for below:
- Chinese teas
- Western teas
- cooling herbal teas (leong char)
- oil
- salt
- sugar
- spicy foods
- vinegars
- watermelon
- papaya
- pineapple
- spirulina
Hi there, dear friends :D
Last month, I wrote about the Amazing Diatomaceous Earth (DE) That Is Good For Almost Anything, and how my husband and I were going to test how DE is going to work on us. Well, after exactly 2 months ingesting DE, we had some some blood work done by our family doctor…and… we got the blood tests results back today!
First, I will present my husband’s results. There are a few things he did while he was on DE :-
1) he stopped taking all herbal health teas
2) he never did any exercises
3) to really test how good DE was going to affect his cholesterol, I gave him his cholesterol and triglycerides medications (Lipitor and Fenolip-S respectively) on alternate nights, instead of daily ( we withheld this information from our doctor today).
Here are the results (in mmol/L and mg/dl) ===>
May 2014 | Nov 2014 | May 2014 | Nov 2014 | |
Total Cholesterol | 5.2 | 4.0 | 202 | 155 |
Triglycerides | 3.57 | 3.15 | 319 | 281 |
HDL Cholesterol | 0.86 | 0.79 | 33 | 31 |
LDL Cholesterol | 2.70 | 1.76 | 105 | 68 |
Chol/HDL Ratio | 6.0 | 5.1 | ||
Uric Acid | 0.40 | 0.37 |
Findings :-
We were very happy that despite my husband cutting down his Lipitor and Fenolip-S medication by half the dosage by taking them on alternate nights instead of daily – his lipid profile has shown marked improvements :-
Total cholesterol dropped 1.2 mmol/L or 47 points down to 4.0 or 155 from taking DE.
Bad cholesterol (LDL) dropped almost 1 mmol/L or 37 points down to 1.76 or 68 points from taking DE.
Triglycerides also went down from 3.57 mmol/L or 38 points, to 3.15 or 281 from taking DE.
That was the good news!
The bad news? My husband’s HbA1c has gone up from 7.0 to 7.7! Sigh….that’s because he never controlled his sugar nor carbohydrates intake…his favourite night time snack? Ice cream! :roll:
Now…here are my results….and what I did during that two-month period on DE :-
1) I stopped all my healthy herbal teas, apple cider vinegar drinks.
2) I stopped my Lajin exercises.
3) My daily housework/exercises remained unchanged.
May 2014 | Nov 2014 | May 2014 | Nov 2014 | |
Total Cholesterol | 6.3 | 7.3 | 244 | 283 |
Triglycerides | 1.68 | 2.38 | 150 | 212 |
HDL Cholesterol | 1.49 | 1.44 | 58 | 56 |
LDL Cholesterol | 4.04 | 4.77 | 157 | 185 |
Chol/HDL Ratio | 4.2 | 5.1 |
Findings? Bad news overall!
My Bilirubin level has also gone up to 25 umol/L, and it should be below 21 for the normal range….while my overall cholesterol readings have worsened!
So, how come my Lipid Profile is even worse? Is it because I was relying on an assortment of healthy drinks/teas and when I got off them to take DE, the DE couldn’t do as well a job for me compared to my husband’s case?
Some background on my cholesterol situation ===> from young, I always had persistently high cholesterol. When I was in my 20’s, my Total Cholesterol was at 5.2 mmol/L. Even when I was on health teas, you can see from my previous Total Cholesterol reading above was high at 6.3 mmol/L or 244 mg/dl. It only went down to 5.5mmol/L when I took the Wood’s Ear/Black Fungus drink daily for one month!
Another possible contributing cause to my higher cholesterol readings was because I had too many bowls of Vietnamese Noodles that had a lot of pig innards, like liver, intestines, heart, kidneys, etc, during those two months while I was on DE? I was crazy enough to push my luck too far to see how DE will fare for me…..**blush** , and oh, I don’t usually eat internal organs that much to prevent my cholesterol from escalating previously! LOL!
I spoke with my Feng Shui Master, Master atan, who is also a professional healer, about my disappointing test results – he said it is my liver that is causing my cholesterol to be higher than normal all this while, despite the healthy herbal teas I took daily. He said once I heal my liver, my cholesterol should go down and be regularised. I will post here later his natural “liver and cholesterol formulae” once my bilirubin and cholesterol levels are back in order.
Nonetheless, I am very happy for my husband that through DE, he is able to reduce his medication somewhat :-
1) he is just on one blood pressure medication now, compared to two before DE.
2) Lipitor and Fenolip-S dosages have been halved now – instead of daily, he takes them on alternate nights.
For his higher blood sugar readings, the doctor has prescribed additional medication to protect his kidneys – 1/2 tablet or 30 mg of Diamicron MR, daily.
For the next few months, I will be concentrating on my own health…. on improving my cholesterol and bilirubin levels, as I am due for another test for my liver in March next year.
But we will continue to take DE daily – just a heaping 1 teaspoon each morning on an empty stomach. Although I have disappointing news, I still believe in the other goodness and benefits of DE.
In summary, there were mainly improvements for my husband’s health and he was able to reduce his cholesterol medication after taking DE…and so DE worked for my husband!
Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for myself … and in view of both my husband’s and my differing results, I cannot say that DE has or has not worked for us.
I hope you will weigh the pros and cons thoroughly first, before deciding if you want to try taking DE to improve your health and maybe get off your long term medications safely. Maybe if there is more feedback here from people who are testing out DE, we may just be able to tip the scale in DE’s favour!
Good Luck!
With best wishes,
choesf :D

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Hi there, dear friends :D
A few months ago , I wrote about Diatomaceous Earth HERE and how wonderful its health benefits were for humans.
Although there were hardly any scientific studies done on the effects of DE on people, DE has long been in use to promote healthy livestock, animals and pets in farms and homes.
After a week of ingesting DE for my family, I also started feeding some DE to my cat, Baby, and my beagle, Benji. Now, if only animals could talk, Baby and Benji would be able to tell me how DE affected them…but since they can’t, LOL, I will write about my observations on them since I put them on DE for the past 2 1/2 months .
DE Dosage
Although there are some reference guides on how much DE to give to animals, I just gave a teaspoon of DE mixed into Benji’s (beagle) water….and a 1/4 teaspoon of DE mixed into Baby’s (cat) wet food. I also didn’t give DE to them daily…only once every few days. As of today, they have been on DE for 2 1/2 months.
