
Friday, 31 May 2013

Thermography: The Breast Test Doctors Fight About

HealthyWoman from Bottom Line

Appeared originally as “The Breast Test Doctors Fight About"

January 4, 2012

279.jpgUtter the word thermography in a roomful of breast specialists and you’re likely to set sparks flying. Some doctors say that this imaging technique can detect breast cancer sooner and more safely than mammography—but others dismiss the test as unproven and even potentially dangerous because it sometimes is misused.

The FDA, for its part, approved thermography nearly three decades ago as an adjunctive tool to screen for breast cancer. But recently, it warned women against using thermography as a substitute for mammography, saying it was “unaware of any valid scientific evidence showing that thermography, when used alone, is effective in screening for breast cancer.”

I contacted integrative cancer therapy expert Nooshin K. Darvish, ND, a former Bastyr University faculty member and medical director of Holistique Medical Center in Bellevue, Washington, to discuss this controversial issue. She explained that thermography uses an infrared camera to detect variations in body heat. It is based on the idea that diseased tissues—including infected, inflamed, precancerous and cancerous areas—produce increases in metabolic activity, blood vessel formation and blood flow that, in turn, increase temperature. Thus, these areas appear as “hot spots” on infrared images. Proponents say that the technique’s benefits include...

Early detection. Thermography can spot areas of abnormal heat before they show up on conventional tests. “Whereas mammography, ultrasound, CT and MRI are used to identify cancer after the tumor has formed, thermography can identify the first thermal and chemical changes that may lead to cancer prior to the existence of a tumor,” said Dr. Darvish. This may provide opportunities for early intervention to reverse the abnormality.

Effectiveness. In a small study published in The American Journal of Surgery, thermography accurately identified 58 out of 60 breast malignancies (as confirmed by biopsy) among 92 patients—an accuracy rate of 97%. Comparison: According to the National Cancer Institute, screening mammograms miss up to 20% of breast cancers that are present at the time of screening. Inaccurate results occur more often among younger women and those with dense breasts.

Safety. Unlike mammography, which uses X-rays, an infrared thermography camera emits no harmful radiation.

Comfort. Thermography is noninvasive and does not require painful breast compression. However, you do have to spend time in a cold room.


All this sounds encouraging. So why would this test bring doctors nearly to blows? Several reasons...
  • Since the technology was first FDA-approved in 1982, there have been advances in infrared camera quality, computer technology and standards for training thermographers, Dr. Darvish said. However, while some small studies (such as the one cited above) reflect these improvements, there is an admitted shortage of recent large-scale studies on thermography.
  • Many European doctors are clinically trained to use, and do use, thermography as an adjunct to mammograms, Dr. Darvish said. But, in the US, medical doctors generally are not trained in or experienced with thermography and often dismiss its value.
  • Some conventional doctors complain that thermography has too high a rate of false-positive results. Thermography proponents argue that many supposed false positives actually indicate precancerous conditions that won’t show up on mammograms for years and should be “watched.” What’s more, mammography also is prone to false positives—a study in Annals of Internal Medicine concluded that 61% of women who get annual mammograms starting at age 40 are recalled for additional testing due to false-positive results by the time they reach age 50.
  • Some thermography clinics promote the test as a substitute for mammography. This potentially dangerous misrepresentation leaves some doctors leery of thermography as a whole... and has prompted the FDA to issue warnings to clinics that violate its regulation classifying thermography as an adjunct rather than an alternative to mammography. Most thermographers, however, agree with the FDA that the technique is best used in addition to conventional tests. Reasons: While thermography can identify general areas of abnormality, it cannot pinpoint an exact area of suspicion the way mammography and ultrasound can... “cold” tumors (ones with low metabolic activity) are difficult to identify on thermal images... and no screening test can actually diagnose breast cancer—for that, a biopsy is needed.



According to Dr. Darvish, all women can benefit from thermography. The test is thought to be particularly useful for those who...

Are premenopausal. Younger women generally have denser breasts, so mammograms are less accurate in detecting premenopausal breast cancers—yet these cancers are potentially the deadliest because they tend to grow fastest, Dr. Darvish said. She recommended that women get breast thermograms every two years from age 19 to 30 and yearly thereafter.

Have a family history of breast cancer and/or carry the BRCA gene. Thermography provides an extra layer of precaution for such high-risk women. Dr. Darvish has several patients who’ve had negative mammograms but whose thermograms found abnormalities that turned out to be cancer.

Have breast traits that make mammography less accurate. Mammograms are likelier to miss masses in breasts that are large, dense, fibrocystic or have implants.

Use hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills. These medications may increase breast cancer risk. Thermography helps monitor the safety of hormone use, Dr. Darvish said.

Are undergoing breast cancer treatment. A patient’s response to therapy can be safely assessed with thermography.

A breast thermogram costs about $280, which most insurance policies do not cover. For the most accurate test results: Use a physician-supervised facility whose images are read by a doctor certified by the International Academy of Clinical Thermology ( or the American Academy of Thermology ( Testing procedure: You remove your shirt and bra and sit in a cool room for about 15 minutes while your body adjusts to the ambient temperature. Then you hold your arms in varying positions while pictures of your breasts are taken from different angles, which takes five to 10 minutes. Images are sent to the interpreting doctor. If suspicious areas are identified, a follow-up appointment is made to discuss the best course of action.

Bottom line: If you decide in favor of breast thermography, remember that it is best used as a complementary screening tool along with mammography. According to Dr. Darvish, sensitivity for early detection of breast cancer increases to approximately 95% when thermography and mammography are used together.

Source:Nooshin K. Darvish, ND, is medical director and founder of Holistique Medical Center in Bellevue, Washington. She is a former faculty member of Bastyr University, has completed a fellowship in integrative cancer therapies and is the doctor-on-call for the internationally broadcast radio program The Dr. Pat Show. Dr. Darvish also is vice president of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies—Specialty Committee of Natural Therapy and is in the process of publishing new research on clinical studies involving thermography.

Advances in Breast Cancer Treatment

Appeared in the print version as “Good News for Women with Breast Cancer"

April 1, 2013

3971.jpgFive recent advances are dramatically changing treatment approaches…

Women who have breast cancer are now living longer than they did only five years ago—and not simply due to improved mammography techniques.

Reason: New scientific evidence is changing the way physicians can treat the disease—making these treatments much more selective and effective. Key findings breast cancer patients need to know about…
  • New thinking on double mastectomy. Many women with breast cancer opt to surgically remove the breast with the malignancy and the healthy breast. Their decision to remove both breasts is driven by the fear that a new breast cancer will develop in the healthy breast. But new research suggests that double mastectomy for these women may be overused.

    New scientific evidence: Researchers who followed up with 1,525 early-stage breast cancer patients four years after they had received mastectomy, double mastectomy or lumpectomy (a breast-conserving procedure that removes only the malignancy and surrounding tissue) found that women who had both breasts removed would have had a very low risk of developing cancer in the healthy breast.

    Who should consider having a double mastectomy? According to the Society of Surgical Oncology, it may be warranted for a woman who is at increased risk for breast cancer because she has two or more immediate family members (a mother, sister or daughter) with breast or ovarian cancer…or has tested positive for mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene. These criteria apply to women who have early-stage breast cancer as well as those who haven’t developed the disease.

