Publication Review By: The Editorial Staff of
Published: 01 Sep 2011
Last Modified: 15 Sep 2011
If you’re like most people, you’re tripped up by some fundamental questions about the connection between the cholesterol you eat and that in your bloodstream. Many people think that all the cholesterol in their blood (and elsewhere in the body) comes from the cholesterol in food they eat, which is called dietary or preformed cholesterol. In fact, most of it is made by our livers.
The body makes more than enough cholesterol to meet its needs—you don’t have to eat any cholesterol in food to stay healthy. Strict vegetarians eat none and do fine without it.
Pay Attention to Fat as well as Dietary Cholesterol
Fat and cholesterol are independent substances. Fat cells contain cholesterol, but no more than other cells do. Thus fatty meat has about as much cholesterol as lean meat does. All meats—beef, pork and poultry, whether lean or fatty—average about 25 milligrams of cholesterol per ounce.Some foods—eggs and most shellfish, for instance—are high in cholesterol but not saturated fat. In contrast, vegetable oils, avocados and nuts are rich in fats (usually healthy unsaturated fats) but have no cholesterol.
The type and amount of fat you eat affect your blood cholesterol levels—much more so than does the cholesterol in food you eat. In particular, saturated fat (found mostly in animal products) and trans fat (in many processed foods) raise blood levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol—though recent research suggests that some types of saturated fat, as in chocolate and coconut oil, do this less than others.
Cholesterol in Food: Is 300 mg the right limit?
The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that healthy people limit cholesterol consumption from food to 300 milligrams a day. For those with heart disease, diabetes, undesirable cholesterol levels or other coronary risk factors, the limit is 200 milligrams of cholesterol from food. The government’s Dietary Guidelines agree.But some researchers believe that these guidelines are too strict and endorse a higher daily limit for cholesterol for healthy people—perhaps 500 milligrams a day.
Many other countries, including Canada, the U.K. and Australia, don’t set any recommended upper limits, citing a lack of evidence that dietary cholesterol has a major impact on blood cholesterol across the population. Moreover, though some large observational studies have found a significant link between cholesterol in food and heart disease, others have not.
While dietary cholesterol raises blood cholesterol levels at least a little in most people, this effect depends on genetics, insulin levels, body weight and other dietary and metabolic factors. It’s estimated that only about 15 to 25 percent of people have a significant response to cholesterol in food. There is no test to identify such “hyper-responders.”
Searching for “Good” Cholesterol
Have you ever looked for “good” cholesterol on a food label? Don’t. All the cholesterol you eat is the same, and is chemically identical to that made by the liver.What’s called “good” cholesterol is HDL (high-density lipoprotein), which is assembled in the liver and circulates in the blood. Lipoproteins are packages of proteins and lipids, which transport fats and cholesterol in the blood. HDL is “good” because it collects excess cholesterol from artery walls and elsewhere in the body and brings it back to the liver for reprocessing or excretion. In contrast, LDL (low-density lipoprotein) carries cholesterol to the cells—and leaves any unused residue of cholesterol in the arterial walls, which is why it’s called “bad.”
Bottom Line: Most people don’t need to worry much about dietary cholesterol, since it will have a small effect on blood cholesterol, at most. It’s far more important to keep saturated and trans fats low and to replace them with foods rich in unsaturated fats and/or fiber, which are beneficial for blood cholesterol. But if you are obese or have diabetes, for instance, you should stick to the AHA guidelines.
What About the Cholesterol in Eggs?
One factor may be that dietary cholesterol, at least when it comes from eggs, can raise HDL (“good”) as well as LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, so the ratio stays the same. And when it does boost LDL, it tends to be the larger LDL particles, which are less risky.
Adapted from an article originally published in The University of California, Berkeley Wellness Letter (September 2011)