
Friday 6 July 2012

Dr Oz 5 Best Cures From Around The World

(No article date)

DR OZ Ultimate Countdown: Dr Oz 5 Best Cures From Around The World – Dr. Oz explores the top natural remedies from the far reaches of the globe with Dan Buettner author of The Blue Zones Today. These cures have stood the test of time and have been used for centuries. Dr. Oz explains their potent properties, which range from reducing fever and boosting immunity to fighting cancer and helping with diabetes management.

Dr Oz Bitter Melon Cures From Around The World

Dr Oz Cure #5 Bitter Melon has been used for centuries in the country of Japan – Bitter melon contains a compound called Charantin, it lowers blood sugars, it helps for diabetes. Bitter Melon is exactly what the name says, bitter. Dan Buettner says to slice it thin, fry it up with some tofu and some nice herbs and you have a wonderful stirfry.

Bitter melon is increasingly used in mainland Japan. It is a significant component of Okinawan cuisine, and is credited with Okinawan life expectancies being higher than already long Japanese ones. Red and sweet bitter melon pith is a popular ingredient in some southeast Asian salads. The flesh is crunchy and watery in texture, similar to cucumber, chayote or green bell pepper. The skin is tender and edible. The skin of Bitter Melon is tender and edible. The fruit is most often eaten green. Although it can also be eaten when it has started to ripen and turn yellowish, it becomes more bitter as it ripens.

Dr Oz Noni Berry Cures From Around The World

Dr Oz Cure #4 Noni Berry – Noni Berry from Polynesia – Noni Berry lowers inflammation, it’s really good for your immune system and can also be good for skin ailments, and helps make a delicious Martini too says Dan. You can get this as a juice or a supplement. Noni fruit contains a number of phytochemicals, including lignans, oligo- and polysaccharides, flavonoids, iridoids, fatty acids, scopoletin, catechin, beta-sitosterol, damnacanthal, and alkaloids. Noni fruit powder is high in carbohydrates and dietary fiber. According to the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa, a 100 g sample of the powder contains 71% carbohydrate and 36% fiber. The sample also contained 5.2% protein and 1.2% fat.

Dr Oz Cordyceps Cures From Around The World

Dr Oz Cure #3 Cordyceps – Dr Oz says he has heard a lot about Cordyceps, Dan says it comes from Tibet China and Cordyceps is the most valuable Asian medicine known. Cordyceps is a fungus, it invades catapillars. This fungus has been know to fight breast cancer, to fight different types of skin cancers, and Olympic Athletes have used it as performance enhancers. It obviously tastes terrible but you can buy Cordyceps pills. Cordycepin a compound isolated from the “Caterpillar fungus”. Some work has been published in which Cordyceps sinensis has been used to protect the bone marrow and digestive systems of mice from whole body irradiation. An experiment noted Cordyceps sinensis may protect the liver from damage. An experiment with mice noted the mushroom may have an anti-depressant effect. Researchers have noted that Cordyceps has a hypoglycemic effect and may be beneficial for people with insulin resistance.

Dr Oz Elderberry Cures From Around The World

Dr Oz Cure #2 Elder Berry – Elderberry originates from Austria – Elderberry is a traditional cure that has been around for hundreds of years. Elder Berry has a powerful Immune Booster that has been show to be effective for colds, and flu’s. If you get sniffles or a sore throat, instead of going to the pharmacy you might try the Elder Berry instead.

(I have personally taken Elderberry this past fall for what I believe was the Swine Flu. Now I am not 100% sure because I did not go to the doctor. I had severe head pain, body pain all over, fever, chills, and it was totally awful. I sent my husband to the health food store for Elder Berry because I had seen it on a previous show of Dr Oz and saying how great the stuff was. It worked! I took it for 3 days and I think everyone I knew was sick of me talking about Elderberry.)

Dr Oz Durian Cures From Around The World

Dr Oz Cure #1 Durian – Durian comes from Malaysia, Dan Buettner says Durian is one of the most bizarre fruits ever seen. They actually call this the stinky feet fruit from South East Asia. Durian stinks but actually tastes quite delicious, tastes like custard. Durian contains a powerful compound called L-tryptophan and has been shown to lower fevers. Durian can be found in specialty grocery stores.