For Baby, there is not much to report, except that her fur has become very soft and smooth. She does her “business” (pee and poop) out of the house and so, I couldn’t comment on that area.
For Benji….ah, …. I am going to have to list the results :-
1) that hyperactive beagle of mine has become more mellow…calmer…and peaceful after taking DE. Definitely, DE has affected his mood, too!
2) he has no more doggy breath!! His breath is as fresh as the air after the rain! LOL! Before DE, whenever we had guests come over, Benji was kept away from them, in case they complain about his breath. Nowadays, Benji mingles freely with our guests who find Benji cute and want to play with him or rub him adoringly!
3) I dusted DE on both Baby and Benji, and therefore, their fur has no odour, too!
4) dusting DE on their fur helps to remove or kill fleas and ticks … however, be sure to wear plastic gloves and a mask for safety purposes when you dust your pets – the powder is very drying on the skin and we must not inhale the fine powder….also, make sure that your pets do not inhale the powder, too! I noticed Benji has stopped scratching a lot.
Benji’s groomer had often complained that Benji has a lot of ticks and fleas, and that was despite applying Frontline on Benji. I hated using Frontline because it always made my skin itch. So, I was glad to be able to use the Food Grade DE instead of some harsh chemical like Frontline to keep Benji free from ticks and fleas.
5) as a result of ingesting DE and having DE dusted, Benji’s fur has such a healthy and gleaming shine to it! Many times, when we walked him at the park, many people had stopped by and asked us what food we fed Benji, because his fur was so wonderful and shiny!
6) his poop barely smells nowadays, making it much easier for us to pick up his poop when we walk him in the park. Once in a blue moon, due to too much fibre being fed to him (he loves raw carrots, bananas and celery), he poops an extra time in the living room at night when we are all asleep…but because his poop hardly smells, it doesn’t stink up the house anymore when I come down in the morning. Phew!
7) Benji is shedding lesser fur nowadays, since he has been on DE = less mess for me to vacuum up daily! LOL!
DE as a natural, organic dewormer
Because DE is organic and classified as “food grade,” it is one of the best and safest natural stuff we can give to our beloved dogs, cats and pets for deworming purposes. It is better to use DE, than to use some strong chemical dewormers on our pets.
In summary, DE has worked wonders for my pets, as it has for me and my husband. So, if you love your pets, do get some natural, organic Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth for them, too! Your pets will love you more for giving them DE!
In Malaysia and Singapore, you can buy DE at the link below (please note that I am not being paid nor sponsored by them to write this article, and this post is just my personal opinion only) ===>
Happy Holidays!
With best wishes,
choesf :D

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Hi there, dear friends :D
The past few months have been hectic for me with preparations for my eldest daughter’s June wedding, getting my second daughter ready for her first job after her graduation from university, and with looking for a suitable new car to buy for my two sons whose university campus has been relocated to another town.
After things had wound down and I have some “me time” back finally last month, I suddenly noticed that I have a 1.5 inch lump growing near the base of my neck, just above the left shoulder bone! OMG!
However, a series of thyroid blood rests showed a normally functioning thyroid and my family doctor referred me to the hospital for further diagnosis. At the hospital, a fine needle was inserted into my neck growth with the guidance from an ultrasound scan and a sample sent off for a biopsy. Luckily, the result came back negative for cancer and the growth was benign but my thyroglobulin levels were higher than average.
But the doctor advised me to go for surgery to remove my growth, and I am reluctant to go for that because I am afraid of surgery. Anyway, she has given me two months to go back to her for a follow-up consultation to see if my growth has grown bigger and for another blood test to check my thyroglobulin levels.
Right after I left the hospital, I quickly rushed off to my family Chinese Physician, who diagnosed that my liver function was “off balance with blockages” (in TCM terms) and he advised me not to go for surgery to remove my thyroid growth. I also found out the reason for my persistently high cholesterol levels despite taking care of my diet, ingesting DE, and drinking Jiaogulan Tea – it was my liver causing that! In TCM, the liver plays a very important role to regulate the proper functions of our body…and the liver can also cause goitres if it is not working well.
This is the fifth week that I have been seeing my Chinese Physician – he takes my pulse every week to check the state my body is in, especially my liver, and he prescribes me the right Chinese herbal formulas to reduce my thyroid growth and to bring down my cholesterol. So far, I am seeing good results and my neck lump has decreased in size ( by about 25%? )
I almost cried when I had to stop taking Diatomaceous Earth (DE) which I was enjoying so many of its many health benefits since last year. I had to stop all my natural health supplements while I am on the TCM programme, to avoid any contraindications with the Chinese herbs.
On top of that, my Chinese Physician has advised me to stop taking all these :-
…. and he asked me not to get stressed nor get angry! Lol!
I have also minimised my meat intake, and I only take fish or eggs with lots of fresh vegetables and fruits. If I can’t resist it, I will have just a piece of chicken or pork from the food that I cook for my family.
In the first three weeks, on this SOS and almost meat free diet, I lost 3 kgs (6.6 lbs) ! Initially, I was always lethargic and I could barely summon any energy to do my house chores….but now, my body has adapted to the new diet and I am almost back to my normal self!
I have another month to go before I head back to the doctor and I hope I can avoid that surgery that the doctor wanted me to have.
Meanwhile, I am staying calm, happy and having positive thoughts… Ommmm … :cool:
With best wishes for good health,
choesf :D
P.S. To the newcomers to my blog – the font is in bold and is dark to facilitate reading against the bright lime green background of my blog
- Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
- Cold Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil
- Diatomaceous Earth (DE)

Hi there, dear friends

Wow, it has been ages since I last wrote an article here **blush** – hope you are all doing well and are healthy!
For the past few months, I have been trying out something entirely different in healing to achieve good health. I have been considering if I should write about it here to share with you – you need to have an open mind for it is something very new and surprising. But it is free and you don’t have to pay money to learn it. I got the remaining 20% of my thyroid lump gone in just 3 days of “practising” it.
But if you are interested, drop me a line in the comments below and I will gather all the information to post the article here.
Okay, back to my topic for today!
For many years, I have always had fleas and ticks problems with my dogs. Applying the toxic Frontline on them didn’t help at all – the chemical made me itch and if that happened to me, imagine how my dog would feel to have his skin in direct contact with the fleas and ticks poison.
At one time, I applied the natural Diatomaceous Earth on the fur of my dog, but it also caused me to have some sinus problems…and I didn’t like the dry feel on my hands whenever I am rubbing my dog’s fur.