    Self-defense: If you don’t have a family history or genetic predisposition to develop breast cancer, carefully review your reasons for considering a double mastectomy.
  • Better results with tamoxifen. Doctors have long advised certain breast cancer patients to use an estrogen-blocking drug (tamoxifen) for about five years to stave off future breast malignancies.

    New scientific evidence: For 15 years, researchers followed 6,846 breast cancer patients who took tamoxifen for an additional five years after five years of initial use while another group stopped the drug at five years. Result: Those who used the drug for 10 years had a significantly reduced risk for breast cancer recurrence and death. The benefits of longer-term tamoxifen use apply primarily to premenopausal women. That’s because postmenopausal women have the option of taking another class of drugs called aromatase inhibitors, including letrozole (Femara), which are slightly more effective than tamoxifen at preventing future breast cancers but do not, for unknown reasons, offer the same benefit to premenopausal women. Research has not yet determined whether postmenopausal women would benefit from taking letrozole for 10 years rather than the standard five-year recommendation.

    Self-defense: If you’re a premenopausal woman with breast cancer (especially if the tumor was large and/or you had lymph nodes that tested positive for cancer), ask your doctor about the risks and benefits of taking tamoxifen for more than the standard five years. Using the drug increases risk for endometrial cancer and pulmonary embolism.
  • Less invasive treatment may improve survival for early-stage breast cancer. Women with early-stage breast cancer perceive mastectomy to be more effective at eliminating their future risk for breast cancer, but research shows that this is probably not true.

    New scientific evidence: In an analysis of more than 112,000 women with stage I or stage II breast cancer who were tracked for an average of 9.2 years, those who received lumpectomy plus radiation had odds of survival that were as good as or better than those who underwent mastectomy.

    Self-defense: If you are diagnosed with stage I or stage II breast cancer, ask your doctor about lumpectomy plus radiation.
  • More women could benefit from reconstruction. With breast reconstruction, a woman who has received a mastectomy (or, in some cases, a lumpectomy) can have her breast shape rebuilt with an implant and/or tissue from another part of her body (typically the -abdomen, back or buttocks). When a patient opts for reconstruction, it is ideally performed with the initial breast cancer surgery for the best cosmetic result.

    Breast reconstruction does not restore the breast’s natural sensation or replace the nipple. However, a new “nipple-sparing” mastectomy, a technically difficult procedure in which the surgeon preserves the nipple and areola (the brownish or pink-colored tissue surrounding the nipple), is gaining popularity with women whose malignancy does not interfere with this type of surgery.

    Recent scientific evidence: Even though breast reconstruction can offer cosmetic and psychological advantages, not very many women choose to have it. In a study of more than 120,000 women who underwent mastectomy, fewer than one in four of the women with invasive breast cancer opted for reconstruction, while only about one in three of those with early-stage disease got it. Almost all women are candidates for reconstruction, which does not impact survival rates. In some cases, women require one or more subsequent surgeries to fine-tune the reconstruction.

    Self-defense: Ask about reconstruction before your treatment begins. If you’re a candidate, the breast surgeon can coordinate with a plastic surgeon. Breast reconstruction is often covered by insurance, but some insurers may require a co-pay.
  • Targeted therapies save lives. Until 40 years ago, breast cancer was treated almost uniformly with radical mastectomy, radiation and some form of hormone therapy.

    Recent scientific evidence: Using new genomic DNA–based tests, doctors are now able to customize treatment based on tumor biology, helping them better predict a patient’s risk for recurrence and response to particular treatments. This may help thousands of women avoid chemotherapy, including anthracyclines, which are linked to heart damage and leukemia.

    Self-defense: Ask your doctor whether you could benefit from genomic testing to help determine which breast cancer therapies would be most effective for you.
Source: Jill Dietz, MD, director of the Hillcrest Breast Center, Cleveland Clinic Foundation. She is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons and member of several professional organizations, including the American Society of Breast Surgeons and Society of Surgical Oncology. A researcher and teacher, Dr. Dietz is also program director for the surgical breast fellowship at Cleveland Clinic.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

How safe are root canals?

Thursday, May 30, 2013 by: Elisha McFarland

(NaturalNews) Almost 60 million root canals are performed a year (1), on individuals who are mistakenly informed that it is a safe and harmless procedure. While your teeth may look and feel fine after the procedure, the reality is that it is impossible for all of the bacteria to be removed from the tooth. After a root canal, the healthy bacteria changes to highly toxic anaerobic bacteria that will continue to thrive inside and around the tooth and periodontal ligament causing numerous potentially long term health problems. (1)

Dr. Weston Price

Dr. Weston Price was a brilliant dentist and researcher who studied the relationship between nutrition, dental and physical health. He was the head of research for the dental association for 14 years. In their studies, Dr. Price and the Mayo Clinic discovered that bacterial growth in root canals could be transferred to animals to recreate the same diseases of the human donor. Their tests proved successful in 80 to 100 percent of the animals. In particular, heart disease could be transferred 100 percent of the time (1, 2).

It's shocking to know that as far back as 1908 Dr. Price and the Mayo Clinic found that bacteria and the toxins from root canals could enter the bloodstream and thus travel to any point in the body and create disease to that particular tissue or organ. (1, 2). Price went on to discover that numerous degenerative diseases have their origin in root canal procedures, the most frequent are circulatory and heart disease. Although his research was buried and hidden from the public in the 1920s, Dr. George Meinig would discover his work 70 years later and bring it to the forefront through his book, Root Canal Cover Up.

Basic tooth anatomy

A tooth has multiple layers, the first is the enamel, the second layer is the dentin and the inner core is the pulp. Tiny fibers come out of the tooth and intertwine with fibers coming out of the bone, and they unite to form the periodontal ligament. This ligament is also an incubator for billions of bacteria to multiply. (1) The dentin layer is not solid, but is actually comprised of tiny dentinal tubules, that if stretched would be approximately three miles long, per tooth. This is another excellent place for bacteria to hide and develop. In fact when Weston Price did his research, this is exactly where he found anaerobic bacteria in the thousands of teeth he tested. (2) Since it is impossible to sterilize these accessory canals, it becomes a haven for bacteria to grow and develop. As bacteria multiply and create infection, it will oftentimes extend down into the jawbone where it creates cavitations - areas of necrotic tissue in the jawbone itself.

Chronic disease linked to root canals

According to Dr. George Meinig, (one of the founders of the American Association of Endodontists) and author of Root Canal Cover Up, a high percentage of chronic illness can originate from root canals, the most frequent being circulatory and heart disease. The next common diseases include those affecting the joints, such as arthritis and rheumatism; this is followed by diseases that affect the brain and nervous system such as ALS and MS.


It is important to do your own research before any surgical procedure and treatment plan. A root canal is a surgical procedure. The decision on whether to have a root canal or remove the tooth is best made between you, your doctor and your biological dentist. Establishing an appropriate pre- and post-procedure protocol can expedite your recovery process.

Sources for this article include:



Beyond Amalgam: The Hidden Health Hazard Posed by Jawbone Cavitations by Susan Stockton, MA, foreword by Christopher John Hussar, DDS, DO

Root Canal Cover Up by George Meinig, D.D.S.

Uninformed Consent: The Hidden Dangers in Dental Care by Hal A. Huggins, D.D.S., M.S. and Thomas E. Levy M.D., J.D.

