
Sunday 26 May 2013

What Is Cancer? A Shocking Truth ... (Video)

 0:15 Cancer is natural

 1:07 Cells mutate to adapt to changing environments

 1:20 Cancer cells are groups of cells mutating in an unnatural environment:  Our blood that has gone too toxic for normal cells to live

 1:48  Unfortunately doctors tell us that the solution to cancer treatment is chemotherapy or nuking the cancer cells with radiation. But what they don't tell us is why the cancer cells mutated in the first place. Or unless the environment is changed, more cells will mutate sooner or later, which is why so many cancer patients being treated with chemotherapy and the whole thing relapses again. From the cells perspective, they either mutate or they die. Mutation of cells is natural. Cancer is the evolution of a group of cells who thrive to survive in a very toxic environment. Try to understand that very clearly.

 3:06  Try to kill those cells without changing the environment is like trying to kill the flies without taking the garbage out. To take action to immediately rapidly improve the environment, here are 3 simple solutions:

 3:28  1. Breath DEEP - the very first stimuli that cause cells to mutate and become cancerous is lack of oxygen. Cancer cells mutate to adapt to low oxygen environment. The less oxygen there is, the better they thrive, is the evolution of normal cells to survive in a toxic state will low oxygen levels. The solution - breath DEEP. Here is s simple exercise to increase the level of oxygen in your blood - listen to

 4:08 - walk 5 minutes and breath in this way - 4 counts in, hold for 4 counts and breath slowly out on 4 counts. Breath in from my nose and out my mouth. Breath into your abdomen not your chest - that's the correct way to breath.

 5:05  2. Stop eating acids - the second stimuli that cause cells to mutate into cancer cells is an acidic environment. It is their response to survive in an acid world. Mutated cells die in an alkaline environment and thrive in an acidic one. To make your body more alkaline, eat more alkaline foods. Vege juicing and vege smoothies are also very effective. Avoid sugar, coca cola, pepsi and all kind of pop, soda, coffee, meat products, milk, cigarettes and alcohol. Eat more of raw green leafy vegetables, fruits, alkaline water, and coconut water. Drink green smoothies every morning if you want to see a quick change, and nothing else until lunch.

 6:33 Finally, 3. Mind your body. Stress weakens the immune system. Stress is the number one killer because for most diseases, it increases acid and generally affects everything in the body. It is very important to maintain a healthy happy mindset. How do you do that? Meditate. Watch funny movies. Avoid horrible things going on in your life. Read inspirational books, get a pet, make some friends and invest on the relationship. Let go of old grievances and past grudges. And finally, share this message with as many people as you can.

 7:27  Help people wake up from this nightmare of pharmaceutical propaganda. Avoiding cancer and healing from it is so simple it is almost ridiculous. Think in the right way. Change the water when the fish is sick. Nuking the bowl is not the solution. Go make the world a little bit better today.