

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Chronic Pain Relief

 A Special, “Out Of This World” FREE Technique For Relieving Chronic Pains

I came across the following article which seemed interesting, The technique suggested may work for you, or, it may not. Have an open mind, and good luck!

This article is dedicated to those of you out there that suffer from chronic pains, or you are in some pain and you want quick relief. 
However,  I must warn you that you must have an open mind to read further about this pain relief technique. 
There is an 80% chance of success among those that have tried it. If it doesn’t work, it means that you have a deeper medical condition that requires further medical consultation. 
It has worked very well for me and I use it whenever I have a headache, a muscle or ligament sprain, gum pains…basically, any pain related matters. It is better than taking pain medication. 
This pain relief protocol was introduced to the world on 06 November, 2017,  and people who have found it effective are encouraged to inform others who suffers from chronic pain. It is meant to reduce pain suffering for everyone. 
Some feedback :-
“wow cant believe this actually worked ! 
I have had plantar fasciitis on my foot for 2 years and chronic back pain for weeks that are now gone!!!” 
“…I felt something started to work on my left arm which induced my backaches for decades. I felt cool on my arms and the pain was relieved little by little. Really awesome !!” 
“Ohh my god! I mentally quoted 3x and moved the column from side to side to test.
I felt the pain of the slipped disc and then a shiver down the spine until the hair and pain was relieved. I’m a little shocked! no words at the moment. I do not know if I’m totally cured of slipped disc, but I guarantee that eased the pain” 
“Sorry, my English is horrible, so I used the google translator. I have pain in the joints of the fingers of the hands, I performed the technique yesterday and today, when I closed my eyes I had the sensation of receiving a scanner of lights, green, yellow, red, very strange. The pain has subsided, I’m back on the weekend.
“definitely works but pain came back after a while although not as intense as it used to be. Had to do it several times. But I feel great now. Thanks a lot. Sending much love.” 
“Success! I repeated the code as instructed. I did it when I went to sleep Monday night. I have had a chronic inflammation in my throat for over 10 years and nothing has cured it. I am an acupuncturist and have to cough and clear my throat constantly to alleviate the pain. This disrupts the silence I like while working on a patient.
I felt subtle shifts happen after repeating the code. The next day there was no pain. I went through the entire clinic day without coughing. The relief is enormous! I wanted to wait until another day went by before I really got my hopes up. Today, I am still experiencing relief. We will see how it goes.” 
The Pain Relief Protocol :-
command-pb-stardust mangga
When you need relief from pain, you can either say out aloud, or mentally say 3 times  the words “Command PB Stardust.”  
Like this :- 
Command PB Stardust
Command PB Stardust
Command PB Stardust

What is Command PB Stardust?
{This is where you will need an open mind … well…just think of it as some form of Energy Healing for you! Lol! )
Hi everybody !
Unbelievable !
I’m absolutely blown! It works ! We tested it on several people, some aged 70 who had pain for many years!
In 3 seconds, 80% of the pain was gone! It’s absolutely fantastic, especially since it shows the reality of pleiadian technology!
If the pleiadians could do the same thing to remove addictions to drugs, cigarettes or alcohol, it would be so wonderful for millions of people.
Thank you, I love you so much for what you do for us. 
Since i mention the Command PB stardust 3 times yesterday, I feel that my pressure in back and on my heart passed away. Therefore I’m suffering from a thrombosis since two years in my right leg, so my leg was always swollen. Now I guess since yesterday the swelling dissapeared.
I think Lightworkes have to suffer the most chronic phyisical diseases, than everyone else. So we cannot focus on the essential things in life, like supporting our liberation.
I hope this is all real and not an imagination
Dear Cobra, dear Pleiadians
We made the protocol for the pain. I must say that it is better. As soon as I pronounced the three sentences, my coronal chakra opened and in the minutes that followed, there was an improvement of the back pain. It is less painful and I can stand up longer without having to ‘sit down.
I said “Command PB Stardust” few times per one day. Then my right shoulder pain became better. Now, I can move my right upper arm more easily and more rapidly than the past. Right hand can reach nearly center of my back. Pain when I move this arm yet remain a bit, but it is milder than the past. I would like to continue this command.
Thank you so much.
 Unfortunately, this pain protocol didn’t work for my son-in-law’s chronic lower backache problem – but only because he was sleeping on a mattress that was too soft and has no chiropractic support. He should change his mattress, according to our Traditional Chinese Medicine Accupressure physician.  
Update on 17 November, 2017
“Command PB Stardust Pleiadian protocol for removal of chronic pain has been proven to be about 80% effective. Main factors reducing the effectivity of the protocol are suppressed guilt, suppressed negative emotions, past life soul contracts and extremely complex and / or strong medical conditions. 
You need to understand that this protocol in most cases does not heal the cause of the pain, it just adjusts the central nervous system so that is decreases the pain signal. Moderate pain signal is then simply a sign that something is wrong with the physical body and medical attention is needed. This protocol is NOT a substitute for medical intervention by conventional and / or alternative medicine. 
The Light forces have requested that this protocol gets viral as it has the power to drastically reduce the amount of unnecessary suffering on the surface of the planet.”