After all, most multivitamins provide 100% of the USDA’s recommended Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) per day for vitamin C—75 to 90 milligrams (mg).
So we’re all set, right?
Well, a new analysis from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore shows that getting even more than the DRI each day might go a long way in terms of reducing blood pressure or maintaining healthy blood pressure.
But how much is enough?
Scouring 45 years of medical literature, lead investigator Stephen Juraschek, a Hopkins MD-PhD student in epidemiology, and his colleagues looked at 29 clinical trials comparing blood pressure measurements among participants taking vitamin C supplements with those taking placebos. The range of supplementation taken was 60 mg per day to 4,000 mg per day—the median amount was 500 mg per day—so most subjects were taking far more than the USDA’s recommended amount. Subjects took the supplements for, on average, eight weeks. Some had high blood pressure and some didn’t.
Results: Participants with normal blood pressure who took vitamin C had 3.8 points lower systolic blood pressure (the top number of the reading), on average, than the placebo group and 1.5 points lower diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number of the reading), on average…and those with high blood pressure who took vitamin C had 4.9 points lower systolic, on average, and 1.7 points lower diastolic, on average.
These reductions may not be as significant as the results you might get from blood pressure medications, but if your blood pressure is only slightly high, the vitamin might help keep your pressure in a healthy range or help you take less or no medication.
Juraschek told me that the dips in blood pressure are thought to result from vitamin C’s action as a diuretic—it prompts the kidneys to excrete more salt and water from the body, which can relax blood vessels.
Again, this research was a meta-analysis of many studies, and each study was conducted slightly differently, so Juraschek can’t tell us exactly how much vitamin C is the ideal amount to take.
But since the people in the study were taking more than the USDA’s recommended amount of vitamin C and their blood pressure was lowered, then should we all be taking more than 75 mg to 90 mg per day?
There’s mixed advice from experts on the topic.
Juraschek takes a very cautious approach, saying that more research is needed before people increase how much vitamin C they take. He warned that doses larger than the USDA’s recommendation could lead to diarrhea or kidney stones in some people, such as those prone to those problems.
But we’re talking about vitamin C here! A vitamin that’s good for you that is naturally in many healthy foods. Personally, I’m not sure that so much caution is necessary, given that vitamin C is, generally speaking, quite benign.
Knowing that excess vitamin C is excreted in urine, I wondered how dangerous it could really be for most people, so I also talked to Daily Health News contributing editor Andrew Rubman, ND, medical director of the Southbury Clinic for Traditional Medicines in Southbury, Connecticut.
Dr. Rubman said that people who are prone to diarrhea or kidney stones might have problems consuming extra vitamin C, so those people, in particular, may want to be cautious. “But that’s not most of us,” he said. “Chances are that most people—especially those who are prehypertensive (blood pressure between 120/80 and 139/89) or hypertensive (blood pressure of 140/90 or higher)—would benefit from taking more than 75 mg to 90 mg per day.”
If you’re interested in taking more vitamin C than you already do as a way of controlling blood pressure, discuss it with your doctor.
Sources: Stephen Juraschek, an MD-PhD student in the department of epidemiology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Andrew Rubman, ND, medical director, Southbury Clinic for Traditional Medicines, Southbury, Connecticut. The study was published in the April issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
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Publication Daily Health News
Original publication date July 2, 2012