About the author:
After sixteen years of struggling with MCS, Elisha has come out on the other side with a renewed zest for life and the desire to educate others about wholistic and healthy life choices. During that time she received the following degrees and designations, Doctor of Naturopathy, Master Herbalist, Diploma in Clinical Homeopathy, Bachelor of Science in Holistic Nutrition, Certified Wholistic Rejuvenist and EFT-ADV. You can visit her website at

US GMO genetic pollution alert

GMO genetic pollution alert: Genetically engineered wheat escapes experimental fields planted across 16 states

Thursday, May 30, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles...)
(NaturalNews) The genetic apocalypse we've been warning about for years may have already begun. The USDA just announced they found a significant amount of genetically engineered wheat growing in farm fields in Oregon. As the USDA announced yesterday, "...test results of plant samples from an Oregon farm indicate the presence of genetically engineered (GE) glyphosate-resistant wheat plants."

Why is this a big deal? Because GE wheat has never been approved for commercialization or sale. These strains of GE wheat escaped from GMO field experiments conducted across 16 states by Monsanto from 1998 to 2005. As the USDA states, "Further testing by USDA laboratories indicates the presence of the same GE glyphosate-resistant wheat variety that Monsanto was authorized to field test in 16 states from 1998 to 2005."

And that means genetic pollution is already out of control. The GE wheat for which Monsanto claims patent ownership is now invading farms that never planted GE wheat.

All U.S. commercially-grown wheat now suspect

There are at least five serious ramifications from this:

#1) Monsanto can now sue all the farms where GM wheat has been found growing. According to U.S. federal courts, those farmers have "stolen" Monsanto's intellectual property.

#2) The spread of GM wheat from experimental fields to wheat production fields is proof that GMOs cause genetic pollution -- self-replicating pollution with the potential to devastate global food production.

#3) All wheat produced in the United States will now be heavily scrutinized -- and possibly even rejected -- by other nations that traditionally import U.S. wheat. This obviously has enormous economic implications for U.S. farmers and agriculture.

#4) It proves the USDA cannot control the GMO field experiments it approves. Open-field experiments are not "safe" nor "controlled." They are experiments conducted in the open air, where genetic pollution is an inevitable result. The genetic pollution that began in 1998 can't be put back into the box in 2013...

#5) U.S. consumers who eat wheat products are right now almost certainly ingesting some level of genetically modified wheat. This level may currently be very small -- perhaps even less than 1% -- but it is yet another source of GMO pollution in the food supply that could hugely impact Americans' grocery shopping decisions.

U.S. wheat producers should be freaked out right now

Until today, Americans have been assured there are no GMOs in wheat products. They know that if you want to avoid GMOs, don't buy corn. Wheat has always been seen as a "safe haven" from genetically modified food.

But now that myth has been shattered with the USDA's announcement that they found GE wheat growing in farm fields in Oregon. If they found it in Oregon, it's probably present in the 15 other states where GE wheat was openly planted in experimental fields, too.

Don't worry about the safety of GE wheat, however. The USDA is absolutely sure it's completely safe for you. And why? Because Monsanto told the FDA it was safe!

I'm not kidding. Here's the USDA's official explanation of this non-logic:

The detection of this wheat variety does not pose a food safety concern. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) completed a voluntary consultation on the safety of food and feed derived from this GE glyphosate-resistant wheat variety in 2004. For the consultation, the developer provided information to FDA to support the safety of this wheat variety. FDA completed the voluntary consultation with no further questions concerning the safety of grain and forage derived from this wheat, meaning that this variety is as safe as non-GE wheat currently on the market.

Oh, so the FDA "consulted" with Monsanto who told them their GE wheat was safe? I feel so much better already. Because Monsanto would never lie to the FDA about the safety of its GMOs.

USDA says it's taking the findings seriously

"We are taking this situation very seriously and have launched a formal investigation," said Michael Firko, Acting Deputy Administrator for APHIS' Biotechnology Regulatory Services, a division of the USDA.

"Our first priority is to as quickly as possible determine the circumstances and extent of the situation and how it happened. We are collaborating with state, industry, and trading partners on this situation and are committed to providing timely information about our findings. USDA will put all necessary resources towards this investigation."

Why is the USDA moving so quickly on this issue? Because they know the discovery of GE wheat growing in "the wild" puts the entire credibility of the U.S. wheat supply at risk. GMOs are banned in at least 27 countries around the world, and those countries will not likely allow genetically-contaminated wheat to be imported from the United States.

Depending on what happens next, we could be looking at a global embargo of U.S. wheat exports, meaning the U.S. wheat market would all but collapse. (This might be a good time to consider shorting some wheat futures if you're into trading commodities...)

And while this would cause a short-term flooding of cheap wheat in the U.S. market (because nobody else is buying it), the drop in price would put so many wheat farmers out of business that wheat supply would be hard hit in 2014 and beyond, and that equals long-term price increases. GMOs being found in the wheat supply, in other words, means higher food prices for all Americans.

My repeated warning about a genetic apocalypse

It was just yesterday that I warned in a Natural News article about the potential for GMOs to cause a runaway genetic apocalypse. "A genetic apocalypse may devastate America's bread basket," I wrote, followed by:

Mark my words: there will come a day when Americans will wish they had burned all the GM corn fields to the ground. But by then it will be too late. The blight will be upon us, and with it comes the starvation, the suffering, the desperation and the riots. Hunger turns all family men into savages, just as greed turns all corporate men into demons.

There, I was talking about corn. But apparently this was too optimistic: wheat is now being impacted, too.

In that same article, I also stated, "the U.S. government is playing Russian roulette with America's food future" -- a statement that's somewhat hilarious given that Russia won't even play Russian roulette with its own crops. GMOs are a uniquely American form of corporate arrogance and genetic pollution. Nowhere in the world is agricultural imperialism so foolish yet so strongly backed by government gone bonkers.

By backing GMOs, the USDA is destroying the future of U.S. agriculture

The USDA announcement all but proves these warnings to be correct: GMOs really do escape experimental fields, and they really do infect and contaminate commercial crops in North America. Those crops then become tainted and are undesirable by 90% of consumers and most developed nations around the world. By allowing GMOs to continue to be planted anywhere in North America, the U.S. government is destroying the integrity of its agricultural industries for centuries to come.

Genetic pollution may never be able to be entirely removed from wheat, corn and other GM crops. And the worst part is that this genetic contamination may make these plants highly susceptible to threats that scientists have no way to anticipate or understand. While other nations around the world have exercised caution, the U.S. government conspired with Monsanto to abandon caution and risk the entire future of America's agricultural industry on quack corporate "science" that has turned out to be a genetic pollution nightmare.

Sources for this story include:

Vitamin C May Kill Drug-Resistant TB

| May 28, 2013

vitamin-c-may-kill-drug-resistant-tb_300While poking around in the laboratory to see what might help cure cases of tuberculosis that are resistant to drug treatment, researchers, almost by accident, have found that adding vitamin C to a drug regimen may be the key.

The discovery at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute indicates that putting vitamin C into TB treatments may also abbreviate the amount of time TB patients have to take drugs. Currently, many TB victims have to endure a six-month round of pharmaceuticals.

Yearly, almost 9 million people around the world get TB, and more than 1 million people die of the disease. More than 600,000 people develop TB that resists the standard drug treatment.