A friend told me that if a dog has ticks and fleas, it meant that his immune system is weak and he could also have parasites in his guts. So, I decided to help my dog fight the fleas and ticks problem from inside out, i.e. I fortified his health and killed the parasites inside him with the following :-
Starting six months ago, I added approximately a tablespoon of each of the above into my dog’s food, just once a day. If you can’t find Virgin Coconut Oil, you can use toasted coconut oil (from India) instead – that works just as well and I had started with toasted coconut oil. However, I think the Virgin Coconut Oil has more health benefits.
The coconut oil and DE help to kill the parasites in the digestive system, and all three of the natural ingredients above give various health benefits to my dog. You can do an Internet search about the health benefits of ACV and DE.
Gone are the times that my poor dog had fleas and ticks sucking his blood, causing him misery with their bites. Gone are the times that I had to vacuum and wash my sofa covers and curtains like crazy, due to the frequent fleas and ticks infestations.
It will take at least a month of putting your dog on the 3 ingredients above before you start to see a decline in the fleas and ticks hanging onto your dog, but after that, your dog will be free of those nasty parasites attacking his skin. The ACV somehow makes the blood repulsive to fleas and ticks, and with a healthy immune system and a clean gut, the dog is not attractive to those parasites anymore.
My dog’s fur is really thick and glossy now, and many people had commented that my dog looks so healthy. Even my vet said so when I brought my dog to see him for a sprained leg. Lol!
So, try this safe and natural remedy on your dog(s) to keep the parasites away and be very healthy!
With best wishes,

Other articles on Black Seed Oil, and, Chicken and Duck Oil:
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Diabetes
- Asthma
- Bronchitis
- Migraine
- Cancer
- Epilepsy
- Hair loss and premature greying
- Use topically for skin conditions, e.g. eczema, burns
- 1/2 cup softened butter (I used Danish butter. SCS is good, too)
- 5 tablespoons of cinnamon powder (I used McCormick’s brand)
- 1 cup brown sugar (you can use white, too)
- 1 tablespoon cornstarch
- 2 ounces cream cheese
- 1/4 cup softened powder
- 1 cup confectioner’s or icing sugar
- 15 minutes, if your rolls are individual stand alone rolls
- 20 minutes, if your rolls are touching each other but in a small pan, e.g. like my 8 X 8 inch pan in picture above
- 25 minutes, if you are using a 13 X 9 inch pan, and the pull-apart rolls are touching each other

Hi there, dear friends :D
I would like to give the credit of this post to my blog visitor, Sam, for introducing me to the amazing Black Seed Oil (refer to Comment # 17 in my article, “Our Blood Test Results After Taking Diatomaceous Earth For 2 Months) half a year ago.
As I was impressed by the way the oil is also known as “THE REMEDY THAT CURES EVERYTHING EXCEPT DEATH” and because I am always very eager to try out new natural remedies for health, I quickly ordered a bottle right away! LoL!
Black seed oil is made from black cumin seeds, and is also known as Nigella Sativa, or Kalonji. This oil is considered a powerful herbal medicine that is high in antioxidants, is anti-inflammatory in nature, supports healthy body immune system, balances blood chemistry, and has anti-cancer properties.

Its use dates back to thousands of years. I read that even Queen Nefertiti from ancient Egypt even used black seed oil to bring lustre to her hair and nails. Cleopatra used it as a beauty treatment!
There is a lot of information in the Internet on black seed oil and there is an impressive, long list for its miraculous healing powers. There have even been hundreds of studies done (refer to THIS LINK) to the efficacy of using this oil for health purposes.
Some uses of Black Seed Oil (info from the Internet) :-
Sources :-
Black Cumin Seeds Better Than Drugs? A Look At The Science
Black Seed Oil Cures Many Cancers According To Numerous Studies
25 Uses of Kalonji Oil
Black seed oil for my family
This time, my husband was the main “guinea pig” for me to test this oil out. I found that it was extremely effective in healing him of either a chesty, phlegmy cough or a dry cough. As he has been smoking since he was a teenager, I am always on the lookout for him developing any form of coughing.
By just giving him a teaspoon of black seed oil in the morning, his cough would be gone by the third day or so. At most, he has taken the oil five days in a row only, because he hates the taste of it and he won’t take it if he does not have a cough! For me, I find its taste alright as it smells aromatic, like mild cumin powder.
So, nowadays, whenever I hear my husband start to cough, I would give him a teaspoon of black seed oil and he will be alright. Even his dry smoker’s cough is gone now.
A customer at iherb said, “Black cumin seed oil contains dithymoquinone, which protects from histamine-induced bronchial spasms (explaining its use to relieve the symptoms of asthma, bronchitis, and coughing.)”
So, do some research yourself of the health wonders of Black Seed Oil, and if you know someone who has bronchitis or a bad cough, tell them about this oil “that cures everything except death!”
With best wishes for good health,
choesf :D

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Hi there, dear friends :D
This very useful oil was introduced to me by my late healer friend, when I asked her if she knew of any oil that can heal burns and cuts very well.
She replied, “Use chicken and duck oil – it stops bleeding very quickly and heals the wounds well. I once had such a deep cut on my finger and the bleeding didn’t stop until I applied the chicken duck oil.” In the Chinese Cantonese dialect, she called the oil “Gai Ngap Yau.” I have a bottle of this oil in my kitchen and I can attest to its quick healing qualities – burns did not leave any scars and cuts were not painful at all the following day – when I used this oil (you have to follow application method below.)
Contrary to its weird poultry name, this oil is not made from the oil of chickens and ducks at all, but from some Chinese herbal ingredients. It is the brand that is known as “Chicken and Duck”. The Chinese call it, “Gai Ngap Yau.” The actual name of the oil is “Pak Chow Medicinal Oil.”
People who spend a lot of time in the kitchen prepping food and cooking will know that burns from splattering oil or from the oven, and knife cuts are quite normal. It is very important that those kitchen injuries be treated quickly and properly for the wounds to heal well and quickly. For those that work in restaurant kitchens, they would certainly appreciate a good healing oil for their cuts, lacerations and burns, so that their work is not much hindered.
Here is how you use the oil :-
1) whenever you sustain a cut or a burn, quickly run that area under tap water to clean it.
2) pour some Chicken & Duck Oil liberally over the injured area. If it is a burn, gently massage the oil into the flesh.
3) on an adhesive bandage, put some oil on the cloth part of the bandage and put the bandage on the wound.
