The FDA has effectively shut down the purchase of Laetrile in the U.S. — even though it’s a perfectly safe and natural supplement that could save those 475,905 lives per year.

“No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States: Nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
(One of the greatest rights ever given to a people — From the 14th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, 1868)
Suppose you discovered that a whopping 475,905 people in the U.S. alone die needlessly every year, in a manner so sinister it could be classified as criminal deception.1
You’d call that mass murder if it were intentional, right?
Such is the story surrounding Laetrile, one of the most popular and effective alternative cancer treatments — also known as purified B17, Amygdalin, or nitrilosides.
The FDA has effectively shut down the purchase of Laetrile in the U.S. — even though it’s a perfectly safe and natural supplement that could save those 475,905 lives per year.
Continued below…
You can make yourself cancer-proof with laetrile-rich foods
Members of a certain tribal people are almost totally cancer-free. But when they move from their native land and change their diet, they get cancer just like anyone else.
My good friend Ty Bollinger says it’s because they eat a diet rich in laetrile. Specifically, they grow apricots on a large scale. In their country, says Ty, a man’s wealth is measured by the number of apricot trees he owns. And — most important — they eat the pits, which are just about the richest source of laetrile you can find. That makes these folks a bit unusual. And it looks like it makes them cancer-proof.
You can buy apricot pits over the Internet, but this life-giving substance is present in hundreds of other foods, too. If you’ve already got cancer, you can receive laetrile (also called B-17) intravenously (IV) at a clinic that Ty recommends. He gives you the full story in one of the best books about alternative cancer treatments ever written. Click here and see why this valuable volume belongs on your bookshelf. Then get going and make yourself cancer-proof!
Rediscovered After 3,400 Years
Oral traditions from ancient China suggest that doctors used a highly concentrated substance from the pits of apricots and other fruits 3,500 years ago to treat tumors. It was first documented in writing 2,000 years ago.
Laetrile exists in large amounts in apricot kernels, comprising 2-3% of the kernel. It’s also found in the kernels of many other fruits, and a host of other foods such as:
1) Plums
2) Cherry seeds
3) Peach kernels
4) Nectarines
5) Apple seeds
6) Lima beans
7) Chick peas
8) Elderberry wine
9) Bean sprouts
10) Millet sprouts
11) Sorghum molasses
12) All members of the raspberry family
13) Macadamia nuts
14) Bamboo sprouts
15) Cashews
16) Buckwheat
17) Blueberries
18) Blackberries
19) Strawberries
All fruit seeds contain healthy organic cyanide — not ‘inorganic’ cyanide, which is deadly. More on that in a moment…
The primitive diet was very rich in nitrilosides, because people ate the entire fruit or grain kernel, including the seeds, which contained as much as 2% or more nitrilosides. Today it’s typical to eat only the flesh and discard everything else.
Nitriloside was “rediscovered” in 1920 by California physician Ernest Krebs. His son Dr. Ernest Krebs, Jr., named it “Laetrile” in 1952 after they discovered a connection between cancer and nutritional deficiency.
Their studies showed that a sufficient intake of Laetrile (or hydrocyanic acid in its natural form) was selectively toxic to cancer cells.
In the early 70s, Loyola University biologist Dr. Harold Manner ran a study on mice using a combination of enzymes, vitamin A and Laetrile. As reported in his book, Death of Cancer2
“After 6-8 days, an ulceration appeared at the tumor site. Within the ulceration was a pus-like fluid. An examination of this fluid revealed dead malignant cells. The tumor gradually underwent complete regression in 75 of the experimental animals. This represented 89.3% of the total group.”
Vitamin B17 is one “smart” vitamin!
On a molecular level, it has four units — 2 units of glucose, 1 unit of benzaldehyde, and 1 unit of cyanide. The cyanide unit is “locked” together with the other three units so it cannot be released on its own.
When B17 comes into contact with normal cells, a protective enzyme called rhodanase neutralizes the cyanide molecule in Laetrile on contact. On the contrary, cancer cells have norhodanase. Instead, they have another enzyme, beta-glucosidase that specifically releases the cyanide, which in turn poisons the cancer cells.
So only cancer cells possess this key that unlocks the cyanide — a process known as selective toxicity.
Those Who Do NOT Get Cancer…
G. Edward Griffin, who wrote the excellent book World Without Cancer3 , indicates that the cultures around the world that eat the most B17 in their diets are the same groups that can boast an extremely low incidence of cancer.
Take, for example, the “Hunzakuts” or “Hunza” people of the Himalayas. They have a reputation for being one of the longest-lived people in the world, often living from 100 to 120 years — with great health and vitality. They didn’t know cancer before being introduced to modern civilization.
While it would be a mistake to attribute their healthy lifestyle to just one thing, the fact is that their diet has been historically high in vitamin B17 — possibly the highest in the world — because apricot trees are their main crop. The wealth of a Hunzakut man is measured by how many apricot trees he owns. And dried apricot seeds contain one of the highest sources of B17 on earth. It is not uncommon for a Hunzakut to eat 30 to 50 apricot seeds per day as a snack.