Candida: The Silent Epidemic

| May 28, 2013

candida-the-silent-epidemic_300Many people are calling Candida “The Silent Epidemic” because the infection is believed to affect so many people (some say up to one-third of the population), yet most go undiagnosed.
Candida yeast overgrowth in the colon and other areas of the body still sparks controversy in the Western, mainstream medical community. However, the integrative medical community has long recognized that this “ecological imbalance,” which originates in the digestive tract, is a contributing factor to numerous chronic health problems: fatigue, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, skin conditions, allergies and sensitivities, brain fog, memory loss, poor focus and concentration, insomnia, joint pain, chronic sinusitis, headaches… the list goes on.
Candida is a pathogenic yeast organism that is normally present in low numbers in the colon and in the vagina. It is considered an “opportunistic infection” in the sense that it takes advantage of imbalances in the body to overgrow and dominate the gut. Most women are familiar with symptoms of a yeast infection occurring in the vagina, which happens when the sensitive balance of beneficial bacteria is disrupted, usually by medications or by unhealthy dietary patterns. Antibiotics are the leading offender, along with steroids and birth control pills. The predominance of sugar, white flour and other processed grains and foods in the standard American diet provide plenty of food for the yeast to thrive.
As Candida overgrowth becomes chronic, a domino effect occurs. Inflammation in the digestive tract leads to disruption of digestion and causes the intestinal wall to become more permeable, allowing larger food particles to move into the bloodstream and lymphatic system. These larger-than-usual molecules trigger an immune system reaction, causing more inflammation in an attempt to rid the body of a potential offender. And that’s when you can start to experience sensitivity to certain foods.
In addition, Candida organisms produce toxic chemicals of their own, including aldehydes (similar to formaldehyde), that travel into the bloodstream and affect multiple body systems, including the brain.
This toxic process causes brain fog, inability to concentrate, etc. If the pattern is allowed to continue, the symptoms can intensify and the entire body is affected by the imbalance that originated in the digestive tract.
Candida stubbornly resists treatment. However, the latest research has given us an important clue that may explain this, as well as offer solutions. Candida is a biofilm-producing organism. Biofilm is a protective matrix excreted by certain organisms to protect their community from harm, and it works very effectively to keep antifungal herbs and medications from penetrating and killing the Candida. Special enzyme formulations that break up biofilm are now available to add to an anti-Candida regimen, greatly increasing the effectiveness of treatments.
There are a few different tests to detect an overgrowth of Candida in the gut. In my clinical practice, we often recommend a stool test that includes detection of yeast as well as levels of both beneficial and harmful bacteria. It also includes a sensitivity test that cultures any yeast or bacteria discovered, and uses both pharmaceuticals and herbal substances to see which are most effective in killing the yeast. This test can be very useful in guiding treatment.
Treatment for Candida overgrowth involves a multilayered approach:
  • Reduce the concentration of yeast to normal levels using dietary changes; herbal and, if needed, pharmaceutical antifungals; along with specific enzymes to address biofilm.
  • Replenish beneficial intestinal bacteria using high-dose probiotics.
  • Support healthy digestion and assimilation using digestive enzymes, herbs and amino acids that support healthy digestive function.
  • Support immune function using vitamins, minerals, herbs and medicinal mushrooms.
  • Heavy metal testing and detoxification.


There are many anti-Candida diets, and some are stricter than others. The basic goal of the diet is to reduce or eliminate simple carbohydrates that provide food for the yeast. Avoidance of all processed grains, white rice, dairy, fruits (except lemons, limes and unsweetened cranberry) and any foods over 55 on the glycemic index is optimal. Because most people experience food sensitivities due to long-standing Candida overgrowth, it can also help to try an elimination diet, which involves two weeks of avoiding any potentially offending foods, adding each back one at a time every two days and monitoring symptoms.

Organic fruits, vegetables and meats are always preferred; they do not contain the pesticides, hormones, growth factors and genetic modifications often found in non-organic products.

Yeast Reduction

It’s important to follow a supplement program that includes natural antifungals. Natural antifungals include black walnut extract, olive leaf extract, burdock root, oregano oil, garlic, garlic extract, honokiol, coconut oil and neem. But, depending on the severity of symptoms, a pharmaceutical antifungal may also be necessary.

Commonly, a die-off reaction is experienced in which symptoms become temporarily exacerbated when the burden of toxins from yeast that are dying off are eliminated by the body. In these cases, it’s important to slow down the process and reduce antifungals if this reaction causes too much discomfort. For this reason, it is also recommended to start one antifungal agent at a time and slowly build up to the maximum dose before adding another. It is extremely important that the body’s detoxification systems are working efficiently for an anti-Candida program. Drink plenty of pure water and herbal teas during this time to aid in elimination of toxins.

Replenishing Beneficial Bacteria

Restoring the dynamic healthy balance of bacteria in the intestine is a pivotal part of any anti-Candida treatment plan. Look for a high-quality probiotic as well as prebiotic formula, which helps provide nutrients for good bacteria to flourish. A high-fiber diet also provides a foundation for healthy bacteria.

Digestive And Immune Support

A supplement program to support digestion, nutrient assimilation and immune function is also important. In my practice, I recommend a comprehensive digestion formula that includes herbs, mushrooms, nutrients and enzymes to help heal and optimize digestive function. Essential fatty acids, omega 3s, L-Glutamine, curcumin and other digestive and immune supplements are also helpful.

Toxic Metal Testing And Detoxification

Toxic metals are everywhere in our environment. We are all exposed to some degree, however cautious we try to be. The chronic inflammation and immune suppression caused by the presence of these metals in the body can make successful treatment of Candida very difficult. For those with chronic Candida, it’s important to test for the presence of these metals and provide treatment with a targeted natural chelation program.


Once balance has been restored, it’s important to stay on a maintenance program that helps keep your system strong. For prevention and maintenance, a low-glycemic diet has a much broader range of choices than the anti-Candida diet, but with same general principle: Keep blood sugar from spiking and dropping. A high-fiber diet, with healthy oils and protein with each meal, help stabilize blood sugar and provide nutrients to maintain healthy digestive flora.

Avoidance of antibiotics as much as possible is a must for prevention of Candida overgrowth. We have become accustomed to the overuse of antibiotics, but this trend is contributing to a deadly, worldwide spread of drug-resistant organisms. But as we learn to sustain long-term wellness by adopting healthy diets and lifestyle patterns, we can reap the benefits on every level. A primary factor is paying attention to our inner ecology and living in ecological balance both “inside” and “outside” — this is the best way for us to care for ourselves and our planet.

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Protect your heart with CoQ10 and vitamin B6: Research

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 by: David Gutierrez, staff writer

CoQ10(NaturalNews) If you're looking for ways to improve the health of your heart, don't overlook the dramatic impact of two simple nutrients: vitamin B6 and CoQ10.

In a controlled study published in the journal Nutrition Research in October 2012, researchers from Chung Shan Medical University in Taiwan measured blood levels of vitamin B6 and CoQ10 in 89 healthy controls and 45 people with coronary artery disease (CAD, defined as at least 50 percent stenosis of one major coronary artery). The researchers found that participants with CAD had significantly lower levels of both chemicals than healthy participants.

In addition, people with a higher ratio of CoQ10 to total cholesterol also had significantly higher vitamin B6 levels, and people with higher levels of CoQ10 had a significantly lower risk of CAD even after adjusting for potential confounding factors.