4) if the injury in on your hands, wear gloves over the bandaged area and continue with your work.
5) IMPORTANT! This step will hasten the healing ===> change your bandage every time it gets wet, or after you showered. Replace with a new adhesive bandage, with some oil applied to the wound and also to the cloth part of the bandage. Leave the bandage on overnight when you sleep. Change to a new bandage the next day.
You will find that the following day after your cut, your wound is no longer painful even it is exposed to water and by the third day, although the cut may not have closed totally yet, there is no pain at all and your cut is healing very well.
Where to buy Chicken & Duck Oil :-
I can’t find any here in the Klang Valley as this oil is produced in Bukit Mertajam, Penang, Malaysia. But you can buy it at any Chinese medicine shop in Penang or in the Northern states. I usually get some friends who are travelling to Penang to buy some for me. It costs around RM5-90 (US$1-50) only per bottle.
In addition to the kitchen, I also have a bottle of this very useful oil in all my bedrooms and in the living room, because this oil is very good for itches, too. We get mosquito bites often here and the oil helps to get rid of the itch from insect bites.
I had even applied this oil on my cat’s half inch cut near her shoulder – there was no fur around that cut and I think she must have sustained the wound at my door grille. Her would healed in two days and her fur grew back! I just applied the oil a few times a day and although she licked it off after the applications, her wound healed quite fast.
I have also used the oil on my Shih Tzu’s wounds that were sustained when he was attacked by a stray dog. The injuries also healed very well and quickly, without leaving any scars.
This “Chicken & Duck” Oil is a must-have item in your first aid kit, and certainly at a quick access location in your kitchen. So, try to get this oil and it will be your “best friend” in the kitchen!
With best wishes,
choesf :D
Making sourdough bread and cinnamon rolls
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Fluffy cinnamon rolls that I made fresh out of the oven, drizzled with some butter cream cheese frosting
Hi there, dear friends 
I am not very good at baking at all – heheh, please have a look my ugly but yummy first Sourdough Bread that I had made a few weeks ago and you will get the idea
Most of my recipes here are for savoury foods! My past baking attempts had usually resulted in some hard buns and dense breads and as a result, I am not very confident at all in following any baking recipes.
So, if I can make these super fluffy and yummy cinnamon rolls with my secret ingredient, you can definitely do so, too, and you will be able to impress your family and friends with your new found “baking skills” LOL !
There are a few reasons why we can sometimes fail at following other people’s successful bread recipes :idea: ===>
1) type and brand of flours used – the flours that we have in Malaysia are very different from those in the US, Europe and Australia. My friend baked really good oatmeal cookies when she was staying in Canada, but when she used the same recipe here in Malaysia, her oatmeal cookies were not as tasty and were smaller in size.
2) measuring cups’ sizes – I like the convenient US method of using cups to measure ingredients in baking, instead of using measuring scales. However, I had just learned from my daughter that my set of measuring cups are according to Australian standards.
But that is okay… I will let you know below how to look at your dough to adjust the amount of flour to get the right consistency
3) weather – our Malaysian weather is really hot and humid, causing yeasts to act wildly, unlike the cool, temperate, and drier weather in some countries. So, if an American recipe requires the bread dough to proof for 12 hours to double in size for a sourdough bread recipe – in Malaysia, that dough can double in just 2 hours! Our high humidity weather can also require more flour to be used.
Hence, this cinnamon roll recipe here is suitable for use in areas that have hot and humid climates!
Another problem I had was whilst my breads were soft (but not fully) on the day that I had baked them, they were hard on the following day. I had tried the Chinese (Japanese?) “Tangzhong Method” of adding a roux of flour and water to the bread dough but I didn’t like the tedious step of having to calculate the flour/water ratios.
So, while reading all over the Internet for ways to make fluffy bread naturally (without using wheat gluten), I stumbled onto the use of adding dried potato flakes to create fluffy, soft breads that lasts for days. I believed the potato ingredient was Amish in origin?
Anyway, I had some steamed potatoes leftover from last night’s homemade Swedish Meatballs & Potatoes (I will post the recipe shortly ) and so, I adjusted some cinnamon rolls recipes to incorporate mashed potato and yes, the potato worked in creating a super fluffy and soft cinnamon roll!
I had used a bread machine to knead the dough for me, but you can use a stand mixer with dough hooks, or food processor, or knead the dough by hands (this will take about 10 to 15 minutes for a non-professional baker like me.)
Here’s the recipe ===>
Fluffy Potato Cinnamon Rolls
(makes 14 to 15 rolls)
Ingredients for Dough :
3 teaspoons Instant Active Dry Yeast (I use Mauripan brand)
1/4 cup warm filtered or bottled water
1 cup warm full cream milk (250 ml) (I used Australian Farmhouse)
2 large eggs, beaten lightly
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (I made some earlier by soaking some vanilla beans in vodka for 1 month)
1/2 teaspoon sea salt (I used pink Himalaya salt)
1/2 cup brown sugar (you can use white sugar, too…I just prefer brown)
1/2 cup mashed cooked potato
5 cups high protein or bread flour (I used organic, unbleached type – available at Jaya Grocer, Village Grocer, Cold Storage supermarkets)
Method :-
1) mix yeast with warm water in the bread pan or mixing/food processor bowl
2) add the rest of the ingredients in the order as shown above
3) if using bread machine, set menu to “Dough” function
4) if using stand mixer or food processor, mix until dough comes together and becomes almost like a ball. I said “almost” because the dough consistency may be very moist..
*** Note - if dough is like a thick batter, then add 1 tablespoon of extra flour at a time, until an almost “ball shape” is obtained.
*** Test the dough by touching it with your finger, it should be just a little sticky and the ball collapses a little at the bottom.
5) leave aside to proof in a covered bowl for 2 hours – dough will more than doubled in size.
6) meanwhile…… get your cinnamon roll filling ingredients ready. You will need :-
…… and grease your baking tins, with butter.
…… and preheat your oven to 180 degrees Celcius
7) Amply flour your working counter top adequately – larger than the size of 24 inches by 15 inches that the dough will be rolled out into
8) drop the dough gently onto the work surface. It should be pliable and elastic by now.
9) dust your hand with flour and gently press the dough into a rectangle shape.
10) with a rolling pin, gently roll dough into a rectangle size of 24 inches by 15 inches..with the longer side nearest to you.
