

Monday 9 March 2020

Articles on Coronavirus, Heart health, Diabetes, Stroke recovery, Olive oil

A pomeranian (believed to be pictured) in the Chinese territory became the first animal to test positive for the virus last month, sparking fierce debate about whether the diagnosis was legitimate.

With more than 96,000 sick with coronavirus and growing international concern, breaks down the most essential things to know about the outbreak and the virus's symptoms.

Health officials have launched ominous-looking campaign posters which depict contaminated door handles, reportedly because their 'disgust factor' makes people more likely to remember them.

Miguel Angel Benitez - Spain's first case - is said to have made a full recovery at the Virgen del Rocio Hospital in Seville after being treated with Kaletra. The hunt for a cure by 2021 is on track.

Beijing confirmed just 120 new cases yesterday in the lowest daily toll since the crisis began to take hold in the middle of January. Some 2,103 patients were struck down outside of China.

A YouGov survey of 21,000 people in ten countries put Britain last both in public fear and likelihood of taking steps to limit the risk of getting the virus, such as washing hands.

Researchers at Harvard School of Public Health analysed the diets of 37,000 Americans with an average age of 50, finding protein for plant sources could help people live longer.

Researchers in the US looked at data from 1,923 people who were fitted with walking devices that monitored their activity and found consistent lesser risk of diabetes and heart disease.

In the first study of its kind, researchers evaluated how music therapy improved the lives of stroke patients at Addenbrooke's hospital in Cambridge.

Harvard researchers studied the health of nearly 100,000 people over 24 years and found that higher olive oil consumption was beneficial to heart health.