Bridget Menezes
THOUGHTS are our tools. They are the key to opening up our intellect and our mind, and with it, we can chip away at the blocks of our old limiting belief systems.
Thoughts are also vehicles with which we navigate through our inner universe. They are the energy that creates the impetus for understanding and change.
When you do not control your thoughts, you are ruled by your emotions, memories and circumstances or by your environment which you are in.
Your life is, therefore, controlled by internal and external conditionings. This reactive nature leads you to live an emotionally unstable life.
Positive thinking helps you to be in charge of your own life. You do not blame others or problems that arise.
Your behaviour is not a result of the conditions or circumstances, but a result of your own conscious choice based on selected values.
Positive thoughts are the basis for greater achievements in life. They cannot be measured in terms of money.
If we control our thoughts, we are indirectly controlling our speech and actions.
Therefore, we have to sow the seed – thought – so that the tree – speech and actions – grows and gives fruit.
You will embrace life with enthusiasm knowing that there is untold benefit in every scene.