

Thursday, 27 June 2019

Zinc Helps Combat Deadly Immunosenescence

Zinc is required by the body for more than 2,000 transcription factors involved in gene expressions of various proteins.What this means in everyday language is that thousands of essential biological functions are dependent on zinc.

March 2014
By Heath Ramsey, Life Extension
How Low-Cost Zinc Helps Combat Deadly Immunosenescence

The medical community has known of zinc deficiency for more than 50 years, but the health imp​act of this crucial mineral has been largely ignored by global health organizations. Extensive scientific inquiry has made it clear that nutritional deficiency of zinc is widely prevalent and its morbidities are severe.1
Overwhelmingly, the elderly are deficient in zinc1. Because zinc governs so many biological functions, a simple zinc deficiency can affect multiple facets of health and development.1 The result is a decline in our body’s vigilant immune system, opening the door for an onslaught of numerous diseases. A zinc deficiency contributes to atherosclerosis, cancer, neurological disorders, autoimmune diseases, and other age-related chronic conditions.2
One target that researchers are focusing on is the fact that a zinc deficiency can cause your immune system to decline, a phenomenon known as immunosenescence. This decline in immunity places older adults at increased risk for a range of almost every serious disease, from infections and cancer.3
Fortunately, supplementing with the proper amount of zinc can provide life-saving benefits against the diseases of aging. Studies have shown that zinc supplementation in the elderly can restore normal function of the killer cells that attack virally-infected and cancerous cells as well as boost the immune system’s anti-aging mechanisms.4-6
Adequate zinc levels have been found to reduce the risk of infection as well as decrease oxidative and inflammatory markers.7
Even if zinc levels are adequate, supplementing with zinc may offer additional protection against cancer. In animals with normal zinc levels, the number of experimentally-induced tumors was 28% lower when the animals were given a modest zinc supplement.8
There is no reason that this readily available and inexpensive mineral should not be an essential component of your personal health program against the dangers of immunosenescence.

Immunosenescence: The Waning Of The Immune System

Zinc deficiency is rampant among older adults. As with so many other essentials, zinc levels decrease with age.9 But that’s only part of the problem.
Another major cause is that people simply don’t get enough of this nutrient on a daily basis. The government’s minimum recommended daily allowance (RDA) of zinc is just 15 mg. Yet 35% to 45% of people older than 60 don’t even get half of that.10-13
Scientists now believe that zinc deficiency plays a direct role in the aging of the immune system, known as immunosenescence.14
In immunosenescence, there’s a decrease in the immune system cells that normally identify and destroy abnormal cells (such as bacteria, virally-infected cells, and cancer cells).15 That leaves older adults increasingly vulnerable to infections and cancers, while making vaccinations less effective as well.16
Immunosenescence also increases the frequency and severity of autoimmune disorders (such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus), in which the immune system attacks and destroys healthy body tissue.16 In addition, immunosenescence leads to the loss of regulatory control, which adds to the total burden of inflammation in the body, leading to atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, and further heightening the risks of cancer.14,17

Battle Immunosenescence With Zinc

Dual Action Restores Immune Balance  
Immunosenescence is a very complex process that is still being understood by researchers. However, what scientists are now realizing is that the immune system in the elderly is the result of a continuous remodelling process.18 That means it’s possible to fight against this phenomenon of aging—for which zinc is a vital component. There are remarkable similarities between immunosenescence and zinc deficiency, similarities so striking that scientists now believe they can’t be coincidental.19,20
A deficiency in zinc reduces the activity of the thymus gland, which prevents the production of essential “killer” T-cells. This shifts the balance to “suppressor” cells that reduce the immune response.21
Low zinc levels also increase the occurrence of autoimmunity and excessive inflammation (as is seen in immunosenescence).20 Even borderline low levels of zinc can impair immune functioning and decrease the response to vaccinations.19,21 While inadequate zinc is not likely to be the only cause of immunosenescence, it appears to be one of the main contributors.
What this means to you is that by restoring zinc levels to those found in younger people, we may be able to slow immunosenescence and protect ourselves against cancer, infection, autoimmunity, and chronic inflammation.21
Zinc supplementation in the elderly has been shown to confer the following benefits:
  • Restore normal function of the killer cells that go after virally-infected and cancerous cells.4,5
  • Boost the stress response of white blood cells from older adults, providing an immune system anti-aging mechanism.6
  • Boost the immune response to vaccines, which are becoming increasingly vital to protecting older adults from dangerous infections.5,22
  • Improve cellular immunity and increase survival rates in older mice.19,23
Zinc supplementation is so widely recognized as essential to healthy immune system support that it now figures broadly in international health programs aimed at reducing the death tolls from diseases such as severe diarrhea, malaria, and tuberculosis.24-27
Guard Immune Health With Zinc

