It’s official: These are the 20 easiest unis to get into
Time to get me a second degree

Let’s be real – for all its ups and downs, uni is no easy ride. But what if we could make part of that journey easier? What if – when stressing about your A-Levels – you could selectively choose a uni based on how easy it is to get into? Well, once again, we’ve got your back.
Save The Student analysed UCAS data to determine the percentage of students who receive an offer after applying to each university in the UK, proving once and for all which unis are the easiest to get into.
Aberystwyth University tops the list as the easiest uni to get into – with a 96.6 per cent offer rate. Guess it’s a hard job convincing students to come to Wales as it is.
Meanwhile, Exeter is the only Russell Group uni to make the cut, with an 87.5 per cent offer rate.
Check out the 20 easiest unis to get into below:
1. Aberystwyth University – 96.6 per cent
2. Bishop Grosseteste University – 94.5 per cent
3. Ravensbourne University London – 92.9 per cent
4. University for the Creative Arts – 92.5 per cent
5. Plymouth College of Art – 91.1 per cent
6. University of Sussex – 89.3 per cent
7. University of Roehampton – 89.3 per cent
8. Northumbria University – 85.5 per cent
9. Nottingham Trent University – 88.6 per cent
10. University of Kent – 88.6 per cent
11. York St John University – 88.5 per cent
12. Liverpool Hope University – 88.1 per cent
13. Coventry University – 87.8 per cent
14. London Metropolitan University – 87.5 per cent
15. University of Exeter – 87.5 per cent
16. University of Wales Trinity Saint David – 87.4 per cent
17. Newman University, Birmingham – 87.0 per cent
18. University College Birmingham – 87.0 per cent
19. University of Winchester – 86.7 per cent
20. Cardiff Metropolitan University – 86.7 per cent
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Ranked: The 50 unis you should’ve gone to if you wanted an easy 2:1
Easy for you, maybe
As a hungover fresher, missing yet another 9am lecture, you’re always telling yourself “it’s ok, I only need a 2:1”. That sweet ignorance is quickly shattered into your first term of second year though, when you suddenly clock how difficult that 2:1 might actually be.
Uni’s all about balance after all, right? Who needs to come out with a first if you can come out with a nice group of mates, fun memories from all your nights out and a degree good enough to bag you a decent job.
Well, luckily for you, we’ve put together a list of the 50 unis where you’re most likely to get the holy 2:1.
Based on data from HESA, stats show the uni you should’ve gone to get an easy 2:1 is LSE – with 95 per cent of students bagging one. Failing that, it’s Durham. A classic insurance choice.
Maybe it’s easy there or maybe they only take smart, motivated people. Who knows – but if you want to play the odds, then it’s worth knowing the percentages.
These are the 50 unis you should have gone to if you wanted an easy 2.1:
Note: We excluded unis with under 500 graduates in a year, as HESA rounds totals to the nearest five and small totals can be distorted
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These are the unis you should’ve gone to if you wanted to earn £40k out of uni
Don’t look at this table if you go to Leeds, ngl
You know what’d be nice: earning £40k straight out of uni. Fortunately, there’s now data showing which uni you really should have gone to if you wanted to make that a reality.
Stats collected by HESA on 2017/18 grads show that nearly a third of Imperial grads earn over £39,000.
Just one in 50 Queen’s University Belfast grads surveyed by HESA bring in the same amount.
Cambridge narrowly tops Oxbridge in the rankings, but both are beat out by LSE, proving every stereotype about the London consultant factory is grounded in lucrative reality.
Giving thanks to the business school legends, Warwick are also up there, and Bristol won’t be reliant on daddy’s money for too long.
Check out the full table to feel quite bad about your prospects:
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These are the subjects which will earn you the most money straight out of uni
Is it me or did vets just become super attractive?
Some people go to uni for the nightlife, to make friends, because they have no idea what the hell else to do and some, believe it or not, to secure good career prospects for the future. If you’re one of the latter, it’s likely you’ve already done your research and could name the highest earning subjects with your eyes shut. If you’re like the rest of us though- it’s time to get clued up.
We’ve analysed HESA’s graduate salary data to find the median earnings for each grads from each uni subject. To find this, HESA asked what 2018/19 grads are up to, so – pandemic aside – it’s a pretty good guide to what you’re looking at raking in.
Turns out vets don’t just go into their career because they love animals- they’re earning more than any of their uni mates by far- a solid £31,000. The medics and dentists don’t follow too far behind at £26,750, but for all the clubbing nights they missed to fit in yet another study sesh, I hope it’s worth it.
Art and design students rest firmly at the bottom of the list, and can expect to earn about £18,333 a year when they graduate.
Surprisingly, law’s not exactly up there- with average earnings standing at £19,833. You’re agriculture mates are currently laughing at you- earning on average 500 quid more than you. Peak.
How much will your degree subject earn you out of uni?
Medicine & dentistry – £26,750
Subjects allied to medicine- £20,667
Biological sciences- £19,833
Veterinary science- £31,000
Agriculture & related subjects- £20,333
Physical sciences- £20,833
Mathematical sciences- £21,833
Computer science- £21,667
Engineering & technology- £22,667
Architecture, building & planning- £20,667
Social studies- £21,333
Law- £19,833
Business & administrative studies- £21,167
Mass communications & documentation- £19,167
Languages- £20,500
Historical & philosophical studies- £20,500
Creative arts & design- £18,333
Education- £19,833
Combined- £21,000
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