11) leaving a 1/2 inch margin from the 4 edges of the dough, brush dough with softened butter
12) mix cinnamon powder, sugar and cornstarch thoroughly in a bowl – the cornstarch is to prevent the filling from becoming runny during baking
13) it is easier to use your hand to sprinkle the cinnamon powder sugar evenly over the buttered area of the dough
14) starting from your end, roll the dough gently away from you with both hands into a log shape.
15) trim off the right uneven end of the dough log (if you are right-handed).
16) start from the right side of the rolled dough – using a ruler or measuring tape as a guide, use a sharp knife to make a little cut to mark each cinnamon roll into 1 1/2 inches apart.
17) use a serrated bread knife (they said a piece of mouth floss or thick thread will do a better job, but I just stuck with the bread knife ) to cut the dough at the marked points and place them in the prepared baking pans or trays.
*** It is okay, DON’T WORRY if your cut out cinnamon rolls do not look perfect or the cinnamon filling does not siwrl as pretty as you want it – just use your fingers to gently pinch the dough into nicer circles or shapes. The dough will expand further and your frosting is going to cover the imperfections !
You can have the cinnamon rolls touch each other after baking, i.e. you pull apart the rolls before eating – in this case, place the rolls about 1 inch apart.
*** If you prefer individual rolls, then place them 2 to 3 inches apart.
*** Or, you can make a combination of both like I did – the individual rolls have a more chewy texture, due to more “skin” areas
18) put aside trays and pans to proof dough for another1 hour – the rolls will likely double in just 1/2 an hour, but I left mine for 1 hour and the rolls just kept getting larger and fluffier!
19) meanwhile…..prepare the frosting for the cinnamon rolls. You will need ===>
Combined all those ingredients until a frosting consistency is obtained. If you like a more runny frosting, add 1 tablespoon of milk. If you find the frosting is too thick, you can add more butter and/or milk.
*** Note – you can double the amount of frosting if you love lots of frosting on your cinnamon rolls!
20) bake your cinnamon rolls until golden brown on top for ===>
21) put the frosting right away when the cinnamon rolls are done baking and are still hot
Enjoy your cinnamon rolls while they are still hot from the oven! Use your fingers to tear apart the rolls and feel the fluffy texture of the rolls. They are so yummy! I had difficulty stopping at eating just one roll…in fact, as I was typing this post, I have sneaked back into the kitchen and helped myself to more bites of cinnamon roll
Hope you will have fun making and eating your homemade cinnamon rolls, like I did !
With best wishes,
*** Added on 21 October, 2013 – I had 3 cinnamon rolls leftover from yesterday. I ate one for breakfast and found it to be still as moist, fluffy, soft and yummy like the day before! So, this recipe works!
Green Mung Bean
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Hi there, dear friends! :D
Yesterday, I was testing out blogging from my new iPhone and when I hit the “Publish” button, only the photos remained of this post – all narration was gone! LOL! So, here is the update :idea: ===>
This is a very classic, traditional Chinese sweet soup or dessert that uses the Green Mung Bean. It is not as popular as the other Chinese sweet soups (Tong Sui in Cantonese) but I do make it now and then as an easy method for countering body heatiness and for detoxification.
A few years ago, a friend taught me an effective remedy for reducing high viral fever – take a handful of green mung beans and boil in 2 cups of water for about 15 minutes. Add half a teaspoon of salt and drink when cooled. The cooling property of the bean is magnified this way.
When I told an elderly aunt about this fever reducing remedy, she said when she was a young girl around 50 years ago, women would drink lots of this salted green mung bean water to prevent pregnancies whenever they had missed their period or their menses were late.
It is such an easy dessert to make and it only takes 30 minutes maximum from preparation to serving time….so, it is a really simple natural health remedy that we actually enjoy tasting.
All you need are just 2 cups of green mung beans to be boiled with 3 to 4 litres of water in a pot over medium heat for 20 minutes. Add sugar to taste, and the Tong Sui is ready to be serve. You can just drink the liquid or eat the beans for double potency for the medicinal properties.
The pandan leaves in the picture above are optional as I had added them for their anti-inflammatory and pain-killing properties, and my sweet soup above is a bit brownish because I had used brown sugar. Diabetics can leave out the sugar or use stevia in place of sugar.
What are the health benefits of consuming the Green Mung Bean Sweet Soup?
1) It is good for dispelling heatiness in our body. Symptoms of a heaty body are fever without any sore throats, headaches, gum pains, sore or dry throats, restless sleep.
2) It is effective for removing our body of toxins.
3) When taken regularly, it can also lower blood pressure and cholesterol for us.
4) People with acne problems can also take this sweet soup to clear up their facial complexion.
Some good informative links ===>
Using The Tiny Green Bean
Mung Beans Can Clear Body Heat, Toxins and Acne
There you have it – the “often taken for granted” Green Mung Bean Tong Sui that actually packs a lot of medicinal value for us! A really easy, cheap, quick and effective Chinese natural health remedy!
With best wishes for good health,
choesf :D
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(Source – Paida & Lajin Self-Healing Method)
Hi there, dear friends :D
I got such great relief just now from my chronic lower backache from doing this super simple Lajin self-stretching method for the first time, that I couldn’t wait to share this technique with you! It looks unassuming and simple but it really packs some healing power!
For months, I have this on-off lower backache that got better when I went for Thai massages, but the pain would be back whenever I do heavy lifting or mop the floor. Previously, I would go to my lady healer friend for deep massages to get rid of my backaches but since she passed away early this year, I never got 100% better relief from my backaches…..until today, when I tried the Lajin method!
Wow, I am now pain free from my back sprain and I could even carry out a major decluttering of my kitchen and clean up my house today. I had to bend this way and that way but my lower back was still pain-free! Previously, I couldn’t bend over much and even washing dishes at the sink was a torture for me!
I am so glad that my eldest nephew from Singapore introduced me to this technique of self healing last week! .Lajin was originally taught by Xiao Hongchi from China. You will be amazed at how simple the stretching technique is and yet it is a powerful healing technique! Although it seems like just some simple stretching, the stretching poses actually activate certain meridian points and clear those that are blocked. :D
After I had completed my Lajin stretching exercise in 10 minutes, I was able to walk properly again. I even tested bending at my waist in every imaginable situation to see if my lower backache comes back – it didn’t and I am still pain free now. My nephew said his chronic back pains and other pains have been gone for months now after doing this Lajin exercise twice only! :D
The word, Lajin, means “Stretching or Pulling of Ligaments/Tendons” in Mandarin. Actually, Lajin can heal a lot of illnesses but for now, I will only write about it for back pains. I will try it out further and write more on it later. Right now, I am convinced that this is really one of the greatest beneficial stretching exercises I have ever experienced in my whole life!