Eskimos have also traditionally been free from cancer. You would correctly assume their diet to be very poor in fresh veggies, fruit, and seeds. But grasses are typically good sources of B17, which the Eskimos receive through eating caribou, reindeer, and other grazing animals.
Both the Hunzas and Eskimos succumbed to cancer once they adopted Western eating habits.
Today’s standard American diet is weak in B17-rich fresh fruits and veggies, nuts and seeds. In addition, most meat comes from grain-fed animals, instead of the more nutritionally sound grass-fed animals.
If Laetrile is selectively toxic to cancer cells, and prevalent in the diets of cultures with almost no cancer incidence, why don’t people know about it?
Research, Cure and Cover-Up…
Most people have never heard about Laetrile because of the massive cover-up by the FDA and pharmaceutical industry.
Regardless, there have been many tests on Laetrile over the past 30 to 40 years, including a major 5-year study at the prestigious cancer research department of Sloan Memorial Kettering Cancer Research (SMKCR) Center in New York.
In 1972, SMKCR asked its senior cancer researcher Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura — with more than 60 years experience in cancer research — to conduct tests over a five-year period from 1972-1977. He’d been with Sloan Kettering since 1917.
Dr. Sugiura’s work was trusted and his honesty was beyond dispute. He had published hundreds of research papers. The head of Sloan Kettering’s lab-testing division even wrote:
“Few if any names in cancer research are as widely known as Kanematsu Segiura’s…. Possibly the highest regard in which his work is held is best characterized by a comment made to me by a visiting investigator in cancer research from Russia. He said, ‘when Segiura publishes, we know we do not have to repeat the study, for we would obtain the same results he has reported’.”
Dr. Sugiura found Laetrile to be highly effective against cancers of all types.
At the conclusion of the trials, on June 15, 1977 the SMKCR released a press statement. Over 100 reporters and half a dozen film crews from leading TV stations were assembled to hear the long-awaited official verdict on Laetrile from the world’s most prestigious cancer research center.
Physicians with impeccable credentials shared the platform. Dr. Robert Good began to speak, condemning Laetrile and its use. He then passed the microphone to Dr. Stock, who had previously praised Segiura’s work. Stock droned on about the finer details of the testing… until it became evident to all that Dr. Sugiura was not to be given an opportunity to speak.
Suddenly a journalist shouted from the crowd, “Dr. Kenamatsu Sugiura, do you stick by your belief that Laetrile stops the spread of cancer?”
He replied, “I stick.”
Dr. Sugiura said,
“The most interesting part is metastases. Secondary cancer growth to another location. When this mammary tumor grows to about two centimeters in diameter or more, about 80% develop lung metastases. But with treatment with Laetrile/Amygdalin, it’s cut down to about 20%.”
Deliberately Designed to Fail…
The medical authorities didn’t like it and determined to prove Sugiura wrong. His data had to be buried.
But other researchers had also obtained the same positive results. Dr. Lloyd Schloen, a biochemist at Sloan-Kettering, had included proteolytic enzymes in his injections and reported a 100% cure rate among albino mice.
So what was Sloan-Kettering’s plan? Change the testing protocols and Laetrile amounts to ensure failure. Little surprise then that they failed… and that’s what they reported.
Dr. Sugiura refused to roll over and play dead.
“I see what I see!” he declared. He was hounded for doing so.
Dr. Ralph Moss, head of public relations at Sloan-Kettering at the time, protested the cover-up. He blew the whistle on the lies told by Sloan-Kettering about the Laetrile trials. He was fired the next day for “failing to carry out my most basic job responsibility, which means to lie when your boss tells you to”.
Later, minutes of a meeting of top Sloan officials obtained via the Freedom of Information Act revealed that Sloan-Kettering officials knew the effectiveness of Amygdalin was obvious.
The minutes read, “…Sloan-Kettering is not enthusiastic about studying Amygdalin but would like to study cyanide releasing drugs.”
Sloan-Kettering wanted a man-made patentable chemical to mimic the qualities found in Amygdalin. That’s where the money is.
If a very effective cancer treatment or cure were found in the lowly apricot seed, it would spell economic disaster for the cancer industry.
Laetrile has also been studied and used around the world. Hans Nieper, M.D. (Germany), Ernesto Contreras, M.D. (Mexico), and Manuel Navarro, M.D. (Philippines) were three early practitioners and researchers of Laetrile. All three achieved outstanding results.
When Philip E. Binzel, Jr., M.D. learned of their work, he was so impressed he began practicing nutritional therapy with his own cancer patients. After 20 years of Laetrile treatments, he wrote a book about his experiences.
It should be noted that Laetrile was never meant to be a stand-alone cancer treatment like a drug… but to be used in combination with supplements, diet and enzymes.
