Tuesday October 11,2011

Taking vitamins and minerals in recommended amounts is essential for good health
Daily Express reporter
Taking vitamins and minerals in recommended amounts is essential for good health |
TAKING vitamins and minerals in recommended amounts is essential for good health.
Recent data from the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey and a report entitled Towards A Healthier Britain found many people, particularly women and the elderly, are not well nourished enough by what they eat.
Their diets fail to provide them with enough vitamins and nutrients, particularly iron for brain function, calcium and magnesium for good bone health and zinc for the immune system.
Few improvements in diet have been noted in the past 10 years.
Dr Carrie Ruxton, from the Health Supplements Information Service, says: “Multivitamin supplements contain a variety of essential vitamins and minerals which help those with less healthy or irregular diets to meet recommended intakes of nutrients, thus ensuring the maintenance of normal health and wellbeing.”
Their diets fail to provide them with enough vitamins and nutrients, particularly iron for brain function, calcium and magnesium for good bone health and zinc for the immune system.
Few improvements in diet have been noted in the past 10 years.
Dr Carrie Ruxton, from the Health Supplements Information Service, says: “Multivitamin supplements contain a variety of essential vitamins and minerals which help those with less healthy or irregular diets to meet recommended intakes of nutrients, thus ensuring the maintenance of normal health and wellbeing.”