For whatever reason, I’d postponed giving it a shot. But when I went to my doctor and got a reading of 167/98 I knew I had to take action. I bought a juicer and began incorporating it into my everyday routine.
My next blood pressure reading just a couple days later was 145/80. A few days after that? 120/80!
I realize that my results aren’t exactly scientific. And that blood pressure can vary one day to the next. But I’m going to keep it up and keep track. I’d rather juice every day than pop a pill.
It’s so simple. I just throw a couple of fresh, organic beets in the juicer along with other vegetables and fruits, once a day. Try it with kale, carrots, oranges, and apples. It’s actually quite delicious. I’d love to hear how it’s worked for you too. So please let me know either on our Facebook page or in the comments section of this article.
And if you needed even more reasons to start juicing, get this…
My research team has just informed me that it may help give me an extra boost during my workouts. More specifically, beet juice increases stamina and could help you exercise for up to 16 percent longer.1
Researchers from the University of Exeter tested it on eight men. The men drank 500 mL for six days. During the last three days the men underwent a series of moderate and severe-intensity exercises, including bicycling.
Then they repeated the study with a placebo drink. And sure enough…
When the men drank the beet juice they were able to cycle for an average of 11.25 minutes. That was 92 seconds longer than when they took the placebo.
And what helped give them the extra boost?
The same chemical in beet juice that helps lower blood pressure. Nitrate. A combination of nitrogen and oxygen.
The body converts nitrate into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide helps regulate blood flow.2 Better blood flow helps oxygen get to the cells. This helps explain why the men were able to exercise longer.
“Our study is the first to show that nitrate-rich food can increase exercise endurance,” said study author Andy Jones. “These effects cannot be achieved by any other known means, including training.”
Simply put, because of the nitrate the men needed less oxygen to perform. And less oxygen needed means less energy needed to produce the same force. So the men didn’t have to work as hard.
The same researchers conducted another study. This time they tested beet juice and its effects on men during a series of walking and running tests.3 And once again, the men performed better… and longer.
So now, along with lowering my blood pressure, I can get in a better—and easier—workout.
But even if you don’t enjoy working out like I do, that doesn’t mean beet juice can’t help. It could prove to be beneficial for elderly people or for anyone with cardiovascular, respiratory, or metabolic diseases.
Beet juice could help them go about their daily lives without overdoing it. And they would be able to do more without tiring as fast.
Again, as I reported before, a little bit goes a long way. In these studies the men only had to drink the juice for a few days for good results.
If you’re taking beet juice as a daily regimen like I am, don’t forget to blend with other vegetable and fruit juices. Too much can be hard on your stomach and kidneys.4
The benefits of beet juice just keep getting better and better. I can’t wait to hear how it’s helped you.
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