Guard Immune Health With Zinc

  • Immunosenesc​ence, the aging of the immune system, is a major contributor to the higher rates of serious infections and cancers seen in older adults.
  • A major contributor to immunosenescence is falling zinc levels, which occur in a large proportion of people as they age.
  • Zinc deficiency, therefore, is closely related to the risk of infection and cancer, and is also being seen in obese people and those with diabetes.
  • Supplementation with zinc has been shown to enhance the aging immune system’s performance, reducing the risks of infections, cancers, and obesity/diabetes.
  • Zinc deserves a prominent place in your supplement regimen for all of these reasons.

Zinc Battles Infections

Infections, especially those of the respiratory system, are a serious threat to the health of adults over 60 years old. Supplementing with zinc can help lower the risk of these dangerous infections in older adults.
One study showed that a daily 45 mg dose of zinc reduced the incidence of all infections, including those of the respiratory tract, in elderly adults.7 And at a very high dose (80 mg/day), zinc was found to reduce overall deaths by 27% over an median of 6.5 years.28 (Please note: Zinc should not be consumed at doses higher than 90 to 100 mg/day; at those doses it can have a negative effect on immunity and may produce urinary tract symptoms.3,29)
Two specific threats for which zinc has proven effective include pneumonia and influenza.
Pneumonia is one of the leading causes of death in the US for older adults.28 Pneumonia is prevalent in this age group precisely because of immunosenescence, the waning protection against infection. But remember, immunosensecence can be a direct result of zinc deficiency. That helps explain why people with low zinc status are even more likely to get pneumonia and to have a more severe infection, are more likely to need more antibiotics for longer, and are more likely to die from pneumonia, than are people with healthy zinc levels.29
Fortunately, studies show that simply restoring zinc to normal levels helps combat pneumonia, reducing its incidence by as much as 41%, cutting new antibiotic prescriptions nearly in half, and shortening the duration of the illness.30 In a two-year study of nursing home residents, daily supplementation with 20 mg of zinc and 100 micrograms of selenium decreased the average number of respiratory infections compared with patients taking a placebo.31
Another larger study showed that the same doses of zinc and selenium improved antibody production in elderly people after a vaccination against pneumonia-causing germs.32
Zinc has also been found to be beneficial against influenza, another infection that can be especially dangerous for older adults. Influenza virus infection of lung tissue produces rapid destruction of cells through inflammation and apoptosis.33 Zinc has the ability to directly combat these negative effects of influenza.
Lab studies show that zinc supplementation of cells in culture blocks the inflammatory response, shuts down the self-destructive cycle of apoptosis, and reduces the release of new viruses from the fragmented cells.33,34
Human studies confirm these results. Most importantly from a prevention standpoint, supplementation with zinc markedly enhances the response to influenza vaccines among older adults.23,32,35 An increase in anti-influenza antibody occurred in 87% of supplemented people and just 41% of controls. In response to the vaccine, supplemented subjects achieved white blood cell proliferation that was tenfold that of the control group.35
Additional Benefits Of Zinc
Zinc has an impact on a wide variety of diseases. Today we can say with confidence that zinc plays an important role in cardiovascular disease (where it improves lipid profiles),60-66 in neurological disorders and cognition (where it may improve mental performance and decrease the risk of depression),9,67-77 and in preventing age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness in the elderly.78-83

