
Thursday, 25 August 2011

Broccoli news, articles and information:

Broccoli news, articles and information:

Sprouts: An ideal emergency preparedness food

3/23/2011 - Given the rapidity with which critical global events are unfolding, preparedness just makes good sense. The question isn't whether or not to be prepared - it's what to be prepared for? Earthquakes, nuclear accidents, tsunamis, power outages and gasoline shortages have been on this week's menu. Each,...

Study: Combining broccoli with broccoli sprouts doubles anti-cancer effect

2/25/2011 - Study after study continues to show that eating broccoli helps to prevent and treat cancer. And a new study out of the University of Illinois (U of I) says that combining broccoli with broccoli sprouts nearly doubles the cruciferous vegetable's anti-cancer effects. "Broccoli, prepared correctly,...

Broccoli extracts prevent stomach disorders

12/2/2010 - Extracts from broccoli and plantain may help boost the stomach's defenses against infection, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Liverpool in collaboration with Scottish and Swedish researchers, and published in the journal Gut. The researchers hope that their findings...

Know where to find your nutrients (Opinion)

11/25/2010 - As a vegan for years, the question of where do you get your protein or your calcium or your whatever always comes up. So, where is it acquired? Read on. PROTEIN Nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, bulgur, barley, etc), meat, chicken and fish substitutes, artichokes, asparagus,...

Enjoy these five Superfoods during your holiday meals

11/18/2010 - A superfood is usually defined as a class of plant based foods known for its very high antioxidant content that provides multiple disease fighting nutrients. Many of you have heard of the great benefits of the goji and acai berry. But did you know that many traditional holiday foods are also considered...

Broccoli nutrient halts growth of cancer tumors

11/12/2010 - A chemical naturally occurring in broccoli may actually block the development of tumors in people with a certain genetic trait, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Institute of Food at Norwich in the United Kingdom. Scientists have long known that a diet high in broccoli and other...

Powerful compound in broccoli, cruciferous vegetables proven to prevent cancer

10/24/2010 - New research out of the University of Illinois (U of I) has proven that sulforaphane, an organosulfur compound found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, is transferred directly from the digestive system into the body through the "good" bacteria that live in the gut. When operating at optimal...

You don't have to hurt as you age! Eat broccoli and avoid arthritis

10/6/2010 - Over 21 million people in the U.S. alone suffer from the most common form of arthritis -- osteoarthritis. Primarily associated with growing older, the condition is marked by the wearing away of cartilage, the cushioning between the bones in the joints. As osteoarthritis gets worse, the cartilage disappears...

This common grocery vegetable cures stomach infections

8/31/2010 - It is hardly breaking news that eating cruciferous vegetables like broccoli helps to improve health. But researchers from the University of Liverpool have discovered new benefits to eating both broccoli and plantains -- two high-fiber foods -- that may help people with Chron's disease and other digestive...

Broccoli and Brussels Sprouts Stop the Spread of Breast and Other Cancers

8/10/2010 - Scientists have discovered that broccoli and Brussels sprouts have the ability to stop the spread of cancer. Eating the vegetables encourages the body to produce a substance known as 13C (indole-3-carbinol) which fights cancer and blocks cancer cells from proliferating. In the study just published...

Natural compound in broccoli and Brussels sprouts halts breast cancer cell growth

7/15/2010 - Previous research has suggested cruciferous vegetables (which include broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale and cabbage) have potent cancer-fighting properties. For example, there's evidence broccoli sprouts can stop the colonization of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), a type of bacteria believed...

Breast cancer breakthrough: broccoli component zaps cells that fuel tumor growth

5/19/2010 - University of Michigan (U-M) Comprehensive Cancer Center scientists say they've found a compound that could help prevent and potentially treat breast cancer. It's not a drug or a new radiation treatment but a natural component of broccoli and broccoli sprouts. And it has the remarkable ability to target...

Find Health with Natural Cancer Fighters

4/24/2010 - The world's most powerful cancer fighting substances are found right under our nose in the form of natural plants, herbs, & spices. Some of the most potent of these include cruciferous veggies (such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, bok choy, collards, & turnip greens among others), and they...