It remains unclear whether low levels of B6 and CoQ10 are actually a cause of CAD, but researchers believe that boosting levels of the chemicals would help protect the heart regardless.

"Age is known to be an independent risk factor for CAD, and the patients suffering from CAD may experience losses of [CoQ10] because they are under higher oxidative stress due to aging and disease," the researchers wrote. "Therefore, it is beneficial to administer [CoQ10] to CAD patients to reduce oxidative stress and increase the activities of antioxidant enzymes."

Because the body uses vitamin B6 to synthesize CoQ10, vitamin supplements may also be helpful to people with CAD, the researchers said.

B6 and CoQ10 keep your body functioning

It's no surprise that low levels of vitamin B6 and CoQ10 might lead to health problems, since both are essential for the body's normal functioning.

Vitamin B6, which is found in foods such as meat, whole grains, nuts, bananas and vegetables, is an essential nutrient that plays a key role in amino acid and sugar metabolism. Yet according to 2008 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, deficiency in this vitamin is widespread even among those who are taking supplements or who are exceeding dietary recommendations. Women who have taken oral contraceptives are at especially high risk.

Unlike vitamin B6, which must be ingested from food, CoQ10 (officially known as coenzyme Q10) can be synthesized in the body. CoQ10 helps produce energy for cells by assisting mitochondria in producing the cellular fuel source adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

Coenzymes are chemicals that assist the body's enzymes in carrying out processes such as digestion and organ maintenance.

CoQ10 has also been shown to provide other health benefits, including to those suffering from angina and high blood pressure. It appears to aid in cognitive health, and may help fight the effects of aging.

Although CoQ10 is made by the body, you can boost your levels by consuming CoQ10-rich foods including organ meats, beef, sardines, mackerel and soy oil. It is also marketed as a dietary supplements under names including Q10, vitamin Q10, ubiquinone and ubidecarenone.

Sources for this article include:

Low vitamin C levels linked to increased heart disease risks

Low vitamin C levels linked to increased heart disease risks: Have you had your dose today?
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 by: PF Louis

vitamin C(NaturalNews) A recent Danish study observed that several other studies have recorded evidence of vitamin C deficiency as a high risk factor for heart disease. This study's conclusion was to merely propose a protocol for further study, ensuring the randomized double-blind approach for "science based evidence."

This study's proposal was recorded by PubMed in March, 2013 as "Does vitamin C deficiency increase lifestyle-associated vascular disease progression? - Evidence based on experimental and clinical studies." (1-1a)

This has already been worked out by orthomolecular and holistic health practitioners for well over a half century. But orthomolecular (mega-dose nutritional supplementation) is a bastard child of mainstream medicine. It is ignored even though most of the practitioners are certified MDs.

A synopsis of ascorbic acid C for heart health

Most of the vitamin C research for therapeutic purposes has been with ascorbic acid, which now more than ever is vilified as a synthetic toxin. Later in this article, some foods high in vitamin C will be listed.

For now, consider that the Vitamin C Foundation the The Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, and all firmly disagree. Why they disagree is explained point by point in a pdf. (2)

Their disagreement is not theoretical or speculative. There have been several thousand cures of polio, cancer, and other diseases using mega-dose ascorbic acid. There is a history of successful ascorbic acid treatments curing the incurable, all ignored by the medical mafia. (3)

Hundreds of comatose patients were led from death's door dramatically when mega-dose IV vitamin C or oral liposomal vitamin C were introduced. They used pharmaceutical grade ascorbic acid.

Here's one very dramatic example featured by New Zealand's 60 Minutes TV News (

Liposomal C is the new kid on the block. It can be taken orally and requires less ascorbic acid because it directs 90 percent of the vitamin C into cells instead of IV C's 20 percent cellular saturation (

Pharmaceutical grade ascorbic acid is available online as a Vitamin C Foundation endorsed China-free, GMO-free ascorbic acid from Europe. It's pricier than the corn based stuff from China, and it's not used in most supplements that contain vitamin C as ascorbic acid because it's not cheap enough.

Toronto physician William McCormick, MD, had investigated heart disease's relationship to vitamin C deficiency 20 years before two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling started his heart health research.

Dr. McCormick's research led to the current IV mega-dose vitamin C applications of up to 100 grams daily for several diseases, including cancer. (3)

During the 1980s, Linus Pauling tested high doses of ascorbic acid with the affordable amino acid lysine to reverse atherosclerosis (clogged arteries). This joint effort removes plaque and boosts collagen to restore the interior vessel walls endothelium's (thin skin layer) strength and elasticity. (4)

Food sources for vitamin C

Unlike most other mammals, humans don't create their own vitamin C. So it must be constantly taken in to avoid deficiency. Linus Pauling recommended using as many food sources as possible to obtain vitamin C with complete nutritive co-factors. Here are some choices: (5)

• Lemon or lime warm unsweetened water first thing in the morning

• Citrus fruits, try to include the pulp and some of the white stuff under the fruit's skin (

• Potatoes, eat the skin

• Berries, any kind, fresh and organic

• Green veggies of all types, raw or lightly steamed

• Tomatoes and tomato sauces

• Spinach, raw in salad

• Melons of all types

Vitamin C's fame has been recently eclipsed by other supplements, but its importance remains the same.

Sources for this article include:


Studies show that bee propolis prevents cancer, boosts immunity, and more

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 by: Michael Ravensthorpe

(NaturalNews) Propolis (or 'bee glue') is a sticky, brown mixture that honey bees make from their saliva and the resin of tree bark for repairing damage to their hive and sealing it from invaders.

propolisUnlike beeswax, which is used to seal larger open spaces, bees tend to reserve propolis for smaller gaps. Europeans have treasured propolis for centuries for its medicinal properties - properties that are gradually being confirmed by several contemporary studies.

Research into propolis

Cancer-fighting abilities - According to a study published in the February 2004 edition of the American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, propolis contains therapeutic compounds that can kill MCF-7, a breast carcinoma cell.

After being given a propolis extract, 13 percent of the cancer cells present in the volunteers were eliminated in 24 hours. A later, unrelated study published in the November edition of BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine also found that Chinese red propolis (as well as other bee products like bee pollen and royal jelly) could inhibit the cancer-causing vascular endothelial growth factor.

Powerful anti-inflammatory - A study published in the June 2008 edition of European Journal of Pharmacology showed that Brazilian propolis contains a component called Artipillin C, which possesses considerable anti-inflammatory properties and helps to heal wounds. Additional research has shown that propolis can be applied topically, like a cream, to treat skin inflammations.

Antioxidant activity - Studies such as that found in the December 2004 edition of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry have demonstrated that propolis sourced from a variety of countries contain flavonoid and polyphenolic components, which possess marked antioxidant activity.

Antioxidants are, of course, needed to combat the cell-damaging activities of free radicals, which can trigger cancer and other degenerative diseases like macular degeneration if left unchecked. Additionally, eating antioxidant-rich foods like propolis provides anti-aging benefits.

Immune-boosting properties - According to a study published in the August 2010 edition of Phytotherapy Research, propolis contains proteins and compounds that have the ability to alter and regulate the immune system, and which possess anti-bacterial and anti-viral benefits.

