May is Lyme Disease Awareness month; and since it’s also tick season (ticks are most prevalent in spring and summer), now is a good time to discuss Lyme disease causes, complications and treatments.
The condition strikes between 20,000 and 30,000 people each year, mostly in the northeast United States, as well as in Minnesota and Wisconsin. If detected early, the infection can be treated with a heavy round of antibiotics. However, delayed diagnosis and treatment can lead to a chronic, debilitating condition that can persist for years.
Causes And Consequences
The culprit in Lyme disease is a specific type of bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi, carried by infected deer ticks. Lyme disease in its early stages is most often recognizable by a telltale bull’s-eye rash at the site of the tick bite. The condition comes with a laundry list of difficult and often debilitating symptoms, such as severe headaches, flu symptoms, fatigue, joint pain, heart palpitations, dizziness, paralysis of facial muscles and many others. Unfortunately, the rash can sometimes be concealed — on top of the head, for example — or, in many cases, it may not appear at all. In these instances, diagnosis is often delayed or missed completely until much later when the infection is chronic.
If you find a tick on you, take a deep breath and don’t rush the removal process. Twisting is no longer recommended. Follow the instructions here for proper tick removal. Many county health departments will test your tick for the Lyme bacteria. However, even if the tick tests negative, they are often carriers of other organisms that can cause “co-infections,” so taking a course of antibiotics is still a good option.
Many Lyme cases are misdiagnosed because the infection can be difficult to test for. That’s why it is so important to be vigilant about full-body tick checks after spending any time in tick habitats, in order to catch the potential infection early on. Some experts assert that the tick needs to bite for 24 to 48 hours in order to transmit the infection, so thoroughly checking yourself after every nature outing is still the best way to prevent chronic Lyme disease. Tucking pants into socks and wearing natural insect repellant are also wise preventive measures.
As noted, early antibiotics can be very effective in preventing the disease from taking hold. However, the Lyme bacterium can hide inside cells, making treatment difficult. This is further complicated by the shortcomings of diagnostic tests, which tend to be more accurate three weeks or more after infection. False negatives are also common even in late-stage infections, again delaying or confusing detection.
When treatment is delayed, for whatever reason, Lyme disease can evolve into its chronic form. This generally leads to a number of inflammatory and degenerative processes throughout the body, particularly in the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Furthermore, the bacteria can develop antibiotic resistance and even hide in the brain, where the blood/brain barrier blocks out powerful treatments.
Biofilm Connection
It has also been suggested that Lyme bacteria hide within a matrix of biofilm armor, further resisting immunity and antibacterial treatments. Over time, Lyme disease can significantly impair the immune system, making people vulnerable to a number of co-infections. Herpes, chronic strep, mold, candida and other fungi, and other opportunistic pathogens can take up permanent residence. A tiny tick bite becomes a life-altering event, and not for the better.
For all these reasons, the treatment of Lyme disease requires a holistic approach. Yes, we can try to treat the bacteria with antibiotics, but we can’t stop there. Other issues like impaired immunity, inflammation, neurological damage, heavy metal body burden and co-infections must also be addressed, gently and thoroughly.
The Big Picture
The list of symptoms related to Lyme disease can fill a page, which lends credence to the belief that there’s a lot more going on than infection from a single type of bacteria. With so many vague symptoms, it can be difficult to determine when, or if, the disease has actually been cured. While the original bacterium might be eradicated, other issues may persist. This broad range of symptoms and possible co-factors requires a broad-spectrum response.
Detoxification And Immunity
A key step in any comprehensive Lyme protocol is gentle detoxification over a period of a few months. Heavy metals, environmental toxins, mold and other toxic accumulations can aggravate chronic inflammation and cause inappropriate or suppressed immune responses. A gentle detox program can strengthen immunity against the Lyme bacterium and other possible co-infections. In my practice, I use modified citrus pectin (MCP) or a blend of MCP and alginates from kelp. These two ingredients are highly effective detoxifiers that remove heavy metals and toxins, while helping to train the immune system and reduce inflammation.
Another way to train the immune response is with medicinal mushrooms. Though often touted as immune boosters, they could be more accurately described as immune optimizers. By helping the immune system to better identify harmful invaders and to ignore healthy cells and tissues, a high-quality medicinal mushroom formula can help focus the immune system to function more effectively against infections.
Inflammation And Infection
There are also a number of botanicals that offer important support against Lyme disease. Garlic and its primary active ingredient, allicin, are top on the list. I also recommend curcumin, thyme, oregano, astragalus, honokiol, boswellia, beta glucans, capsaicin and other botanical agents that help fight harmful pathogens and bacteria, control chronic inflammation and support numerous areas of health. Honokiol, an extract of magnolia, is particularly recommended, as it crosses the blood/brain barrier to offer powerful neural protection, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory support, gentle relaxation and strong antioxidant activity, among other critical benefits.
Inflammation can get out of hand during a chronic infection or an overactive immune response, leading to degenerative symptoms such as debilitating joint pain, fatigue and more. In addition to detoxifying, MCP reduces inflammation by binding to the inflammatory protein galectin-3. I also recommend a Tibetan Herbal Formula that has more than 30 years’ of published clinical studies behind it. The 19 herbs and botanicals in this formula work together to fight bacterial infections, control inflammation and support healthy circulation. Diet is also a critical factor in reducing inflammation. Focus on eating low-glycemic-index foods (low-sugar and low-starch foods), such as high-fiber and green leafy vegetables, high-quality protein, raw nuts and seeds, sprouted whole grains and beans. These foods will cool inflammation in the body and promote immunity and overall health.
As an integrative physician, I’ve also had success with nutritional therapies, such as phosphatidylcholine and glutathione treatments, against Lyme disease. Phosphatidylcholine helps remove toxins from the nervous system, while glutathione flushes them from the body. Other complementary treatments such as acupuncture, heat therapies, body work and IV therapies can help reduce inflammation, target bacteria, support neurological health, increase vital energy and aid in restoring balance to the system as a whole.
If you have concerns about Lyme disease, I encourage you seek out an integrative health provider experienced in this area of treatment. You can also visit my clinic, Amitabha Medical Clinic and Healing Center, online at to learn more about integrative treatments or schedule a patient consultation with a practitioner. Lyme disease is a complicated condition, but that doesn’t mean we are powerless against it. By integrating conventional treatments like antibiotics (especially in the early stages) with naturopathic approaches to modulate immunity, remove toxins and fight inflammation, we can control this debilitating condition, address potential complications and restore health and vitality over time.