If you want relief from back pains, do give this Lajin stretching a try – it is free and you can do it conveniently at any time at home. You certainly have nothing to lose….but a lot to gain from the Lajin stretch.
All you need are just ===>
1) 2 to 3 sturdy chairs, or 1 sturdy wooden coffee table
2) a minimum of 10 minutes of your time (the longer you do this, the more effective it will be)
3) a wall
I didn’t have any sturdy chairs nor table, but what I did was I lied down on the floor right at the top of my stairs and stretch upright either of my legs against the stair balustrade, with the other leg hanging down the stairs. LOL! But it worked for me, too, in that position!
Source – Paida & Lajin Self-Healing Method
Method -
1) While lying flat, place one leg upright against the wall. It is best if the leg is completely straight – if you find it difficult, slowly ease your leg into position. For me, I felt a little bearable pain on the inner thigh but you try your best and see how far your leg can go. This leg is at a 90 degrees angle from your body. You can also have a partner help hold your leg straight for you.
2) Pull your 2 arms over your head and shoulders straight. If you can’t do that completely, relax your body and slowly let your arms go flat down.
3) Place the other leg down as far as you can, making it also at a 90 degree angle from your body, but with your lower leg dangling towards the floor. If your leg can’t go down that much, slowly push your leg down. Some people even put a little weight around their ankle to help the leg go down further.
4) Stay in this position for a minimum of 5 minutes.
5) Then switch to the other leg and repeat steps 1 to 3 above.
At the end of the session, get up slowly and see if you really got any relief from your back pains from that simple Lajin stretch!
For more detailed information on this Lajin stretch, you can visit -
It is also mentioned at the website above that the amazing beneficial health effects of doing Lajin in the above position are :-1. This position smoothens Qi flow throughout your body, which helps alleviate pain, discharge poisonous wastes, and enhance immunity and sexual potency.2. This position produces a shocking effect against back and leg pains, knee pain, painful menstruation and headache.3. This position is effective against chronic diseases like hypertension, cardiac diseases, diabetes, prostatitis, piles and constipation.4. This position cures insomnia, reduces body weight and speckles, and develops fine body linage.5. These abovementioned effects summarize the personal experience of readers and friends who have benefited from this self-healing technique. It is also effective against various other diseases.
Oh, one more thing, as in any exercises, do this stretch at least 2 hours after a main meal, or 1 hour before the meal!
If you find that this Lajin stretch works for your back sprains, too – do teach your friends and relatives and spread this technique around! After all, it is free and convenient to do and you will save money from visits to the doctor or chiropractor, and from buying medication.
Most importantly, this technique will give you back your freedom from back pain and you can regain your previous active lifestyle!
With best wishes for good health,
choesf :D
P.S. There is another variation of this Lajin stretch that can help one to slim down and lose weight and I am having my overweight daughter try that out – I will post here her feedback later.
- Just brush off the dirt from the burdock root under tap water. Do not peel off the skin as the skin contains a lot of nutrients and has acted as protection of the root from fungus and toxins. Use a peeler to make really thin slices of burdock root for easier drying and roasting. Heheh, I could also watch my favourite Korean dramas while doing that
In the Korean health documentary, the burdock root is sliced thinly into rings with a knife.
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Dried, Roasted Burdock Root Tea
Hi there, dear friends 
I was first introduced to the exceptional health benefits of the Burdock Root (Gobo in Japanese, Ngau Pong in Cantonese, New Pang 牛蒡子 in Mandarin) when I was taught to make Tateshi Kazu’s Miracle Vegetable Soup (which I had posted here in 2010) to help with my husband’s high blood pressure/cholesterol/urea acid and diabetes. Burdock root was one of the 5 ingredients in that soup.
I bought 3 burdock roots from my local market for only RM6-70 (USD2)
What got me really excited again recently about using Burdock Root as a major healing food was what I saw in a Korean health documentary show called, “Mysteries of the Human Body“. There was this Japanese doctor named Dr. Nagamo Yoshinori, a 58-year old doctor who looks 37 years old
…and he showed the audience a photo of him taken 21 years ago, whereby he looked much older than now !
A recent health examination showed his bones and blood vessels to belong to someone whose age is in the 20′s ! Wow, how wonderful is that
What was the secret behind his youthful looks and good health 
Answer :- He has been drinking 5 to 6 cups of dried and roasted burdock root tea daily, for more than 20 years now! 
My second daughter, who is 22, said the 57-year old Dr Yoshinori looked younger than her!
In that Korean health documentary, Japanese researchers were also saying that burdock root has anti-cancer and anti-tumour effects and is different from current anti-cancer agents. 
So, yesterday I was busy preparing, drying and roasting burdock root to try out. Below are some pictures that I took of the process ===>
Burdock Root slices ready for drying – put to dry in the sun for half a day, or air dry inside the home for 1 day.
Dry roasting burdock root over a medium flame
Dried and roasted Burdock Root. In the documentary, Dr Nagamo said to dry roast the sliced burdock roots until they start to smoke a little. Dry roasting makes the burdock root qualities more potent
Roasted Burdock Root stored in a jar . To make tea, just put 1 teaspoon into a cup and pour boiling water. Steep for 5 minutes before drinking. Or, make a large pot and drink the tea throughout the day.
I would like to quote Susun Weed from her Healing Wise book which I had bought online from her – she sums up the goodness of burdock root perfectly ===>
“…burdock root helps “provide optimum nutrition to the glandular and immune systems, liver, kidneys, blood, lungs, and nerves.” Chromium, iron, magnesium, silicon, thiamine, and inulin are among its many useful constituents. Fresh root is also high in vitamin C. Not only is it packed with nutrition; the mucilaginous fiber of the root will absorb, bind and remove poisons and toxins in our digestive tracts.
Longevity, steady energy, sexual vitality, and freedom from chronic disease and cancer are a few of the reported effects of long-term frequent use of burdock.”
This site and this site have a lot of information on burdock root and says that burdock root is thought to heal a damaged liver and protect it from further damage. Also, Japanese researchers have isolated a substance in burdock root that can help cell mutation and have benefits against breast cancer in early stages, and against colon and pancreatic malignancies. 
You will find in the Internet a wealth of information on the health benefits of Burdock Root.