Grow Your Own Superfoods in Your Home Garden This Year

3/19/2010 - When most people think of the term "superfood," they think of exotic fruits or imported vegetables from places with foreign names and distant locales. In reality, many of the foods you likely eat and even grow in your own garden are superfoods. The common definition of a superfood is any food (fruit,...

A Cruciferous Veggie a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

3/2/2010 - Just when you begin feeling good about eating lots of spinach and various lettuce salads, along come a couple of studies that prove cruciferous vegetables have even more health benefits. Cruciferous vegetables include cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, kale, radishes, and turnips....

Broccoli Protects Your Arteries

1/6/2010 - The health benefits of broccoli and related vegetables may come in part from a chemical known as sulforaphane, which appears to activate a specific heart-protecting protein, according to a study conducted by researchers from Imperial College London and published in the journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis...

An antioxidant in broccoli and cauliflower may treat cystic fibrosis and other diseases

12/7/2009 - In addition to the suffering and death they cause, cystic fibrosis (CF), diabetes, heart disease, and neurodegeneration (any disease process that involves the death of brain cells) have something else in common: scientists believe they are inflammation-based disorders. Now comes word that researchers...

The Cervical Cancer Vaccine may Not Work, but Broccoli Does

11/12/2009 - Gardasil, a vaccine designed to prevent cervical cancer in women, has recently been the target of debate about its safety and efficacy. While young girls have been dying and key researchers are saying the vaccine doesn't work, there are dozens of studies using natural compounds in broccoli that DO work...

Australians Create New Super Vegetables with Forty Percent More Antioxidants (Opinion)

9/26/2009 - Victorian scientists have been working to improve produce in more ways than just increasing production and yields. Using a combination of genetic marking and traditional selective seeding, scientists in Australia have managed to map which genes are more likely to produce higher levels of antioxidants...

Defend Against Disease with Broccoli Juice

8/27/2009 - Broccoli is a member of the cauliflower family or a Brassica. It is a diverse super food that is delicious when steamed or can be finely chopped and sprinkled on food for added nutrition. Juicing is a great way to get the most out of this amazing food. By drinking broccoli juice daily, we can prevent...

Daily Dose of Broccoli Halts Ulcers and Cancer

7/8/2009 - Eating just a few ounces of broccoli each day may significantly reduce a person's risk of ulcers and stomach cancer, researchers from Johns Hopkins University have found. In a study published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research, scientists assigned 50 people in Japan to eat either 2.5 ounces...

Broccoli Sprouts Fight Cancer-Causing H. Pylori

4/8/2009 - Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) are a type of bacteria believed to cause the majority of peptic ulcers. Even more importantly, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), there's substantial evidence that strongly links the germs to stomach cancer. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO)...

Broccoli Compound Found to Protect Against Lung Disease

4/1/2009 - A chemical that naturally occurs in broccoli may help protect the lungs against the damage that leads to lung disease, according to a study conducted by researchers from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. The researchers...

Cooking Broccoli Destroys 90+ Percent of Anti-Cancer Compound Sulforaphane

3/20/2009 - Levels of the beneficial, cancer-fighting compound sulforaphane in broccoli are reduced by 90 percent when the vegetable is cooked, according to a study conducted by researchers from TNO Quality of Life in the Netherlands, and published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. "Consumption...

Broccoli Protects Against Asthma, Rhinitis and Lung Disease

3/5/2009 - If you don't already eat broccoli regularly, you could be putting your ability to breathe easily at risk. The reason? Research by University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) scientists concludes sulforaphane, a natural compound found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables (like Brussels sprouts...

Grow It Yourself: Save Money, Help Earth, and Improve Your Quality of Life

2/23/2009 - The Telegraph reported that "26% [of residents in Britain] are growing their own fruit and vegetables" [1]. One-quarter of British populations now choose gardening at home in order to improve their quality of life during difficult times. As a result, this has helped many UK residents to considerably...