Anti-septic properties - Propolis has been utilized as an anti-septic ointment for centuries due to its numerous active ingredients such as phenolic acids, terpenes, and amino acids. Ancient cultures, including the Egyptians, also claimed that propolis and other bee products had the ability to accelerate the healing of wounds such as cuts, bruises, and canker sores. Modern science is now catching up with this ancient knowledge; a study published in the September/October 2009 edition of Wound Repair and Regeneration, for instance, proved that the topical application of propolis on rodents' diabetes-based wound closures greatly accelerated the healing response.

Rich in vitamins and minerals - Research into the composition of propolis shows that it supplies our bodies with up to 60 trace minerals, including varying amounts of calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, silica, potassium, phosphorous, copper, cobalt, as well as 16 amino acids. It also contains vitamin A (carotene) and vitamins B1, B2, and B3. For this reason, propolis is much better than any multivitamin tablet, which usually contain similar ingredients but in synthetic forms.

Evidently, a lot of studies have been done on propolis that have confirmed centuries-old wisdom. However, propolis has also been linked to other benefits that are either presently unconfirmed by studies, or hindered by tenuous evidence. These include its alleged ability to prevent the formation of dental plaque, and its ability to treat serious conditions such as tuberculosis and hepatitis without side effects.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:

Michael Ravensthorpe is an independent writer from the United Kingdom whose research interests include nutrition, alternative medicine, and bushcraft. He is the creator of the website Spiritfoods, through which he helps to promote the world's healthiest foods, whether they be established superfruits such as mangosteen or lesser-known health supplements like blackstrap molasses.

Michael is also the creator of the companion site Spiritcures, which details his research into the best home remedies for common medical conditions such as hair loss.

Six ways to ... beat insomnia for good

Six ways to use natural remedies to beat insomnia for good
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 by: PF Louis

sleep(NaturalNews) First, let's discuss what good sleep is and its effect on the immune system. In 2005, the National Sleep Foundation conducted a nationwide poll and determined that the amount of nocturnal bed time average in America was just under what's considered normal, eight hours.

But 75 percent of those polled complained of sleep interruptions, difficulty getting back to sleep, or delayed sleep. In other words, poor quality sleep or insomnia. Scientists have determined that there are five cycles of sleep with cycles three and four as the deep sleep cycles.

It's those cycles that offer the most healing while slowing down physiological and mental functions. A Miami Beach Mt. Sinai Hospital study charted the sleep cycles of men diagnosed as HIV but symptom free and compared them to men who were manifesting AIDS.

They discovered that the men who were symptom free spent 50 percent more time in the deep sleep cycles of three and four than the men experiencing AIDS symptoms. Cycles three and four enhance the immune system.

Avoid these to get good quality sleep

Avoid sleeping pills. A two and a half-year study conducted by Kripkel, Langer, and Kline called "Hypnotics' (sleeping pills) association with mortality or cancer: a matched cohort study" was published by the British Medical Journal (BMJ) in February 2012.

Here's an excerpt from the study's conclusion: Rough order-of-magnitude estimates at the end of the supplemental files suggest that in 2010, hypnotics may have been associated with 320,000 to 507,000 excess sudden deaths in the USA alone.

The study showed that there is a 530 percent risk of earlier death by using sleeping pills along with a 35 percent increased risk of cancer. You can view the study here:

You should also avoid late night caffeine beverages, alcohol, and late night meals. You may sleep, but the quality suffers. Avoid sleeping with your head near electronic devices, especially wireless devices. Unplug them or move away.

Also, make sure there is absolutely no light pollution in your bedroom that could impair your pineal glands ability to begin producing melatonin, which promotes your deep sleep cycles.

Use these measures to overcome insomnia

(1) Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) use acupuncture needles on the outer ear meridians and herbs to curb insomnia. TCM is highly effective and produces long-term relief from insomnia, delayed sleep syndrome, and other sleep disorders.

(2) Melatonin supplements are very helpful for getting and staying asleep. Sub-lingual tablets of three mg more or fewer works quickly and well. Too much may leave you a little foggy in the morning. Simply cut back the dosage.

Some people don't handle melatonin well. But if you can, know that melatonin also helps detox fluoride and has antioxidant properties.

(3) Valerian is similar to melatonin because it's a sleep inducer, not merely a relaxant or tension reliever. It can be purchased as a tincture, and it's safe. Valerian is usually effective for most, but not all.

(4) Relaxing herbs such as chamomile can make it easier to glide into sleep, but they are not sleep inducers. Chamomile is often used as a tea. There are magnesium or magnesium/calcium powders with catalysts to make them fizz when adding hot water, which you drink after cooling and settling the fizz.

These magnesium powders offer rapidly assimilable magnesium for immense muscular relaxation in addition to providing a normally deficient and vital mineral magnesium.

(5) Yoga, tai chi, chi gong, and meditation practiced consistently goes a long way to eventually eliminating sleep problems. Pay close attention to doing yoga's final pose in any given series of postures, the corpse pose.

It's a meditative process that if done properly, totally relaxes all your muscles and puts you into a blissful state.

Sources for this article include:

Hungary torches 500 hectares of GM corn to eradicate GMOs from food supply

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles...)

GM corn(NaturalNews) When it comes to protecting the public from GMOs, Hungary knows how to get the job done: set fire to the fields growing GM corn!

Although environmentalists might at first argue about the ramifications of burning so much organic matter right out in the open, the deeper truth is that genetic pollution poses a vastly more serious threat to our world, and burning GM corn is the one sure way to destroy the poisonous genetic code contained in plant tissues. In fact, I hope to see the day when the U.S. courts order the destruction of all GM corn fields across America. And I suspect that if the courts won't rise to the occasion, the People will sooner or later find a way to get it done on their own. Think "Army of the 12 Monkeys" but with a GMO slant.

Lajos Bognar, Hungary's Minister of Rural Development, reported this week that around 500 hectares of GM corn were ordered burned by the government. Hungary has criminalized the planting of genetically modified crops of any kind, and it has repeatedly burned thousands of hectares of illegal GM crops in years past.

This news was originally published in Portuguese at Rede Brasil Atual. An English translation has been posted at

GMOs are outlawed across the planet

GMOs have been banned in 27 countries, and GMOs are required to be labeled in at least 50 countries. In America, where Monsanto has deployed an insidious degree of influence over the legislature and courts, GMOs are neither illegal nor required to be labeled. In fact, 71 U.S. Senators recently voted against a measure that would have allowed states to pass their own food labeling laws.

Those Senators are now known as the Monsanto 71. The list includes Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, both senators from agricultural states (Kentucky and Texas) where Monsanto continues to exercise heavy influence over farmers.

Shockingly, most farmers who are planting GMOs have no knowledge whatsoever of what GMOs are or why people don't want them in their food. They've been lied to by the biotech industry which promised them "higher yields" and "greater profits." In reality, GM crop yields have plummeted even while giving rise to herbicide-resistant "superweeds" that now threaten many farms. With soils that have been rendered sterile with glyphosate and crop yields falling, farmers are increasingly finding themselves in dire straights.

Their only way out, of course, is to return to planting non-GMO crops. But wisdom moves very, very slowly through Texas A&M, a Monsanto stronghold and key propaganda center for pushing frankenfoods in the South.

A genetic apocalypse may devastate America's bread basket

Hungary was wise to protect its agricultural sector from Monsanto's imperialism. In contrast, America is incredibly foolish to sell out its food supply to destructive corporate interests that value nothing but profit.

