
Saturday 29 September 2012

Limiting alcohol intake

SINCE ancient times, people have attributed a variety of health ‘benefits’ to moderate consumption of fermented beverages such as wine and beer.

Today, alcohol is being used around the world as part of modern and traditional medical preparations.
It is no secret that excessive alcohol consumption is linked to increased risk of morbidity and mortality, as well as home/work related, and traffic accidents.

Gaziano and Buring (1998) suggest that a higher risk of death at heavy drinking levels is due to increased risk of cancer, liver diseases, cardiomyopathy and stroke.

Heart disease

Many studies have shown that light to moderate alcohol consumption may reduce risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). This could mean one to two drinks per day, but a sharp increase in
CVD is associated with three or more drinks per day. However, Hansel et al (2012) claim that the latest research findings of CVD protection by alcohol consumption may be based partly on misclassification of research data.

Current data are unavailable to directly support a cause-and-effect relationship between alcohol intake and cardiovascular health. Consequently, it seems to be premature to promote wine consumption as a basis for CVD protection.

Wine does seem to raise the good high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels and it also favourably influences thrombotic (blood clotting) factors, especially fibrinogen.

Indeed, Hansen et al (2005) estimate that wine (not other alcoholic beverages) consumption may improve HDL-C by 11% to16% and fasting fibrinogen by 8% to15%. Additionally, it may exert beneficial effects on the heart by decreasing platelet aggregability.

But studies have shown adverse effects too, particularly at higher doses. Blood pressure can be raised leading to hypertension, and alcohol damages the myocardium leading to arrhythmias (irregular heartbeat) and myocardiopathy (heart muscle disorders).

The so-called French Paradox has led many to believe that wine is the only protective alcoholic beverage for CVD, or that it is better than other alcoholic beverages.

Organic red wine may contain resveratrol and it possesses antioxidants or anticoagulant effects.

Besides these phytonutrients in minute amounts, ecological studies have shown other ‘benefits’ to be similar across other alcoholic beverages. This means that the so-called health benefits of small quantity of alcohol could come from beer, whisky, brandy, rice wine, and so forth.

In general, maximal benefits and safety for Asian men is likely to be less than one drink per day. The American Heart Association limits alcohol intake to no more than two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women.

Liver disorders

Through the fermentation process, sugar is converted by yeast into alcohol. When alcohol is consumed, it is converted by liver enzymes back into sugar since our body treats alcohol as a poison.

The liver may sustain accumulated damage during this conversion process through chronic consumption as evidenced by elevated liver enzymes and cirrhosis, which is a major prerequisite for hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer).

Besides excessively sweet fruits, alcohol also strongly promotes fatty liver. Lipid (fat) accumulation, impaired regulation of immunity, and impaired antiviral and autoimmune responses are considered to be the main mechanisms of alcoholic liver injury.

Cigarette smoking and chronic hepatitis B viral infection seem to be independently linked to increased risk of death from liver cancer since they do not seem to interact synergistically to worsen liver conditions.

Brain intoxication

According to Blanco and Guerri (2007), the brain is one of the major target organs of alcohol actions, and its chronic and acute intoxication can result in major alterations in our brain structure and function, and to neurodegeneration (gradual death of brain neurons).

Alcohol-related cancers

The International Agency for Research for Cancer classifies alcohol consumption as carcinogenic for humans.

The European Code Against Cancer recommends keeping daily alcohol consumption within two drinks for man and one drink for women.

According to ECAC, any level of alcohol consumption increases the risk of developing an alcohol-related cancer and there seems to be no minimal risk level.

The metabolism of alcohol leads to the generation of acetaldehyde (AA) and free radicals. AA is likely to be responsible for alcohol-linked initiation and promotion of cancer. Unknown to many people, AA can also be produced by our oral and faecal bacteria. Smoking, which changes the oral bacterial flora, and poor oral hygiene also increase AA levels. Besides, alcohol raises estrogen (female hormone) levels responsible in part for breast and prostate cancers.

Complementary medicine recommends that drinkers have their liver enzymes and tumour markers tested once a year. Only a licensed therapist should be consulted for adjunct treatment for elevated liver enzymes and for preventive measures against alcoholic damage