Carl Lowe | Jul 17, 2013
The research at the School of Medicine at The University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio shows that eating walnuts can help protect you against cancer.
“We found the results to be stunning because there were so few tumors in animals consuming the walnuts and these tumors grew much more slowly than in the other animals,” says study senior author Russel Reiter, Ph.D., professor of cellular and structural biology at the Health Science Center. “We were absolutely surprised by how highly effective the walnut diet was in terms of inhibition of human prostate cancer.”
The researchers were also surprised at how few walnuts were necessary to guard against prostate malignancies.
“The walnut portion was not a large percentage of the diet,” Dr. Reiter said. “It was the equivalent to.. eating about 2 ounces, or two handfuls, a day, which is not a lot of walnuts. The data to date suggest that using walnuts on a regular basis in the diet may be beneficial to defer, prevent or delay some types of cancer, including breast and prostate.”