By disallowing GMO labeling and promoting the continued commercialization of genetically modified crops (thanks, USDA!), the U.S. government is playing Russian roulette with America's food future. One day, something the scientists didn't anticipate will kick in, and the crimes against nature that have been committed by Monsanto will explode into a genetic apocalypse that threatens the future of life on our planet.

Remember: GMOs aren't merely "pollution" in the classic sense. They are self-replicating pollution that may be impossible to stop. Hence the wisdom of burning GM corn fields to the ground. Fire destroys DNA and breaks down vegetable matter into its elemental constituents: carbon and mineral ash, essentially. Fields that were once dangerous are now harmless. Fire restores sanity by destroying the engineered DNA dreamed up by mad scientists working for arrogant, foolish corporations who think they're smarter than Mother Nature and God.

Mark my words: there will come a day when Americans will wish they had burned all the GM corn fields to the ground. But by then it will be too late. The blight will be upon us, and with it comes the starvation, the suffering, the desperation and the riots. Hunger turns all family men into savages, just as greed turns all corporate men into demons.

To avoid both outcomes, we must banish GMOs now. Indict the executives of Monsanto for conspiracy to commit mass poisoning of the people. Invoke the RICO Act. Pull out the Patriot Act. Use whatever laws are on the books to put this monster away so that future generations do not have to suffer the devastating consequences of open-world genetic experiments gone awry.

If we don't learn from Hungary, we will sooner or later be schooled by hunger.

You Can Reduce Your Cancer Risk

| May 24, 2013

Many of us experience a sense of helplessness when we see the rising rates of cancer in our culture and our world. But what do most of us actually believe about this all-too-common disease?

you-can-reduce-your-cancer-risk_300Some insight from a recent poll taken to find out how people view the causes of cancer:
  • 89 percent believe that cancer occurs in those who are genetically predisposed.
  • 80 percent felt that industrial pollution is also largely responsible and 92 percent associated smoking or secondhand smoke with cancer.
  • Less than 50 percent of those polled believe that their eating or lifestyle habits might influence their risk of developing the disease.
These statistics suggest that many people feel they really don’t have much control when it comes to cancer prevention. But this isn’t the case.

Current Evidence

Let’s take a look at the current scientific evidence identifying risk factors for the development of cancer. Research shows that it is the minority of cancers that are caused by factors beyond our control, such as the presence of a cancer-associated gene. For example, studies of identical twins suggest that a maximum of 15 percent of cancers are caused by hereditary genetic factors, like the BRCA1 mutation in breast cancer. Exposure to air and water pollution and other toxins is another known contributor, although the exact statistics in this area are harder to determine.

However, when you add up the contribution of heredity, environmental pollution and possible viral or bacterial triggers, it appears these factors still account for only about 30 percent of cancer cases. That suggests that up to about 70 percent of cancers are linked to controllable lifestyle and dietary factors: smoking, lack of physical activity, obesity, excessive alcohol consumption, disrupted circadian rhythms, poor dietary habits and many other controllable factors. The real risks occur when these factors are combined and compounded.

When we do the math, it appears that a full two-thirds of cancers may be prevented by changing the way we live. Furthermore, science is showing that even the factors that appear to be beyond our control, such as environmental causes, may also be potentially improved with targeted health and prevention programs. Such programs include gentle, long-term toxin-removal protocols and other individualized therapies. As an integrative physician who believes in patient-driven medicine, I find this information to be truly empowering.

Worldwide Shifts

These statistics are supported by studies mapping cancer occurrence and types of cancer around the globe and studying the changing landscape of cancer incidence among ethnic groups as they migrate to new areas and adopt the lifestyle and dietary habits of their new environments. Both cancer incidence and the types of cancer synchronize with that of the area in which people settle, rather than their country of origin, which is what one would expect if heredity was the main factor. Once again, the influence of heredity is minimized — though not entirely eliminated — with the influence of diet and lifestyle.

Blocking Cancer

Cancer cells generally take a long time to develop from normal tissue. Abnormal cells need a good blood supply to bring nutrients and oxygen for their growth, so tumors have mechanisms to attract blood vessels to them (a process called angiogenesis). Blocking this process can prevent abnormal cells from ever gaining a foothold. One of the many anticancer properties of fruits and vegetables is that they contain significant quantities of compounds that limit the process of abnormal angiogenesis.

 This is just one of the many ways that the daily ingestion of healthy foods can inhibit cancer formation. Other mechanisms include powerful immune support to identify and destroy abnormal cells, potent antioxidant support to fight harmful free radicals and protect DNA, anti-inflammatory support, cellular mitochondrial support, and much more.

We truly do have the power to prevent most cancers right now. This is a ray of hope amid the statistics currently being promoted in mainstream media. I highly recommend a wonderful book on this subject called Foods That Fight Cancer, by Richard Beliveau, Ph.D., and Denis Gingras, Ph.D., two researchers who are unlocking the cancer-fighting secrets of common foods and sharing their exciting findings with us. They are discovering, from a scientific perspective, what we have known since ancient times: that foods and herbs are our best medicine.

For more health and wellness information, visit

Rounding Up The Herbicide Debate

| May 29, 2013

80377319In these days of technical and scientific advancement, food is suffering. And so are we, the consumers of a new breed of science-food, or techno-food, and the toxic sprays and chemicals used to protect it. The big chemical companies are making millions of dollars in profits while the toll on our health is costing the rest of us millions of dollars and more. We may be living longer today than ever before in history, but our later years are lived in pain and poor health. Our quality of life is diminished; in no small part, it suffers from the food we are sold as natural when these foods are chemically laden and genetically modified.

I’ve written previously about the dangers of herbicides and pesticides sprayed on fruits and vegetables. There is even a dirty dozen list of foods to avoid; these contain the most traces of pesticides even after being washed and shelved for sale. It seems there is plenty more trouble in this area of the food supply.

You can read about GMO issues here and learn about the dirty dozen here.

Herbicide Dangers

In April, media attention focused on the fact that Roundup, the world’s most widely used herbicide, is linked to diseases like Parkinson’s and cancer, as well as to infertility.

The peer-reviewed report, published in the journal Entropy, includes the fact that residues of glyphosate — the chief ingredient in Roundup weed killer, sprayed over millions of acres of crops — has been found in the food we eat.

The researchers found that the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide may be “the most biologically disruptive chemical in our environment.” It isn’t just harmful or toxic; it’s “the most biologically disruptive chemical.” In spite of this, Monsanto claims that it is “dedicated to providing farmers the broadest choice of products and services that will help them produce more, conserve more and lead improved lives.” Really? Are we supposed to believe that?

The abstract from the study:

“Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup®, is the most popular herbicide used worldwide. The industry asserts it is minimally toxic to humans, but here we argue otherwise. Residues are found in the main foods of the Western diet, comprised primarily of sugar, corn, soy and wheat. Glyphosate’s inhibition of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes is an overlooked component of its toxicity to mammals. CYP enzymes play crucial roles in biology, one of which is to detoxify xenobiotics. Thus, glyphosate enhances the damaging effects of other food borne chemical residues and environmental toxins. Negative impact on the body is insidious and manifests slowly over time as inflammation damages cellular systems throughout the body. Here, we show how interference with CYP enzymes acts synergistically with disruption of the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids by gut bacteria, as well as impairment in serum sulfate transport. Consequences are most of the diseases and conditions associated with a Western diet, which include gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, autism, infertility, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. We explain the documented effects of glyphosate and its ability to induce disease, and we show that glyphosate is the ‘textbook example’ of exogenous semiotic entropy: the disruption of homeostasis by environmental toxins.”