When I bought the burdock roots from my regular supplier, the lady boss told me that recently, one of her customers gave her some good feedback on drinking burdock root tea. Her customer had some growth in her intestines and her surgery was scheduled quite some time away. While waiting for surgery, she decided to drink a burdock root decoction every day – she boiled a burdock root in water for 1 1/2 hours and drank that daily. She did this over a few weeks until she saw her doctor again before surgery. When the doctor did a scan of her intestines again, he was shocked to find that all her intestinal growths have disappeared and he asked her what she has been taking to have her tumours gone? 
She said it was the burdock root drink. Amazing, yes?
A few years ago, I have posted here before some recipes using Burdock Root
Burdock Root, Carrot, Pork Slices and Tofu Soup
Easy Burdock Root Soup for Detoxification
Nutritious Burdock Root Soup for Detoxification
Tateshi Kazu’s Miracle Vegetable Soup
There you have it – the amazing, wonderful health qualities of the burdock root. I intend to make a Burdock Root Tincture once I buy some 100% proof Vodka and I will post here instructions and pictures of that. Tinctures are easier to make and take daily, and are more potent because we are talking about burdock root extracts – we take only 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon each time.
May you and your family have good health always!
With best wishes,
iHerb purchase:
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iHerb USA – Use my Gift Code No. MLL655 for up to US$10 off for first time purchases during your checkout
Hi there, dear friends 
Health supplements and organic foodstuff/toiletries are very expensive in Malaysia, and because of that, I hardly buy them previous as I would have to spend a lot of money monthly for my family of 6 (the youngest is 18.)
Recently, in my quest in finding a good brand of pharmaceutical grade, molecularly distilled double strength (EPA & DHA, Omega 3 of 600mg per capsule) Fish Oil to buy, I stumbled onto iherb, an online store in USA with 35,000 products. That was a really amazing find for me and I am writing about it here so that you know of a great place to buy health supplements or products that you may need but can’t find where you live.
For the video below, go to:
I got this family sized bottle of EPA/DHA 600mg Fish Oil with 240 capsules for US$29-97 only (RM120), and it comes with a FREE bottle of 60 softgels of 100mg CoEnzymeQ10 (worth RM100). The equivalent of this Fish Oil would have cost more than US$100 or RM300 if bought in Malaysia!
Please note that I am not being paid in any way by iherb to promote their site.
I will also give you some tips on how to have your imported purchases passed by the Malaysian Customs and Malaysian Pharmacy Division
Other than the savings I got, I also love the low cost and the speedy delivery of the order by courier to me. I always chose DHL Priority Express which cost only US$10 for my package weighing around 2kg (US$15 for 5kg) and around 5 – 7 days (from date of ordering) to reach me!
Yesterday, I received my third order from iherb in the last 2 months, and it has always being a delight for me when opening up the package. The items bought meant a lot of savings for my family and opened up a world of exciting goodies which are difficult to find in Malaysia. 
Organic Decaffeinated Whole Coffee Beans for my husband’s espresso machine so that he can make decaffeinated cappucinos for me!
At the various products found at iherbs, you will find reviews of the products submitted by people who had purchased them and that will help you to decide whether to buy them or not.
After this article, I will write more about the amazing health benefits of taking Omega 3 Fatty Acids (EPA and DHA) found in Fish Oil and why I needed a large, regular supply every month. If you have been following my blog, you know that I have been suffering from heart palpitations and arrhythmia since last year and I am so happy to tell you now that my heart no longer suffers from those conditions since I started taking large doses of Fish Oil 2 months ago! 
One of the conditions that is worrying me now is my thinning hair
… I have very fine hair and with perimenopause, my hair is beginning to recede at the crown area and thin at the top of my head. I have been using shampoo bought locally for preventing hairfall but it doesn’t seem to help. So, I bought some organic thickening shampoo and hair stimulator/tonic from iherbs
Avalon Organics, Biotin B-Complex Therapy, Thickening Shampoo, 14 fl oz (414 ml) which I bought for US$7-39 (about RM28). Organic toiletries are very expensive in Malaysia
Herbatint (Antica Herbavita), Permanent Herbal Haircolor Gel – I decided to use a herbal hair colour that has no ammonia and gentle on my scalp
Some tips on getting your package past the Malaysian Customs and Pharmaceutical Division
1) make small purchases not more than RM500 each time. I always try not to go past US$130. I think the items may be taxed if it exceeds that amount.
2) do not buy more than two of the same items, i.e. restrict each type of product to two only. Buying more may get the product confiscated, especially for health supplements, as the Customs only allow us to purchase them for personal use only. If we are buying in larger amounts, the Customs will consider that we are buying them with for reselling here – for that we would need to apply for a licence to import them and pay a large sum of money.
3) don’t buy anything that you think may be banned or prohibited in Malaysia. For that, I think iherbs has a list of prohibited items for Malaysia at their website.
I read from some other blogs that organic baby foodstuff and products are a favourite with new moms. Some other items I bought…
NOW Citronella Essential Oil 2 fl. oz or 30 ml for only USD3-18 or RM10. Pure essential oils are very expensive in Malaysia.
This essential oil is really strong with a refreshing fragrance and I use it to repel the mosquitoes in my house. It is cheap enough for me to use it liberally for anything – even for adding into homemade my enzymes for use washing dishes or mopping the floor.
Doctor’s Best, High Absorption CoQ10, 100 mg, 120 Veggie Caps – only US$12-95 or RM42-00. If I had bought this locally, it would have cost me RM150.
As we age, our energy levels tend to drop because of decreasing amounts of CoEnzymeQ10. People who are on statins (e.g. my husband is on cholesterol medication) will have that enzyme depleted in their body. Therefore, my husband and I have started taking CoQ10 since a month ago and our energy levels are simply superb these days. We no longer feel lethargic easily.
So, do have a look at this world leading online store and compare prices of the health supplements there with those you are currently purchasing for your family. You may also find a lot of interesting products at iherbs that you may not be able to find in Malaysia.
For example, I already have on my “wishlist” there at iherbs to purchase a bottle of Peanut Butter With Maple Syrup, some Organic Popcorn (to make popcorn at home), O’Keefe’s Working Hands Cream (for dry and cracked finger skin), etc.
Do feel free to use my Gift Code – MLL655 – to knock off US$10 off your first order if your purchases exceed US$60 (US$5 if purchases are more than US$40).
Happy browsing and shopping at iherbs!