Cruciferous Vegetables Proven to Prevent Breast Cancer

1/27/2009 - Research is continually showing the benefits of eating a diet high in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. These veggies have been proven to prevent all sorts of cancer, including breast cancer. The way in which the active compounds in cruciferous vegetables...

How Cruciferous Veggies Like Broccoli Fight Breast Cancer

1/5/2009 - Food in the cruciferous, or cabbage, family of vegetables all contain phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, and fiber that make them healthy food choices. In addition, researchers have long noted an association between a diet rich in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts,...

Dr. Jameth Sheridan Shares the Pitfalls of a Raw Food or Vegan Diet : Part II

12/10/2008 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Renegade Roundtable, which can be found at In this excerpt, Dr. Jameth Sheridan shares candidly on the pitfalls of a raw food or vegan diet. Renegade Roundtable with Dr. Jameth Sheridan. Dr. Sheridan is a naturopath...

Study Shows Link Between Diet and Stress Induced Cancer

11/28/2008 - Will the stress in your life cause you to develop cancer? The answer to this question may depend on what you eat according to a study published in the August, 2008 edition of the International Journal of Oncology. Researchers examined the possible growth promoting effects of the stress-associated...

Half-a-Dozen Healthy Reasons for Eating More of the Green Stuff

11/27/2008 - Broccoli is steadily carving itself a reputation as a real 'super-food'. Far from being a strange pill-full of processed powders that contains extracts of exotic plants from unknown areas of the deep-jungle – broccoli and its relatives in the vegetable family Cruciferae – can be found in regular abundance...

Study Establishes Link Between Diet and Stress Induced Cancer

11/9/2008 - Will the stress in your life cause you to develop cancer? The answer to this question may depend on what you eat according to a study published in the August, 2008 edition of the International Journal of Oncology. Researchers examined the possible growth promoting effects of the stress-associated...

Broccoli Compound Sulforaphane Activates Immune System Defenders in the Body

8/27/2008 - A compound that naturally occurs in broccoli may help prevent the oxidizing damage that causes the immune system to decline with age, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of California at Los Angeles and published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. The...

FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and Other Vegetables

8/22/2008 - The FDA has announced that beginning today, spinach and lettuce sold across the United States may now be secretly irradiated before it reaches grocery store shelves. What's "secret" about it? The FDA previously decided that irradiation warning stickers would not be required on any food items because...

Eating Broccoli Reduces Risk of Heart Attack

8/4/2008 - Eating raw or lightly cooked broccoli helps protect the heart against damage and maintain its healthy functioning, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Connecticut and published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Researchers fed an extract of steamed...

Raw Broccoli, Cabbage Slash Bladder Cancer Risk by 40 Percent; Cooking Destroys Benefits

7/18/2008 - Eating as little as three small servings of raw cruciferous vegetables per month, such as broccoli and cabbage, has been found to decrease the risk of developing bladder cancer by an astonishing 40 percent. This was discovered by researchers from the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo. The study...

Broccoli Juice Proven to Protect Skin Better than Sunscreen

5/15/2008 - An extract made from broccoli sprouts boosts the body's natural ability to defend against the ultraviolet solar rays that cause skin cancer, reveals a study conducted by researchers at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. If a product...

Transform Yourself From the Inside-Out and Look Your Best Naturally

5/11/2008 - At some point in our lives we have all suffered from physical insecurities, thanks to the unwitting comments of the people around us, our faulty habit of comparing ourselves to others, and mainstream media's rigid standards of beauty. Depending on our environment, upbringing, and self-image we have...

A Plan for Living a Long and Healthy Life (Part 2)

5/6/2008 - In part one of "A Plan for Living a Long and Healthy Life" we concluded with the good news that it is never too early or too late to begin living a healthy lifestyle, regaining lost youth and energy and adding many healthier and more enjoyable years to your life. Yes, the good news is that it is...

Broccoli and Tomatoes Fight Prostate Cancer

4/29/2008 - Yesterday I was working in London, and as I waited for the bus I saw a sign that said "One man in Britain dies from Prostate Cancer every hour." As my dad, grandfather and great grandfather have all had Prostate cancer, it is of particular interest to me. Combine these two Super Foods for Super Power I...