Dr Binzel’s book Alive and Well documents numerous stories of those who went on to survive and thrive after Laetrile treatments, and many of the stories can also be read at
Tests revealed dramatic survival rates
After 18 years, Dr. Binzel analyzed the success of his treatments. He separated his patients into primary cancer and metastatic cancer groups… and then compared their outcomes to the American Cancer Society’s outcomes.
The primary cancer group had 180 patients with 30 types of cancer. After 18 years, 87.3 percent of these did NOT die of their cancer. Even assuming that the seven patients who died of unknown causes may have died from cancer, he still showed an amazing 83.3% long-term recovery!4
At the same time, the American Cancer Society (ACS) officially claimed that with conventional treatment including early detection and treatment for cancers that had not yet metastasized, “…85% of the patients WILL die from their disease within 5 years.”5
I think I’d bet on Dr. Binzel’s odds, not those of the ACS!
In his group of metastasized cancer patients, after 18 years 70.4% did not die, reduced to a (still) whopping 62.1% when he conceded those who died of unknown causes.
Binzel’s results are incredible when compared to ACS statistics, which show that only one person in every thousand with metastasized cancer (0.1%)will survive five years if treated with conventional means.6
This is true reason to hope…
The Two Fronts of the Disinformation Campaign
Detractors claim that Laetrile is: (1) Too toxic because it contains cyanide, and (2) Not effective in treating cancer.
The “toxic” argument is absurd. You ingest it every time you eat lima beans, bean sprouts, most seeds and nuts, berries, millet and more. And some of the healthiest people on earth eat diets high in Laetrile. What’s more, vitamin B12 — which is sold as a supplement — also contains the same type of cyanide molecule as B17.
The story above about the Sloan Kettering research casts plenty of doubt on the idea Laetrile is “ineffective.” Ralph Moss, the main source for what happened there, is a pillar of integrity, and he’s not a wide-eyed worshipper at the altar of alternative treatments. He’s much more insistent on good scientific evidence than most people who write about the subject.
Further, Griffin reports in his book World Without Cancer about studies at the Mayo Clinic that were deliberately designed to fail and not conducted according to protocol, so the results would “prove” that Laetrile is ineffective.
How to Get Started with Laetrile…
Due to the suppression of Laetrile treatments, you can’t just walk into a doctor’s office and get treated in America. Physicians have been shut down and hauled to jail for prescribing Laetrile.
So Laetrile has been pushed out of the U.S. and into Mexico. Some U.S. docs may still give Laetrile by IV (intravenously), but they probably won’t publicize it.
If you want to receive treatment in the States, the only option is to ask around at various alternative cancer treatment clinics to find out who offers it.
If you want to take “home-style” Laetrile by mouth, you can still purchase apricot seeds on the Internet, but it’s becoming more difficult. Anyway, my sources indicate that eating the seeds is effective as a preventive but less so if you’ve got cancer. IV Laetrile is the most powerful delivery method if you’ve got cancer.
Many clinics in Mexico offer Laetrile or B17, often stated on their websites. As always, check on the credibility of the doctor or clinic, and try to speak with other patients before committing to a regimen.
We publish a guide to Mexican cancer clinics called Cancer Defeated, and I strongly urge you to get your hands on this Special Report if you’re thinking of going to Mexico to get laetrile treatment. We’re coming out with an updated edition called Adios, Cancer.If you buy the older edition that we have in stock now, we’ll automatically send you a FREE copy of the new edition when it comes out. This is a great offer (if I do say so myself). CLICK HERE to get Cancer Defeated AND a free copy of Adios, Cancer in a month or two.
As mentioned earlier, Laetrile is intended to be part of a complete protocol of diet, enzymes, exercise and supplements. You should use Laetrile ONLY under the supervision of a medical professional.
For example, zinc is required for Laetrile to do its job. Ditto for vitamin C. Vitamin A interferes with Laetrile. A build-up of vitamins, enzymes and proper diet is necessary before starting Laetrile. A full stomach weakens the effect of Laetrile. Et cetera.
It’s not a do-it-yourself option.
Also, Laetrile stands for laevo-rotatory mandelonitrile beta-diglucoside. The “laevo” part references a purified form of B17 that turns polarized light in a left-turning direction. Dr. Ralph Moss states that the form of Laetrile patented by the Krebs, father and son, was purified to contain only this left-turning (laevo) form. Apparently Dr. Krebs, Jr. believed that only the left-turning form was effective against cancer. So it’s wise to check the purity of your practitioner’s Laetrile.
Robert Atkins, M.D., the “Diet Revolution” guru, said, “Amygdalin appears to neutralize the oxidative cancer-promoting compounds such as free radicals… It’s just one more key component keeping cancer from growing or spreading. Contrary to what people have said about Laetrile… it should be considered an effective, entirely safe treatment for all types of cancer.”