

Friday, 19 July 2019

Reduce stress by massaging these pressure points on your body

If you’re feeling stressed and worried, you can find instant relief by massaging certain points on your body.
July 10, 2019

This is known as pressure point therapy (acupressure). Ancient, traditional medicine used pressure points to improve blood and energy flow and bring relief to patients. It has been used to relieve tension, nausea and pain, improve digestion and sleep and help people heal faster.
“Science says there are thousands of pressure points. New pressure points are being discovered day by day,” he said. “Pressure point treatment began in China, but we Muslims have also been working on it since the beginning. Hijama therapy is based on pressure points.”
He said that in order for treatment to be effective, it’s important that you go to a consultant who knows what the pressure point connects to in the body.
Pressure points for back pain relief
A sedentary lifestyle or incorrect posture can lead to back pain. Tabrez demonstrated a pressure point on the arm that can be massaged to provide relief from upper and lower back pain. You can feel an improvement within three days.
Extend your right arm in front of you and locate the point on the middle of your forearm. Massage the point for 40 seconds on the first day, 30 seconds on the second day and 10 seconds on the third day. Then, massage using oils such as sesame oil.
Another point for back pain lies close to the wrist, in the centre of the forearm. Massage the point gently first and then press it three times. During the fourth press, hold for 10 seconds and then let go.
Pressure points for stress and migraine relief
Headaches, stress and migraines can be treated by massaging pressure points at the back of the neck. The first point is located at the base of the skull. Massage the two bony prominences on either side to relieve tension and improve blood flow to the brain.
Then, massage the point behind your ear. Press lightly between the two points three times to make your head feel lighter.
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