Broccoli: A Natural Way to Build Immunity

4/25/2008 - Broccoli is already known for its health benefits in the nutrition world, particularly for its cancer-fighting abilities. It regularly finds its way to the "top ten" lists of healthy foods compiled by many nutritionists and health experts according to Dr. Jonny Bowden in his must-read book The 150 Healthiest...

Indole-3-Carbinol Nutrient in Broccoli Protects the Heart, Balances Cholesterol

4/22/2008 - Researchers have identified a naturally occurring chemical that may account for the cardiovascular health benefits of cruciferous vegetables, according to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition. The cruciferous vegetable family (Brassicaceae) includes many popular food plants such as broccoli,...

Extract of Broccoli Sprouts May Protect Against Bladder Cancer

4/2/2008 - Broccoli is turning into a Super Food. In 1992, Johns Hopkins scientists found a new and highly concentrated source of sulforaphane, a compound they identified in broccoli that helps mobilize the body's natural cancer-fighting resources and reduces risk of developing cancer. It has long been know that...

Finding Happiness the Natural Way

3/6/2008 - In a blue funk. Apathetic. High-strung. Premenstrual woman from hell. Enervated. Grouchy. Spacey. Turning on the waterworks for no real reason. Swinging from repressed fear to rage like an angst-ridden green monster. Do any of these describe you? Before you pop that Prozac into your mouth, ask yourself:...

Boku Super Food: An Astonishing New Premium Superfood Product Reviewed by the Health Ranger

1/30/2008 - Let me say emphasize right from the start that NaturalNews has absolutely no financial ties to the product or company I'm about to introduce to you. I've been paid nothing to review this product, and I don't earn a dime off its sale. Nevertheless, I'm incredibly excited to reveal this organic, nutrient-dense...

Broccoli Better Than Sunscreen at Protecting Skin

11/6/2007 - Woe to those who dislike the taste of broccoli. When health experts compare different beneficial vegetables side by side, this cruciferous vegetable wins hands done. If you would like to prevent colon cancer, broccoli is essential to include in your diet. Eating it regularly can cut your risk of...

Phytonutrients in broccoli and soy found to prevent spread of breast cancer, ovarian cancer

10/24/2007 - Naturally occurring chemicals found in broccoli and soy may prevent the spread of breast cancer, according to a study conducted by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research. "We think these compounds...

Breast Cancer Industry A Scam? Support Education, Not Medication

10/24/2007 - This is the second annual publication of NaturalNews's "Education, Not Medication" program designed to teach women the truth about how to prevent and even cure breast cancer. This disease is 90 percent preventable, mostly using completely free therapies. The breast cancer industry does not want women...

Study shows consuming broccoli and tomatoes together more effective in fighting prostate cancer than eating either alone

1/17/2007 - A recent University of Illinois study found that eating broccoli and tomato daily – both foods that already hold cancer-fighting properties – act as an effective one-two punch to fight prostate cancer in men. "When tomatoes and broccoli are eaten together, we see an additive effect. We think it's...

Education Not Medication -- a women's health program by Mike Adams

10/23/2006 - The breast cancer industry is now run by corporations that profit from women with disease. With nearly all breast cancer nonprofits being subjugated by drug companies, the FDA censoring alternative cancer solutions, and the mainstream media wildly exaggerating the benefits of near-useless cancer drugs...

Nutrients in cruciferous vegetables found to induce death of cancer cells

10/20/2006 - A new study published online in the journal Carcinogenesis has found that anti-cancer compounds found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables may induce cancer cell death. Broccoli has long been lauded as an anti-cancer food, largely for its high levels of cancer-fighting plant chemicals called...

Spinach protects eyes from age-related macular degeneration

9/26/2006 - New studies show spinach and other leafy vegetables like kale and broccoli can help protect your eyes from macular degeneration. The leafy greens are rich in the chemical lutein, and when that is combined with zeaxanthin -- a carotenoid -- in the body, it forms an oily, yellow substance on the...

