The Telegraph
5:43PM GMT 01 Nov 2010
Our panel of experts answers your questions on everything from coping with an underactive thyroid to milk allergy and the overproduction of saliva.
LifeCoach panel: Dr Dan Rutherford, health, Sarah Stanner, nutrition, and Tony Gallagher, fitness |
Q I was diagnosed several months ago as having an
underactive thyroid and high cholesterol, and one of my kidneys is producing
excess protein. I have taken thyroxine tablets (50 micrograms) for the past
month. One of the side-effects is partial hair loss, which is scary, and I have
now stopped taking the tablets. My doctor wants me to go onto a double dosage,
as the latest blood test indicates no change in my metabolism. S Muir,
A Hair loss is one of the typical symptoms that goes with
underactivity of the thyroid gland. It is therefore much more likely that it was
happening because you were not yet at the right dose of thyroid hormone
(thyroxine, levothyroxine) rather than due to the treatment.
I think your doctor is right, and I therefore suggest you restart your
thyroxine and that you go along with your doctor’s advice on how much to take.
Deficiency of thyroid hormone can cause fatigue, hair loss, dry skin, aches and
pains, weight gain, intolerance of the cold and, if the deficiency is severe and
prolonged, heart muscle damage, so not taking the treatment is not a good
A high cholesterol level can be due to insufficient thyroid hormones in the
body, so you may see your cholesterol level fall once your thyroxine dose is
sorted out.
Protein leakage from the kidney is not linked to thyroid insufficiency, so this must be due to some other cause. Search on the NHS Choices website ( for more information on thyroid and kidney problems.
A A sluggish or underactive thyroid can slow down your body’s metabolism and delay the clearance of cholesterol from your blood stream, resulting in a high cholesterol level. So many people with hypothyroidism also suffer from elevated blood cholesterol levels. It wouldn’t be unusual if your cholesterol level returned to normal once your low thyroid function is addressed. But if your hypothyroidism is left untreated, its cholesterol-raising effect will increase your risk of heart disease, so taking your thyroxine is important.
However, what you eat can influence your blood cholesterol as well as protect your heart, keeping your blood pressure down and helping to prevent clots. Your diet should be low in saturated fats in particular, but generally low in fat overall. Biscuits, cakes, pastries, fatty meat, hard cheeses, cream and butter all tend to be high in saturated fats. Opt for sources of unsaturated fats instead, such as rapeseed, olive, sunflower oils, nuts, seeds and oily fish. It’s also important to eat plenty of soluble fibre (in fruit, vegetables, beans and oats), which can lower cholesterol levels.
Foods containing substances called plant sterols or stanols may help to lower cholesterol. There are now a range of products on the market with these ingredients added, including spreads, yogurts and soft cheeses. Soya foods and nuts have also been shown to be beneficial, although nuts are of course high in fat so you shouldn’t eat more than a handful a day – and choose unsalted varieties. If you’re overweight, cut back on calories to help reduce your cholesterol level.
You should also reduce any additional risk of developing heart disease by stopping smoking and cutting back on alcohol if you need to. Eating one to two portions of oily fish each week (salmon, herring, trout, sardines, fresh tuna) can also help to lower blood pressure and prevent blood from clotting.
Some people diagnosed with hypothyroidism have been found to be selenium deficient, and this can reduce the activity of thyroid hormones. Dietary sources include Brazil nuts, meat, shellfish and cereal products – but be careful if using supplements, as high doses of selenium can be toxic The recommended daily intake for adults is 55 micrograms.
A While your underactive thyroid and high cholesterol needs to be looked at from a medical, nutritional and stress-reduction point of view, you should try to find a place for exercise in your armoury if possible. Many people with hypothyroidism gain weight, which is sometimes down to the fatigue associated with the condition that limits their energy expenditure rather than the underactive thyroid itself. You won’t always feel like physical activity – but you would do well to consider some of the benefits.
Regular cardiovascular activity can increase levels of serotonin, which is often at a low level in people with an underactive thyroid. Higher levels will improve your mood.
A reduced stress will help you make wiser food choices. The adrenal glands, which are affected by stress, are overworked in underactive thyroid patients. If you could manage 30 minutes’ exercise most days this should help you. Strength training would also help increase your metabolism.
One sufferer of hypothyroidism, who has had an underactive thyroid for 10 years, reports losing over five stone in nine months with Weight Watchers. She says she was very strict with what she ate as she knew she would have to work slightly harder than most due to her underactive thyroid. She advises to watch your diet, and exercise to beat the tiredness and low moods that comes with hypothyroidism.
Although she was told she’d probably put on more weight and not be able to lose it, she has maintained her weight for the past three years after her initial five-stone loss. She states, poignantly, that you have got to want to lose weight because you want to, not because society dictates you should be a particular size.
Q My daughter, aged three, has been on soya milk for nearly a year, after a doctor told us that her cough might be a dairy allergy. Is it likely she’s grown out of it and would it be safe to try her on dairy again? M R, Kew
A An allergy to milk is the most common allergy in young children. The symptoms vary widely but include diarrhoea, eczema, bloating, catarrh, asthma attacks and constipation, among others.
It affects between two and seven per cent of children under one year old. But most children grow out of milk allergies by the age of three, and around 80 per cent lose them by the time they reach adulthood.
As her symptoms were not severe, it is worth reintroducing cow’s milk again to see if she can now tolerate it (this should not be done without medical supervision if children have experienced a severe reaction). You could start with yogurt or cheese as these are sometimes tolerated better than milk.
Q For 30 years, I have had the same metal upper-jaw denture to which teeth have been added one by one when necessary. Last April, I lost my last two crowns and two teeth were added. Since then, I have had such excess saliva that I have to swallow every 20 seconds. My dentist and my doctor can suggest no solution. R W, West Midlands
A Assuming that the problem is of overproduction of saliva, it may be worth considering having botulinum toxin injections (“Botox”) into the salivary glands. This sounds more drastic than it is, although you would need to explore with your GP if there is a specialist within reasonable range that can do this. The reduction in saliva output can be substantial and last several months from one treatment.
Q What’s your opinion on probiotics? NF, by email
A Probiotics are live microorganisms (mostly bacteria) that influence our gut by increasing the number of “good” or “friendly” bacteria. They are found in dietary supplements and foods.
Although they are linked with lots of potential health benefits, there is better evidence for some conditions than others. For example, several studies have shown specific probiotics help to prevent diarrhoea during a course of antibiotics.
But any potential health benefit will also depend on the strain and amount of bacteria the product contains – the effects appear to be strain-specific.
Some people find probiotics help, while others don’t. This could be because we all have different bacteria in our gut. If you have problems with your digestive health, you could try them and see if they help.
- Send your questions and comments to The Sunday Telegraph, Life Coach, 111 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 0DT; or email
11/11/2010 04:38 AM
Do these people not know the reality of suffering an underactive thyroid? Yes love, your hair will fall out, you will get rough skin, your ankles will swell and be extremely painful, muscle aches will make you cry and you will be so cold you think you have hypothermia. Cholesterol getting high is one of the signs of hypothyroid, don't take statins, get your illness treated properly you might need T3 as well as levothyroxine, the drug of choice because its CHEAP!!
11/01/2010 09:39 PM
Was the person with thyroid problems consuming ANY unfermented soy?
Unfermented soy contains phyto-oestrogens that mimic female hormones. These play
havoc with the thyroid.