about Gerson therapy, visit Gerson Media.


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Nurse diagnosed with breast and lung cancer shuns chemotherapy

October 23, 2013 by: Antonia

(NaturalNews) Almost two years ago, Sharlene, a nurse and weightlifter in training, noticed a lump under her arm. Because of her profession, she knew that, when the biopsy results came back infused with words like "adenocarcinoma" and "rapid mitosis," her journey was going to be bleak and full of devastation and challenges. Sharlene had a tumor in both breasts as well as in her right lung. "I'm a nurse," she says. "I know chemotherapy doesn't work."

When Sharlene shared the news with her personal trainer, he told her about Gerson Therapy, adding that she didn't just receive a death sentence, but an opportunity. Sharlene couldn't agree more. She adopted Gerson Therapy's whole body, natural healing approach and is now tumor-free.

"I kept doing Gerson Therapy," she says. "One month after that diagnosis, I went to Mayo Clinic... and [test results] showed no tumor in the breast bone... no tumors in the lung... [and] no tumors in the breasts." She explains that the doctor was so shocked that he sent her back to her surgeon for additional assessment. When she told him about the raw juices she was making every day, he urged her to continue, but warned, "It's a very aggressive cancer. You're going to find more."

Now, 21 months later and still doing Gerson Therapy, Sharlene has never found more lumps. "I am so thankful for Gerson Therapy. This has been incredible."

About Gerson Therapy

Gerson Therapy was developed by Dr. Max Gerson in the 1930s, initially to help cure his own migraines. According to the website, it has since evolved and is "a natural treatment that activates the body's extraordinary ability to heal itself through an organic, vegetarian diet" which includes raw juices and natural supplements.

The American Cancer Society recommends consuming 2 1/2 cups of fruits and vegetables every day.

Gerson Therapy is commonly used by cancer patients as a preferred alternative to traditional methods.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
A science enthusiast with a keen interest in health nutrition, Antonia has been intensely researching various dieting routines for several years now, weighing their highs and their lows, to bring readers the most interesting info and news in the field. While she is very excited about a high raw diet, she likes to keep a fair and balanced approach towards non-raw methods of food preparation as well. 

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