With best wishes,
Another site - complete - from 6 Nov 2008: (first posting is below)
- 11/06/08--03:11: Yummy Homemade Hainanese Chicken Rice
Good evening, dear friends 
On those days that I really don’t know what to cook, I would go for simple one-dish or one-pot type of meals. Hainanese Chicken Rice can be commonly found in almost every coffee shop and there is even a chain of restaurants specializing in selling Chicken Rice. So, I seldom cook this at home, unless I really ran out of ideas or motivation to plan a dinner menu.
Anyway, my kids love my home cooked version of Chicken Rice because mine is a bit different – they love the special black sauce and the green pea soup. I learned to cook this wonderful, yummy chicken rice from my late mother-in-law. 
A plate of fragrant chicken rice with coriander leaves and green onion curls as garnishing, and some cucumber and tomato slices on the side
A giant platter of perfectly cooked, moist “white cut chicken” or “pak cham gai” in Cantonese, garnished with some coriander leaves and green onion curls, and drizzled with ample fried golden shallot oil. Yummy! 
…with some homemade dark sauce and pounded ginger-garlic chilli as dips
… and a bowl of delicious green pea and chicken soup, with a sprinkle of chopped green onions and a few generous shakes of white pepper
The is a Chinese style of Chicken Rice that has its origins to a group of Hainanese migrants to South East Asia about 100 years ago. Hainan is an island located in the southern part of China. In Malaysia, most Hainanese ended up opening coffee shops which were popular due to their Hainanese style of brewing coffee and for their “yin-yeong” toasts. In addition to their famous Chicken Rice, Hainanese are very good cooks, often specializing in a fusion of Eastern and Western cuisine.
Here are the recipes to my version of Hainanese Chicken Rice. Please note that the portions here are huge as I like to cook ample servings of food. The leftovers can be eaten for lunch the following day. Alternative, the extra chicken pieces can be turned into “Salted Chicken” or “Harm Gai” for the next day. 
It is very tricky to get the timing just right for cooking the chicken for this dish. I have tried many methods such as steaming, boiling and in this recipe, I had used a combination of “dunking,” boiling and poaching to get the perfect texture and moistness of the chicken meat.
For this, you need a really fresh chicken (I bought mine from the wet market in the morning), the bird should be mature enough for full flavour (my chicken was about 2.3 kilos), and it should be at room temperature when cooking. 
Poached White Chicken or “White Cut Chicken” or “Pak Cham Gai” (serves 10 persons)
1 whole chicken & 3 whole chicken legs (cleaned and rubbed with 3 tbsps of salt)
Some chicken necks and bones (skin and fat removed) for stock
Enough water to immerse chicken in a fitting pot
* 2 tbsps salt
* 2 tbsps of sesame oil
5 tbsps of fried shallot oil
Some coriander leaves and green onion curls for garnishing
Method -
1) Boil the chicken bones in water to prepare the stock - simmer over low heat for about 40 minutes long.
2) Meanwhile, tie a twine or thick string around the wings and body of the chicken.
3) Remove chicken bones, and bring heat back to high.
4) Holding the string, lower the chicken gently into the water, making sure that the whole chicken is well immersed into the stock.
5) After 1 minute, use the string to pull the chicken out of the chicken stock and wait for the stock to come to a boil again.
6) Repeat the chicken “dunking” steps 4 and 5 for 6 times. The reason this is done is to ensure that the inside cavity of the chicken gets heated up properly by the hot stock. Else, we will end up with the inner thigh and backbone area sill partially uncooked while the rest of the chicken gets overdone.
7) Place the whole chicken into the stock together with the 3 whole chicken legs. Cover the pot.
8 ) Wait for the stock to come to a boil again. Be sure to check frequently for this. We don’t want to boil the chicken.
9) Immediately turn off the fire.
10) Leave the chicken to poach for 1 hour.
11) After one hour, gently remove whole chicken and chicken legs and immerse them into a large bowl of cold water. This step will produce a very smooth and silky texture to the chicken skin and meat. Yummy! 
12) Remove chicken after 10 minutes. Let dry for 3 minutes.
13) Rub the sesame oil and salt all over chicken. Leave chicken for about 30 minutes to 1 hour (depending on how long you can wait before wanting to eat it!) for it to cool down completely for easy chopping/cutting. Else, the meat will get “smashed up” or break apart.
14) Cut chicken up into bite sizes, drizzle with fried shallot oil and garnish with the coriander leaves and green onion curls.
Voila! Your very own homecooked “white cut” chicken, Hainese style! 
How to cook Hainanese Chicken Rice (for 10 persons)
6 cups fragrant or jasmine rice, rinsed clean
2 tbsps salt
1 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp sesame oil
1 tsp white pepper
3 pandan leaves, tied into a know (or 1/2 tsp of bottled pandan essence)
Enough chicken stock to cook rice (skim off the layer of oil in the chicken stock for use in cooking the rice – this makes the rice more yummy. I know, it is oily but just drink ample cups of Chinese tea after this meal to wash the fats away! 
Method -
1) Put all ingredients into an automatic rice cooker to cook.
2) Be sure to stir the ingredients at least 2 to 3 times during cooking.
3) Cook chicken rice while the chicken is poaching.
Green Pea Chicken Soup
Using the leftover chicken stock (reserve 2 cups for making homemade black dipping sauce), add one can of Ayam brand canned Green Peas and bring to a boil for about 10 minutes. Season to taste and garnish with chopped green onions and lots of white pepper. Yummy! 
Homemade Black Sauce for dipping chicken
In a pan, heat up 2 tbsps of oil, and then fry 2 tbsps of chopped garlic. Add in the 2 cups of reserved chicken stock, 5 to 6 tbsps of thick black soy sauce and bring to a boil for about 2 minutes. Add in 2 tbsps of sugar (this sauce is sweetish) and then thicken with a cornstarch-water mixture.
Put into a bowl for serving. One of my kids love to pour this sauce over his rice. 
Garlic-Ginger Chilli Sauce
10 red chilli
3-inch knob of fresh, young ginger, skin scrapped off
6 pips of garlic, skin removed
1 tbsp salt
1 tsp sugar
Juice of 6 to 8 calamansi limes (limau kasturi)
Pound chili, garlic and ginger in a peststle and mortar untul fine. Don’t blend – it just doesn’t taste as good as pounded chili. Add in salt, sugar and lime juice and you are now ready to eat your very own Hainanese Chicken Rice! 
Hope you will give this recipe a try and once you have tried your own homecooked Chicken Rice, you will find those sold outside somewhat lacking in taste!
Bon Appetit and Happy Cooking! 