Support Your Body’s Anti-Cancer Surveillance System

Whether you realize it or not, every one of us experiences dozens of pre-cancerous cell changes daily. The reason we don’t all develop malignancies every day is thanks to the aggressive anti-cancer surveillance by the body’s immune system, particularly the aggressive “natural killer” cells that seek out and destroy abnormal cells.36
Zinc is absolutely essential for this anti-cancer surveillance system to function properly. That’s why, when zinc levels drop, we see a substantially higher rate of cancer, especially in the mouth, esophagus, and stomach.37The tissues of your digestive tract are particularly vulnerable because they’re more exposed to the outside toxins that we ingest.
Restoring your body’s levels of zinc prevents loss of natural killer cell function, reduces the inflammation that promotes cancer, and reduces cancer cells’ ability to grow new blood vessels.36,38-40 As a result, zinc supplementation has been associated with a reduced incidence and/or progression of tongue, esophageal, stomach, and colon cancer in animals with zinc deficiencies.8,37,41-45
Zinc offers additional protection against cancer by starving tumors of the glucose they need to grow and spread. Cancer cells take up glucose at a very high rate compared with non-malignant tissues; that’s presumably because the rapidly-growing tumors have exceptionally high energy requirements.46 Zinc supplements appear to reduce glucose uptake in malignant cells, thus reducing the availability of energy cancer cells need to replicate and progress.46
Zinc is important in cancers outside of the digestive tract as well. The risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a common blood cancer, is 42% lower in people with higher levels of zinc compared to those with lower levels.47 And among patients with head and neck cancers, nearly 65% were found to be zinc deficient.39
Prostate cancer is also sensitive to zinc. Normally the prostate contains tenfold the amount of zinc found in other soft tissues, but zinc accumulation in prostate tissue decreases shortly after prostate cancer begins.48Supplementation restores normal prostate zinc levels and reduces levels of a promoter of tumor growth (IGF-1).48 Supplementation also supports natural antioxidant enzymes in the prostate; those enzymes are impaired as the result of high oxidant stresses imposed by growing malignancies.49
Even if your zinc levels are adequate, supplementing with zinc could offer additional protection against cancer. In animals with normal zinc levels, the number of experimentally-induced tumors was 28% lower when the animals were given a modest zinc supplement.8
Dietary Sources Of Zinc

Mg of zinc per serving
Beef chuck roast
Pork loin
Baked beans

  • Minimum RDA of zinc is 15 mg according to the government. Optimal supplemental doses for aging humans may be five times higher—up to 80 mg daily.86
  • Although it’s possible to get zinc from plant sources, your body can’t utilize it as well because molecules found in breads, cereals, and legumes can bind the zinc and prevent your body from absorbing it.10

