... shows promise as a possible treatment
(NaturalNews) A new study on the herb graviola published in the October 2012 issue of Cancer Letter has cancer researchers buzzing. Graviola, the tropical fruit with the unusual nickname "sour sop," stops cancer tumor cells from growing in pancreatic cancer.
Scientists prove the cancer-healing abilities of graviola in the lab and in living tissue
Oncologists agree that pancreatic cancer is one of the most difficult types of cancer to treat, and that being diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas is as good as a death sentence. The new study, performed by a cancer research team at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, shows that graviola kills pancreatic cancer cells by inhibiting cellular metabolism. This cancer tumor-fighting ability has been confirmed both in test tubes and in live subjects.
Graviola works by inhibiting numerous signaling pathways that manage how pancreatic cancer cells grow, how long they live, and how the cancer tumors spread within the host. By altering these parameters, the rate of new cancer cell growth and spread of the disease slowed significantly.
The team of researchers considers the characteristics possessed by graviola "promising."
Graviola stops breast cancer as well
Nutrition and Cancer confirms the cancer- inhibiting phytochemicals in graviola. The medical journal's June 2011 issue includes a study on graviola and breast cancer. In this study, scientists at Virginia Tech demonstrated that graviola fruit extract (juice) could reduce the growth of cancer on the skin of human breast cancer patients without damaging healthy breast tissue.
Mice who took 200 mg graviola fruit extract per kilogram of food in their diet for five weeks had a significant reduction in protein expression in breast cancer tumors. Overall, graviola extract was able to reduce tumor growth by 32 percent.
Graviola benefits do not stop at cancer
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center has a new page on its website describing the health benefits of graviola. Besides slowing cancer, MSKCC gives clinical evidence that graviola also fights viruses, kills parasites, reduces inflammation, and reverses the glycemic load which leads to diabetes.
These medical studies suggest that graviola extract may be useful to treat herpes simplex virus-1 (Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 1998) and other viral infections.
Graviola is associated with neurotoxicity in one people group
For most people, the graviola, or sour sop fruit, is considered a stand-alone dessert fruit with a flavor described as strawberry-pineapple mixed with coconut or banana cream. It is a popular flavor for juices and ice cream in Central American countries.
However, the fruit has been associated with a neurological disease similar to Parkinson's disease on the Caribbean Island of Guadeloupe, according to several studies, including one published in a 2006 article of the Journal of Neural Transmission.
Memorial- Sloane Kettering Cancer Center.com, "Graviola"
PubMed.gov, Nutrition and Cancer. 2011; 63(5):795-801. "Selective growth inhibition of human breast cancer cells by graviola fruit extract in vitro and in vivo involving downregulation of EGFR expression." Dai and Hogan, et al.
PubMed.gov, Cancer Letters. 2012 Oct 1; 323(1):29-40. "Graviola: a novel promising natural-derived drug that inhibits tumorigenicity and metastasis of pancreatic cancer cells in vitro and in vivo through altering cell metabolism." Torres, et al.
PubMed.gov, Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 1998 May; 61(1):81-3. "Effect of the extract of Annona muricata and Petunia nyctaginiflora on Herpes simplex virus."
Padma P, et al.
Springer.com, "Antinociceptive and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of the Ethanol Extract of Annona muricata L. Leaves in Animal Models." International Journal of Molecular Science. 2010 May 6; 11(5):2067-78. De Sousa OV, et al.
Source: From an email dated 1st March 2014 from The Institute for Natural Healing
Natural Cancer Cure:
A Million Times Stronger Than Chemo
and No Side Effects?
A Million Times Stronger Than Chemo
and No Side Effects?
Dear Reader,
Research demonstrates that powerful substances in graviola—called annonaceous acetogenins—may arrest cancer tumor growth and may even protect your body from developing cancer cells. Study results have been highly promising:
A Million Times Stronger Than Chemo Drugs—with No Harmful Side Effects
The bark of this North American fruit tree is exceedingly more powerful than graviola as an effective cancer treatment, according to results of a $5 million study funded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI). It was in this NCI-funded study that this fruit tree was shown to be a million times more effective than chemo drugs, without toxic effects on healthy cells.
This is in stark contrast to the dismal 2% success rate of chemo, which is widely feared for its debilitating and long-lasting poisonous effects throughout the body.
In one study, an extract of this fruit tree's bark was administered to 130 of Dr. McLaughlin's cancer patients. Their conditions were then monitored for a year and a half. The study included all different types and stages of cellular abnormalities.
The results? CT scans and other tests verified significant reductions in the size of abnormal growths, and significant reductions in antigen levels reflected various well-recognized tumor markers.
Another medical researcher practitioner, Kimberly D. Balas, Ph.D., was equally astonished by the results she saw when she used this extract to treat her patients. "I had people respond [measured by CA markers, substances produced by tumors that indicate the existence and severity of cancer in the body] in as little as 3 weeks ... I have someone that has low WBC and stage IV cancer. Her CA-15-3 markers are down by about 125%!"
Multi-Drug-Resistant Cancer Cells The best news is cancer treatments derived from this North American fruit tree may even be effective against tumors that have previously been resistant to anticancer agents. In fact, it seems to seek out and specially target those resistant cells. "Multi-drug resistant cancer is hard to treat because the cancer cell has developed a mechanism to get around the anticancer agent," said Dr. McLaughlin in an interview for thePurdue News Service. "Tumor cells that survive chemotherapy treatments often recover with increased resistance to the agent used in the original treatment as well as to other related drugs." Where other drugs fail, however, this botanical extract seeks out and destroys those extra-resistant cells from the inside out. |
Why Has This Proven Cure Been Deliberately Kept Secret from the Public?
Practically every week, new alternative health breakthroughs are discovered. Most of these health breakthroughs, such as the North American fruit tree above, are already scientifically proven to heal a wide variety of diseases ... eliminate pain ... slow down or reverse the aging process ... and enhance health and longevity.
Yet, these powerful health alternatives—most of which are inexpensive or free—are unknown to most people because mainstream media rarely reports them. To the contrary, these powerful health solutions are systematically suppressed and even banned.
The reason for this is simple: these inexpensive natural treatments threaten the profits of mainstream medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. Imagine what would happen to the earnings of Big Pharma and the medical industry if people had the information they needed to heal themselves of virtually any disease or health problem? Everyone would be able to optimize his or her own health and well-being ... and no one ever needed medical treatment again—except for emergencies and natural disasters.
Wishing you the best of health,
Danica Collins
Source: From an email dated 1st March 2014 from The Institute for Natural Healing