Cancer breakthrough: Medical nutrient in broccoli found to kill cancer cells

9/18/2006 - New research published in the journal Cancer Research has found that naturally occurring compounds found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts and watercress can selectively kill cancer cells. Researchers from Otago University's Christchurch school of medicine in New Zealand...

Anti-cancer compounds abundant in ancient plant-based war paint

8/14/2006 - A new study published in the Journal of the Science of Agriculture has found that a powerful anticancer compound found in broccoli has been discovered in high concentrations in a plant that was used to make blue war paint for ancient Britons and Celts. The compound, called glucobrassicin, was found...

Herceptin hype: Big Pharma's new "miracle cure" for breast cancer is inferior to free, natural cures

3/13/2006 - The drug industry is happily jumping up and down, shouting about what it considers to be a new, amazing, miracle-class breakthrough drug for breast cancer. The drug is called Herceptin, and the words being used to describe this drug include "amazing" and "unprecedented." It's even been called "a cure"...

The mineral selenium proves itself as powerful anti-cancer medicine

1/4/2006 - One of the most effective naturally occurring weapons against cancer is, like most healthy things, something many of us are not getting enough of. The mineral selenium has been shown in multiple studies to be an effective tool in warding off various types of cancer, including breast, esophageal, stomach,...

Folic acid deficiencies are widespread; here's why nearly everyone needs more folate

12/29/2005 - Pregnant women plagued by cravings for pickles and ice cream must remember to include plenty of folic acid in their diets. Shown to reduce the risk of miscarriage and birth defects, folic acid – found primarily in leafy green vegetables – is an absolute necessity for any woman who is pregnant or is...

The Organic Food Bar packs a nutritional punch in portable form

9/26/2005 - Today I'm excited to be reviewing a fantastic health food snack bar called "The Organic Food Bar." It's made by a company called Organic Food Bar, Inc., and it has a fantastic combination of healing ingredients put together in a tasty, portable format that makes it convenient to get good nutrition into...

Beating cancer -- how to take charge of your cancer cure and outlive the lies of the cancer industry

9/18/2005 - Here's an example of how backwards health care really is in this country: it's actually front-page news that a cancer center is serving anti-cancer foods in its cafeteria. This is taking place at the Miami Cancer Center at Mercy Hospital. And it's apparently a big deal. Wow! Front-page news. Nation-wide...

Broccoli and tomatoes prevent prostate cancer better than leading prescription drugs, research shows

7/17/2004 - Want to know how to beat prostate cancer? Your physician will probably tell you to take prescription drugs. That's the no-brainer answer from a professional who has been all but brainwashed by the pharmaceutical industry. But the real answer is far simpler and a lot less expensive: eat large quantities...

Food combinations offer powerful cancer prevention; better than isolated foods or phytonutrients

7/17/2004 - New research is revealing exciting discoveries about the power of eating a variety of foods in an effort to stay healthy. Researchers found that a combination of broccoli and tomatoes offered a powerful, synergistic protective effect against cancer that wasn't reproduced by just eating either vegetable...

Heal your own cancer with broccoli

1/17/2004 9:27:52 AM - You don't have to know how it works to gain the benefit: just eat broccoli. It's one of the most powerful anti-cancer foods you can find at any grocery store. In fact, broccoli contains such powerful anti-cancer compounds that if drug companies could put the benefits of broccoli in a pill, that...

Now even scientists say broccoli can cure cancer, not just prevent it

1/7/2004 2:05:19 PM - The FDA has long frowned upon anyone claiming that vegetables or superfoods cure cancer. It's been okay to say they "prevent" cancer, but a cure is apparently reserved only for the realm of drugs, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation (none of which actually cure anything, in reality). That's...

Phytochemicals in broccoli and cauliflower fight cancer, says new research

11/16/2003 9:49:04 AM - Broccoli is one of the most powerful anti-cancer foods in the world: it contains phytochemicals so effective that if drug companies could patent them, they'd charge consumers a hundred dollars a pill for the same thing you get from a serving of broccoli. Cauliflower, too, is a powerful cancer fighter....
See all 54 broccoli feature articles.

Learn more: broccoli news and articles