

Sunday, 29 November 2020

Oxford vaccine update: How UK vaccine compares to US Pfizer and Moderna versions

OXFORD UNIVERSITY'S coronavirus vaccine trial has yielded some early results, with researchers able to conclude at least 70 percent success following their third-phase tests. How does the UK version compare to Pfizer and Moderna in the US?

The Oxford Vaccine Group released preliminary findings from their early tests today, putting another effective vaccine in arm's reach. The university's collaboration with Swedish biopharmaceutical company AstraZeneca yielded results weeks following others from Moderna and Pfizer across the pond. Three vaccines now point to a potential way out of the pandemic, but each presented with different results at first.

How is the UK vaccine different from the US versions?

Moderna and Pfizer became the first companies to cross the vaccine finish line with their mRNA jabs earlier this month.

Both projects produced a 90 percent or more success rate of preventing COVID-19 infection, with following results increasing their effectiveness.

Oxford University announced its results this morning, with reports suggesting it is less effective.

Oxford vaccine update: Oxford University

Oxford vaccine update: Oxford University reported 90 percent effectiveness from its vaccine (Image: GETTY)

Initial headlines led with their mRNA jab being 70 percent effective, but in reality, the results have more nuance.

Phase three interim analysis of the vaccine found it was 70.4 percent effective when "combining data from two dosing regimens".

But the researchers explored results of more than one regimen, and each turned out new findings.

They found one other regimen had 62 percent effectiveness, while a third had up to 90 percent.

Oxford vaccine update: Vaccines in development

Oxford vaccine update: Coronavirus vaccines currently in development (Image: EXPRESS)

The latter regimen of a half and then full dose also provided promising effects for asymptomatic groups.

Scientists found those taking the vaccine had lower rates of asymptomatic infection, which also suggested their jab could prevent COVID-19 transmission.

Results from the most effective dosage regimen match those of Pfizer's.

They initially reported prevention rates of 90 percent, before subsequent analyses saw this grow to 95 percent.

Oxford vaccine update: AstraZeneca

Oxford vaccine update: Oxford made its vaccine in partnership with AstraZeneca (Image: GETTY)

Moderna came forward with initial results of 95 percent as well, meaning it is possible Oxford's efficacy rate could increase.

Professor Sarah Gilbert, Professor of Vaccinology at the University of Oxford, said their project would bring "benefits for the whole world".

She said: "The announcement today takes us another step closer to the time when we can use vaccines to bring an end to the devastation caused by SARS-CoV-2.

"We will continue to work to provide the detailed information to regulators."

"It has been a privilege to be part of this multi-national effort which will reap benefits for the whole world."

No vaccine has yet received full approval for public use, with several stages left.

Once scientists have finalised testing in the UK, they will need to secure a license and Government approval.

The US jabs will need to do the same in America before also passing organisations in other countries.