

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Men’s Hormone For The Heart

| Aug 17, 2013

Everyone knows about the epidemic of heart and vascular disease. Few realize that the risk of heart disease grows with age. Research dating back more than half a century has tied heart disease to male menopause and the reduction of androgens (testosterone).
  • Testosterone is a primary factor in the health of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Testosterone levels decline with age.
  • Restoring testosterone — and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) — to youthful levels can yield significant health benefits, including protection against the various manifestations of atherosclerotic disease.

Women do need testosterone, but only one-tenth as much as men. We are talking about natural testosterone.

Testosterone’s Role

Most physicians completely ignore the role of testosterone and other hormones in maintaining men’s cardiovascular health.

German researchers before World War II found that testosterone treatment using testosterone esters could normalize faulty glucose metabolism, a major co-existing condition with cardiovascular disease. They found that testosterone treatment over several months would relieve angina and improve leg pain in men suffering from intermittent claudication (leg pain).

Dr. Jens Moller, M.D. (1904-1989), medical researcher and practitioner, found that testosterone replacement fell into three general categories:
  1. Complete healing of gangrene of the upper and lower extremities.
  2. Improvement of impaired carbohydrate metabolism and circulation.
  3. Milder and fewer angina pectoris attacks, as well as normalized EKG findings.

“In Dr. Moller’s view, conventional medicine sees cardiovascular disease (CVD) as primarily a plumbing problem. The aim is to keep the pipes clear and the pump working. The focus is on symptoms of the disease — high cholesterol, hypertension, atherosclerosis, thrombosis (clot formation), intermittent claudication, angina and other familiar manifestations — but not on what is really causing the symptoms.” (From Maximize Your Vitality and Potency For Men Over 40, by Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. and Lane Lenard, Ph.D.)

Dr. Moller’s view was that protein is the substance on which all the biochemical and physiological activity of life is based. And testosterone is the hormone whose major role is to build up this core substance.

Treating Symptoms

Of course the treatment of symptoms is the foundation of the pharmaceutical business. It is the core training in U.S. medical schools. Translated, this makes most United States doctors drug salesmen. And this makes the public victims of “medical” assault under the guise of medical treatment. This is one of the most thorough systems of brainwash in history proving that a professional education system is a training ground for esoteric hidden control. Not one doctor in 10,000 is suspicious of his education and professional shackles.

Following the trail of the serpent, it’s the fraud of paper money that creates such a colossus of fraud and deceit. The medical system is government-paper-money dependent. If not for this system, there would not be more than 2 percent of the present number of doctors.

Transdermal (rub on) testosterone cream is a highly effective delivery method. This can be bought from a compounding pharmacy with a prescription.