Diabetes And Obesity

The science demonstrating zinc’s importance in preventing diabetes and its consequences is so strong that zinc has become widely accepted as an important supplement for those at risk for—and even those already suffering from—diabetes.
In addition, zinc is involved in the synthesis, storage, and release of insulin. Zinc deficiency is associated with insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance, and obesity. In a study of obese individuals supplemented with 30 mg zinc for one month, researchers found significant reductions in body weight, body mass index (BMI), and triglycerides.50
Studies show that supplementation with zinc lowers both fasting and after-meal glucose levels and reduces the long-term measure of blood glucose called hemoglobin A1c.51-55 Zinc supplementation also improves insulin sensitivity and lowers insulin levels, a major factor in people with “pre-diabetes” (impaired fasting glucose).56-58
Higher blood levels of zinc are associated with the following:
  • 10 to 15% decrease in the risk of diabetes.
  • 34 to 43% lower risk of glucose intolerance.
  • 12 to 13% reduction in central obesity.
  • 23 to 43% reduction in coronary artery disease.59
In another study, body weight and body mass index decreased following supplementation with 20 mg of zinc.58 That’s particularly important because of the relationships between obesity, high insulin levels, and cancer. Zinc supplementation also markedly improves nerve conduction velocity, a measure of diabetic nerve damage.52
Zinc and Copper: A Balancing Act
Research has shown that higher dosing of supplemental zinc has produced significant benefit.86 However, long-term supplementation of zinc at doses above around 50 mg can interfere with copper bioavailability and result in deficiency of copper.87 High intake of zinc induces the intestinal synthesis of a copper-binding protein called metallothionein.87 Metallothionein traps copper within intestinal cells and prevents its systemic absorption. Copper deficiency can lead to clinical manifestations such as anemia, low levels of neutrophils (the most abundant type of white blood cell), and bone abnormalities, including fractures.88 Low levels of copper can also lead to increased concentration of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, reduction of HDL cholesterol, diminished glucose tolerance, and altered cardiac rhythm.88 Individuals supplementing with more than 50 mg of zinc on a chronic basis should consider supplementing with 2 mg of copper daily to address the risk of copper deficiency associated with high zinc ingestion. Short term supplementation of high doses of zinc is unlikely to affect copper distribution in the body.87


Immunosenescence, the aging of the immune system, is a major contributor to the higher rates of serious infections and cancers seen in older adults. Although immunosenescence was previously thought of as a natural effect of aging, scientists now believe that it could be caused in part by a deficiency in zinc.
That means that something as simple as supplementing with zinc could slow or reverse immunosenescence. Studies show that supplementing with zinc reduces the risk of serious infections such as pneumonia and influenza. Lab studies also demonstrate a remarkable cancer-preventive effect of supplementary zinc. Even the twin scourges of obesity and diabetes show signs of yielding to zinc therapy, with improved measures of blood glucose and reduced body mass, as well as fewer diabetic complications such as nerve and kidney damage.
If you are not taking a zinc supplement today, you should consider it to minimize the impact of immunosenescence on your body.
If you have any questions on the scientific content of this article, please call a Life Extension® Wellness Specialist at 1-866-864-3027.

Health Concern
Impact of Insufficient Zinc
Immune Function
Increased susceptibility to pneumonia and other infections28
Wound Healing
Slow or incomplete wound healing84
Worsening of inflammatory bowel diseases and increased production of inflammatory cytokines85
Increased risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD)78-83
Cardiovascular Health
Increased plasma lipids, markers of atherosclerosis62
Diminished immune surveillance against cancer cells39
Decreased blood sugar control55
and Mental Health
Increased risk of depression; decreased cognitive performance9,77


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Zinc deficiency

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Zinc deficiency
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Zinc deficiency is defined either as insufficient zinc to meet the needs of the body, or as a serum zinc level below the normal range. However, since a decrease in the serum concentration is only detectable after long-term or severe depletion, serum zinc is not a reliable biomarker for zinc status.[1] Common symptoms include increased rates of diarrhea. Zinc deficiency affects the skin and gastrointestinal tract; brain and central nervous system, immune, skeletal, and reproductive systems.
Zinc deficiency in humans is caused by reduced dietary intake, inadequate absorption, increased loss, or increased body system utilization. The most common cause is reduced dietary intake. In the U.S., the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is 8 mg/day for women and 11 mg/day for men.[2]
The highest concentration of dietary zinc is found in oysters, meat, beans, and nuts. Increasing the amount of zinc in the soil and thus in crops and animals is an effective preventive measure. Zinc deficiency may affect up to 2 billion people worldwide.[3]

Signs and symptoms[edit]

Skin, nails and hair[edit]

Zinc deficiency may manifest as acne,[4] eczemaxerosis (dry, scaling skin), seborrheic dermatitis,[5] or alopecia (thin and sparse hair).[5][6] It may also impair or possibly prevent wound healing.[6]


Zinc deficiency can manifest as non-specific oral ulcerationstomatitis, or white tongue coating.[5] Rarely it can cause angular cheilitis (sores at the corners of the mouth)[7].