In the very detailed study report, the researchers include a long list of potential conditions to which glyphosate, in combination with other environmental toxins, can contribute, including inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, depression, ADHD, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, ALS, multiple sclerosis, cancer, cachexia, infertility and developmental malformations. In fact, they state that the herbicide’s “negative impact on the body is insidious and manifests slowly over time as inflammation damages cellular systems throughout the body.”

The Bees Disappear

Another important environmental news story centers on the disappearance of honeybees. And this is a big deal. Without insects like bees, pollination of plants become problematic, a circumstance that threatens the very existence of plant life, including fruits and vegetables. Researchers and beekeepers alike say that the bees are dying and/or disappearing due to colony collapse disorder (CCD), which is linked to poisonous toxins in the chemicals sprayed on crops.

Three separate studies have recently been performed on this very serious issue. Two of them published in the journal Science connect the widespread use of neonicotinoids (particular types of pesticides) to CCD.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must reconsider its position on Bayer’s neonicotinoids, which it previously approved for use. Initially, in these use of these chemicals, plants and vegetable seeds are treated with the neonicotinoids. If the chemical stopped there, there might be no problem.
However, it seems the plant’s vascular system absorbs the pesticide, which is then expressed in the pollen and nectar that bees consume. The chemical then attacks the bee’s nervous system.

Pesticide Decisions

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released a report that withholds final judgment on neonicotinoids. It says more research needs to be done. However, the European Union decided that the health of its citizens was threatened and announced a two-year ban on neonicotinoids, long enough for more information to be collected. Why aren’t U.S. agencies doing the same?

A new pesticide is available, however. It actually consists of soft drinks. Farmers in India have been spraying cola-flavored soft drinks on their cotton and chili fields instead of conventional pesticides.

This practice began with farmers in Andhra Pradesh and Chattisgarh states and has spread.

As recorded in the Deccan Herald newspaper, one farmer claimed: “I observed that the pests began to die after the soft drink was sprayed on my cotton.”

Devinder Sharma, one of India’s leading agriculturalists, has said: “Coke has found it right use.

Farmers have traditionally used sugary solutions to attract red ants to feed on insect larvae.”

The upshot is that companies like Coca-Cola and PepsiCo should stay in business producing their drinks as pesticides rather than as unhealthy drinks for human consumption. Cola is safer to handle than pesticides, safer for humans to ingest and can be washed off fruits and vegetables. It also costs a fraction of what Monsanto, Dow and other corporations charge for lethal chemical sprays.

Perhaps in 20 years, cola will replace chemical pesticides around the world for agricultural use. And then our grandkids will say, “You mean when you were a kid, you used to drink cola pesticide?” If only…

In the meantime, as the USDA and EPA struggle to balance business as usual against the need to protect human health, you should eat organic food and stop drinking soda. Those are better choices for your health.

5 Signs You are Having a Heart Attack

Originally published on Thursday, February 16th, 2012
Heart Attack and Stroke, HEART HEALTH by for Bel Marra Health

Heart AttackDo you know the signs that could mean that you’re having a heart attack? Heart attack, also known as myocardial infarction, is the leading cause of death for individuals over 40 years of age. The good news…there are excellent treatment options for heart attacks.  These treatments work best if they are given right after symptoms appear.  If you act fast, you can save your life and limit damage to your heart. It is therefore important to know the warning signs.

A heart attack happens when the heart is deprived of oxygen. When the heart is deprived of oxygen, even for a few minutes, the cells of the heart muscle begin to die. The chest pain that people usually report is the body’s way of saying it needs help.
Heart Attack Sign #1 – Chest Pain
This is the most common sign of a heart attack that men report.  Often, the chest discomfort is described as a pressure, tightness or heaviness.  The discomfort usually begins in the centre of the chest and can radiate to other areas of the body.  Additionally, the chest pain may come and go or it may be continuous. If you are experiencing chest pain, especially if it persists, call 911 immediately.  You may be having a heart attack and the sooner you receive treatment, the better your chance of survival.
Heart Attack Sign #2 – Upper Body Discomfort
While the most common sign of a heart attack is chest pain, pain does not always start there.  Sometimes, a person having a heart attack may complain of pain in one or both arms, the neck, jaw or even the stomach. Women that are having a heart attack are more likely to experience pain in the jaw or back compared to men.  These signs may signal a heart attack or another health problem.  It is important to call 911 if these symptoms come on suddenly or if they are seen with another sign of a heart attack.
Heart Attack Sign #3 – Difficulty breathing (shortness of breath)
If you are short of breath when you aren’t exerting yourself, this is a red flag. Sit or lie down and see if the symptoms dissipate. If the shortness of breath lasts longer than two minutes, call 911.
Heart Attack Sign #4 – Nausea, Sweating, Clamminess
These signs of a heart attack are much more subtle and are reported more in women who are suffering a heart attack.  If these symptoms appear suddenly or are seen with another warning sign of a heart attack, call 911.
Heart Attack Sign #5 – Extreme fatigue (tiredness)
Like nausea, sweating and clamminess, this is another subtle sign that you could be having a heart attack.  While you may be experiencing this sign as the result of another health problem, if it appears suddenly or with another symptom, call 911.

Risk Factors for Heart Attack

There are many risk factors for heart attack, some that are controllable and others that are not. Uncontrollable risk factors include: male sex, older age, family history of heart disease, race (African Americans, American Indians, and Mexicans are more likely to have heart disease than Caucasians).  Controllable risk factors are factors that can be modified and can help with heart attack prevention include: smoking, high HDL (“good”) cholesterol and low LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, uncontrolled diabetes, high C-reactive protein (a marker of inflammation), and high stress levels.

Heart Attack Prevention

While medicine is advancing and has developed effective treatments for heart attacks, heart attack prevention is the best thing you can do for your health.  Heart attack prevention begins with living a healthy lifestyle.  This includes:
-   Quitting smoking
-  Managing your cholesterol levels by eating a healthy diet that is low in fat and cholesterol.  This will help to lower your cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of heart disease.  Medications are sometimes needed to control cholesterol levels.
-  Exercising regularly – this will help to raise your “good” cholesterol levels and decrease your “bad” cholesterol levels.  Regular exercise will also decrease your risk of heart disease.
-  Managing your stress levels (high stress levels can contribute to heart disease)
-  Managing your blood pressure (high blood pressure is a form of heart disease)
-  Managing your blood sugar levels if you are diabetic
- Managing your weight – excess weight puts strain on your heart.  It can also worsen other heart disease risk factors including diabetes, high cholesterol levels, and high blood pressure. Exercising and eating right will help control your weight and will reduce your risk of heart disease.
- Having regular check-ups with your doctor to monitor for risk factors, such as heart disease.
Using the steps above for heart attack prevention will help to lower your chance of suffering a heart attack.
It is important to implement changes to your life for heart attack prevention.  However, it is so important to know the signs that could mean you are suffering a heart attack.  Effective treatment does exist, but it is absolutely necessary to get it as soon as the symptoms appear or your heart attack could be fatal.