
Friday 24 February 2012

Heart Rhythm Checklist

This checklist has been designed to help you determine whether you have a heart rhythm problem. If you have more than one of the symptoms below, see your GP.

  • Have you fainted or passed out during exercise, while emotional or when startled?
  • Have you ever fainted or passed out after exercise?
  • Have you ever had extreme shortness of breath during exercise?
  • Have you ever had extreme fatigue associated with exercise (much more so than others of your age and level of fitness)?
  • Have you ever had discomfort, pain or pressure in your chest during exercise?
  • Has a doctor ever ordered a test for your heart?
  • Have you ever been diagnosed with an unexplained seizure or fit?
  • Have you been diagnosed with epilepsy that fails to respond to medication?
  • Have you ever had exercise-induced asthma that medication didn't control well?
  • Are there any family members who had a sudden, unexpected, unexplained death before age 50 (including cot death, car accident or drowning)?
  • Are there any family members who died suddenly of heart problems before they were 50?
  • Are there any family members who have had unexplained fainting or seizures?

Do you have any relatives with the following conditions:
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: thickening of the heart muscles.
  • Long QT syndrome: a condition that results in a very fast, abnormal heart rhythm, which can cause fainting.
  • Short QT syndrome: a congenital abnormality in the electrical activity within the muscle cells of the heart.
  • Brugada syndrome: a rare genetic condition that causes the heart to beat so fast that it can affect blood circulation.
  • Marfan syndrome: a genetic condition that affects the body's connective tissues.
  • Heart attack at age 50 or younger.
  • Pacemaker or implanted defibrillator.
Source: Arrhythmia Alliance

Last reviewed: 29/07/2011
Next review due: 28/07/2013