Vision, smell and taste[edit]

Severe zinc deficiency may disturb the sense of smell[6] and taste.[8][9][10][11][12][13] Night blindness may be a feature of severe zinc deficiency,[6] although most reports of night blindness and abnormal dark adaptation in humans with zinc deficiency have occurred in combination with other nutritional deficiencies (e.g. vitamin A).[14]

Immune system[edit]

Impaired immune function in people with zinc deficiency can lead to the development of respiratory, gastrointestinal, or other infections, e.g., pneumonia.[6][15][16] The levels of inflammatory cytokines (e.g., IL-1βIL-2IL-6, and TNF-α) in blood plasma are affected by zinc deficiency and zinc supplementation produces a dose-dependent response in the level of these cytokines.[17] During inflammation, there is an increased cellular demand for zinc and impaired zinc homeostasis from zinc deficiency is associated with chronic inflammation.[17]


Zinc deficiency contributes to an increased incidence and severity of diarrhea.[15][16]


Zinc deficiency may lead to loss of appetite.[18] The use of zinc in the treatment of anorexia has been advocated since 1979 by Bakan. At least 15 clinical trials have shown that zinc improved weight gain in anorexia. A 1994 trial showed that zinc doubled the rate of body mass increase in the treatment of anorexia nervosa. Deficiency of other nutrients such as tyrosine, tryptophan and thiamine could contribute to this phenomenon of "malnutrition-induced malnutrition".[19]

Cognitive function and hedonic tone[edit]

Cognitive functions, such as learning and hedonic tone, are impaired with zinc deficiency.[3][20] Moderate and more severe zinc deficiencies are associated with behavioral abnormalities, such as irritability, lethargy, and depression (e.g., involving anhedonia).[21] Zinc supplementation produces a rapid and dramatic improvement in hedonic tone (i.e., general level of happiness or pleasure) under these circumstances.[21] Zinc supplementation has been reported to improve symptoms of ADHD and depression.[3][22][23]

Psychological disorders[edit]

Low plasma zinc levels have been alleged to be associated with many psychological disorders. Schizophrenics linked to decreased brain zinc levels.[24] Evidence suggests that zinc deficiency could play a role in depression.[24][25][26] Zinc supplementation may be an effective treatment in major depression.[27][28]


Zinc deficiency in children can cause delayed growth[5] and has been claimed to be the cause of stunted growth in one third of the world's population.[29]

During pregnancy[edit]

Zinc deficiency during pregnancy can negatively affect both the mother and fetus. Animal studies indicate that maternal zinc deficiency can upset both the sequencing and efficiency of the birth process. An increased incidence of difficult and prolonged labor, hemorrhage, uterine dystocia and placental abruption has been documented in zinc deficient animals.[30] These effects may be mediated by the defective functioning of estrogen via the estrogen receptor, which contains a zinc finger protein.[30] A review of pregnancy outcomes in women with acrodermatitis enteropathica, reported that out of every seven pregnancies, there was one abortion and two malfunctions, suggesting the human fetus is also susceptible to the teratogenic effects of severe zinc deficiency. However, a review on zinc supplementation trials during pregnancy did not report a significant effect of zinc supplementation on neonatal survival.[30]
Zinc deficiency can interfere with many metabolic processes when it occurs during infancy and childhood, a time of rapid growth and development when nutritional needs are high.[31] Low maternal zinc status has been associated with less attention during the neonatal period and worse motor functioning.[32] In some studies, supplementation has been associated with motor development in very low birth weight infants and more vigorous and functional activity in infants and toddlers.[32]

Testosterone production[edit]

