3 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Chinese Traditional Medicines
Using a relatively new version of a type of DNA sequencing called “High Throughput Sequencing” (HTS), researchers were able to identify the animal and plant contents of 15 samples of Traditional Chinese Medicine products that were confiscated by the Wildlife trade section of the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities in Australia. The Traditional Chinese Medicines were all seized by Australian Customs and Border Protection Service at airports and seaports across Australia. The samples seized and tested were in the form of powders, tablets, capsules, flakes and herbal teas.
One of the goals of the researchers’ DNA sequencing study was to determine the efficacy of using HTS in rapid and affordable screening of sample contents in cases involving illegal imports, food fraud, medicine fraud and forensics.
What the researchers found was that some of the Traditional Chinese Medicine samples tested contained potentially toxic plant ingredients, allergens and traces of endangered animals.
According to a statement by Dr. Michael Bunce, research leader of the study and Murdoch University Australian Research Council Future Fellow, "TCMs have a long cultural history, but today consumers need to be aware of the legal and health safety issues before adopting them as a treatment option.”
A summary of the three findings is as follows:
Plant findings
Four samples of the confiscated Traditional Chinese Medicines contained DNA sequences that indicate the presence of herbs possessing Ephedra and Asarum.
Ephedra is classed as a poisonous herb and therefore Ephedra-containing products have been banned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Medicines that contain Ephedra should only be prescribed by experienced physicians as the therapeutic dose range is very narrow due to its high level of toxicity.
Some Asarum herb species contain Aristolochic acid—a known nephrotoxin, hepatotoxin, and carcinogen that has been listed as the key component of some weight loss products.
Among the potentially poisonous plants, the researchers also discovered that some samples contained the protected plant species Panax ginseng—one of many Asian plants at risk of extinction due to over-collecting for medicinal and homeopathic use.
Allergen findings
One of the dangers of consuming some Traditional Chinese Medicines is the potential of developing an adverse allergic reaction to some substances within herbal remedies—such as nuts—which can cause anaphylaxis in those with severe allergy to some food products.
In the study, the researchers detected DNA from the Anacardiaceae (the cashew or sumac family) in two of the Traditional Chinese Medicines—both of which possess proteins that are known allergens. Furthermore, soybean was detected in four of the medicines and has been linked to at least 16 potential protein allergens with the potential to cause adverse reactions ranging from mild rashes to systemic anaphylaxis.
The researchers, however, do note that their results were unable to determine whether the detected DNA is derived directly from the nut or bean, or originated from plant tissue.
Animal Findings
A total of eight animal genera were identified from 539 DNA sequences obtained from four Traditional Chinese Medicine samples, two of which included the Saiga Antelope and the Asiatic black bear—both protected species of wildlife. Their findings indicate that in spite of protection laws, these and other species are still being illegally hunted for the Traditional Chinese Medicine market.
Furthermore, other animal species detected included the water buffalo, the Asiatic toad, the domestic cow and goat. It is believed that the goat detected was used as a type of cheap filler rather than for its medicinal properties.
The use of animal species other than those protected by law presents multiple problems for the consumer who may have religious or cultural strictures that prohibit the consumption of some meats. In addition, there is also the risk of becoming exposed to zoonotic pathogens such as prions in mad cow and other lethal diseases.
"A product labeled as 100% Saiga antelope contained considerable quantities of goat and sheep DNA," says Dr. Bunce. "Another product, Mongnan Tianbao pills, contained deer and cow DNA, the latter of which may violate some religious or cultural strictures."
Aside from the contents of the Traditional Chinese Medicines tested, another concern is the lack of or deliberate misrepresentation on the labeling.
Because TCMs and other alternative medicine remedies are not regulated anywhere near to the extent medications in the U.S. are, in reality there is no way to really know exactly what is in the bottle that you ordered over the internet or bought at a health food store. And, until regulation is in place and technology such as the type used in the study is used to ensure quality control, taking many Traditional Chinese Medicines is a game of Russian Roulette.
The authors of the paper state that, “With regard to Traditional Chinese Medicines and complementary medicines as a whole, controls need to be implemented to ensure consumer safety and to minimize impacts on protected biota. It is also important that consumers are made fully aware of legal and health safety concerns that surround TCMs before adopting them as a treatment option.”
Image Source: Courtesy of MorgueFile
Reference: “Deep Sequencing of Plant and Animal DNA Contained within Traditional Chinese Medicines Reveals Legality Issues and Health Safety Concerns” PLoS Genetics 8(4) 2012; Coghlan ML, Haile J, Houston J, Murray DC, White NE, et al.