
Sunday 15 June 2014

Avoid The Toxins That Age You Faster

Do you look your age, or do you look older? Scientists at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, say that the chemicals and toxins in your house and environment may be aging you faster than necessary.

 | May 30, 2014
Avoid The Toxins That Age You Faster
According to these researchers, these common chemicals you encounter every day may be hurting your life expectancy.
They call these harmful toxins “gerontogens.”
“The rate of physiologic, or molecular, aging differs between individuals in part because of exposure to ‘gerontogens’, i.e., environmental factors that affect aging,” says researcher Norman Sharpless. “We believe just as an understanding of carcinogens has informed cancer biology, so will an understanding of gerontogens benefit the study of aging. By identifying and avoiding gerontogens, we will be able to influence aging and life expectancy at a public health level.”
Two of the most common toxins that should be avoided are cigarette smoke and benzene. Benzene is used to make rubber, plastics, detergents, dye and other industrial materials. Other harmful toxins can include pesticides, food colorings and solvents.