Zinc is required to produce testosterone. Thus, zinc deficiency can lead to reduced circulating testosterone, which could lead to sexual immaturity (Ananda Parsad, et al) hypogonadism, and delayed puberty.[5]


Dietary deficiency[edit]

Zinc deficiency can be caused by a diet high in phytate-containing whole grains, foods grown in zinc deficient soil, or processed foods containing little or no zinc.[33][34] Conservative estimates suggest that 25% of the world's population is at risk of zinc deficiency.[35]
In the U.S., the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is 8 mg/day for women and 11 mg/day for men. RDA for pregnancy is 11 mg/day. RDA for lactation is 12 mg/day. For infants up to 12 months the RDA is 3 mg/day. For children ages 1–13 years the RDA increases with age from 3 to 8 mg/day.[2] The following table summarizes most of the foods with significant quantities of zinc, listed in order of quantity per serving, unfortified.[36] Note that all of the top 10 entries are meat, beans, or nuts.
Foodmg in one servingPercentage of 15 mg recommended daily intake (before the 2020 reduction to 11 mg)
Oysters, cooked, breaded and fried, 3 ounces (about 5 average sized oysters)74.0493%
Beef chuck roast, braised, 3 ounces7.047%
Crab, Alaska king, cooked, 3 ounces6.543%
Beef patty, broiled, 3 ounces5.335%
Cashews, dry roasted, 3 ounces4.833%
Lobster, cooked, 3 ounces3.423%
Pork chop, loin, cooked, 3 ounces2.919%
Baked beans, canned, plain or vegetarian, ½ cup2.919%
Almonds, dry roasted, 3 ounces2.718%
Chicken, dark meat, cooked, 3 ounces2.416%
Yogurt, fruit, low fat, 8 ounces1.715%
Shredded wheat, unfortified, 1 cup[37]1.510%
Chickpeas, cooked, ½ cup1.39%
Cheese, Swiss, 1 ounce1.28%
Oatmeal, instant, plain, prepared with water, 1 packet1.17%
Milk, low-fat or non fat, 1 cup1.07%
Kidney beans, cooked, ½ cup0.96%
Chicken breast, roasted, skin removed, ½ breast0.96%
Cheese, cheddar or mozzarella, 1 ounce0.96%
Peas, green, frozen, cooked, ½ cup0.53%
Flounder or sole, cooked, 3 ounces0.32%

Inadequate absorption[edit]

Acrodermatitis enteropathica is an inherited deficiency of the zinc carrier protein ZIP4 resulting in inadequate zinc absorption.[6] It presents as growth retardation, severe diarrhea, hair loss, skin rash (most often around the genitalia and mouth) and opportunistic candidiasis and bacterial infections.[6]
Numerous small bowel diseases which cause destruction or malfunction of the gut mucosa enterocytes and generalized malabsorption are associated with zinc deficiency.[citation needed]

Increased loss[edit]

Exercising, high alcohol intake, and diarrhea all increase loss of zinc from the body.[5][38] Changes in intestinal tract absorbability and permeability due, in part, to viral, protozoal, or bacteria pathogens may also encourage fecal losses of zinc.[39]

Chronic disease[edit]

The mechanism of zinc deficiency in some diseases has not been well defined; it may be multifactorial.
Wilson's disease, sickle cell disease, chronic kidney disease, chronic liver disease have all been associated with zinc deficiency.[40][41] It can also occur after bariatric surgery, mercury exposure[42][43] and tartrazine.[citation needed]
Although marginal zinc deficiency is often found in depression, low zinc levels could either be a cause or a consequence of mental disorders and their symptoms. [25]


