By Paula Spencer Scott, senior editor
Yes -- but if you drink too little (fewer than about eight cups a day), urine becomes concentrated, which can cause even more bladder irritation. That's why equally important to managing bladder problems is what you're drinking and eating.
Whether you're plagued by stress incontinence, prostate issues, urge incontinence, or some other form of overactive bladder syndrome (OBS), try eliminating some of the following foods and beverages. Keep a food diary to see if the change makes a difference. All of the following are known to exacerbate bladder problems in some people.
1. Avoid: Oranges, grapefruit, pineapple
Also avoid citrus in juice form (orange juice, grapefruit juice, lemon juice).
Better: Substitute nonacidic whole fruits, such as bananas, apples, pears, and berries.
2. Avoid: Chocolate
3. Avoid: Coffee and black tea -- even decaf
Better: Drink herbal tea, which has no caffeine.
4. Avoid: Hot sauce, chili peppers, wasabi
5. Avoid: Sugar and honey
6. Avoid: Tomato products
7. Avoid: Alcohol
Better: Drink cranberry juice on the rocks (unless you're sensitive to cranberry; if so, you could try herbal tea on the rocks).
8. Avoid: Milk and cheese
Better: Tinker to see which products you tolerate best.
9. Avoid: Energy drinks
You'd think these powerhouse beverages would make you stronger and help you last longer -- but the source of their "energy" is usually caffeine, which bothers the bladder. Read labels carefully.
Better: Get enough exercise and sleep to boost your energy naturally.
10. Avoid: Carbonated drinks
Better: Drink straight water on the rocks or flavored (flat) vitamin waters.