
Monday 16 June 2014

Deadly Beverages That Everybody Seems To Drink

If you wonder why so many people are overweight and suffer diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney problems, scientists in Japan say much of the blame is linked to what we drink. Two studies show what shouldn’t be in your glass.

 | May 30, 2014

Deadly Beverages That Everybody Seems To Drink
If you wonder why so many people are overweight and suffer diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney problems, scientists in Japan say much of the blame is linked to what we drink. Two studies show what shouldn’t be in your glass.
The first study shows that consuming two or more soft drinks like Coke or Pepsi every day is associated with protein in your urine (proteinuria), a sign of kidney malfunction.
The second study demonstrates that the high fructose corn syrup in soft drinks leads the kidneys to reabsorb too much salt. That can contribute to high blood pressure as well as diabetes, obesity and kidney failure.
The healthiest beverage is still water. Or a paleo beverage like tea.
What’s in your glass?