As biosystems are unable to store zinc, regular intake is necessary. Excessively low zinc intake can lead to zinc deficiency, which can negatively impact an individual's health.[44] The mechanisms for the clinical manifestations of zinc deficiency are best appreciated by recognizing that zinc functions in the body in three areas: catalytic, structural, and regulatory.[2][45] Zinc (Zn) is only common in its +2 oxidative state, where it typically coordinates with tetrahedral geometry. It is important in maintaining basic cellular functions such as DNA replicationRNA transcriptioncell division and cell activations. However, having too much or too little zinc can cause these functions to be compromised.
In its catalytic role, zinc is a critical component of the catalytic site of hundreds of kinds of different metalloenzymes in each human being. In its structural role, zinc coordinates with certain protein domains, facilitating protein folding and producing structures such as ‘zinc fingers’. In its regulatory role, zinc is involved in the regulation of nucleoproteins and the activity of various inflammatory cells. For example, zinc regulates the expression of metallothionein, which has multiple functions, such as intracellular zinc compartmentalization[46]and antioxidant function.[47][48] Thus zinc deficiency results in disruption of hundreds of metabolic pathways, causing numerous clinical manifestations, including impaired growth and development, and disruption of reproductive and immune function.[5][49][50]
Pra1 (pH regulated antigen 1) is a candida albicans protein that scavenges host zinc.[51]



Zinc deficiency can be classified as acute, as may occur during prolonged inappropriate zinc-free total parenteral nutrition; or chronic, as may occur in dietary deficiency or inadequate absorption.[29]


Zinc gluconate tablets
Five interventional strategies can be used:
  • Adding zinc to soil, called agronomic biofortification, which both increases crop yields and provides more dietary zinc.
  • Adding zinc to food, called food fortification. The Republic of China, India, Mexico and about 20 other countries, mostly on the east coast of sub-Saharan Africa, fortify wheat flour and/or maize flour with zinc.[52]
  • Adding zinc rich foods to diet. The foods with the highest concentration of zinc are proteins, especially animal meats, the highest being oysters.[5] Per ounce, beef, pork, and lamb contain more zinc than fish. The dark meat of a chicken has more zinc than the light meat. Other good sources of zinc are nuts, whole grains, legumes, and yeast.[53] Although whole grains and cereals are high in zinc, they also contain chelating phytates which bind zinc and reduce its bioavailability.[5]
  • Oral repletion via tablets (e.g. zinc gluconate) or liquid (e.g. zinc acetate). Oral zinc supplementation in healthy infants more than six months old has been shown to reduce the duration of any subsequent diarrheal episodes by about 11 hours.[54]
  • Oral repletion via multivitamin/mineral supplements containing zinc gluconate, sulfate, or acetate. It is not clear whether one form is better than another.[53]


Zinc deficiency affects about 2.2 billion people around the world.[3] Severe zinc deficiency is rare, and is mainly seen in persons with acrodermatitis enteropathica, a severe defect in zinc absorption due to a congenital deficiency in the zinc carrier protein ZIP4 in the enterocyte.[5] Mild zinc deficiency due to reduced dietary intake is common.[5] Conservative estimates suggest that 25% of the world's population is at risk of zinc deficiency.[35] Zinc deficiency is thought to be a leading cause of infant mortality.[citation needed]
Providing micronutrients, including zinc, to humans is one of the four solutions to major global problems identified in the Copenhagen Consensus from an international panel of economists.[55]


Significant historical events related to zinc deficiency began in 1869 when zinc was first discovered to be essential to the growth of an organism (Aspergillus Niger).[56] In 1929 Lutz measured zinc in numerous human tissues using the dithizone technique and estimated total body zinc in a 70 kg man to be 2.2 grams. Zinc was found to be essential to the growth of rats in 1933.[57] In 1939 beriberi patients in China were noted to have decreased zinc levels in skin and nails. In 1940 zinc levels in a series of autopsies found it to be present in all tissues examined. In 1942 a study showed most zinc excretion was via the feces. In 1950 a normal serum zinc level was first defined, and found to be 17.3–22.1 micromoles/liter. In 1956 cirrhotic patients were found to have low serum zinc levels. In 1963 zinc was determined to be essential to human growth, three enzymes requiring zinc as a cofactor were described, and a report was published of a 21-year-old Iranian man with stunted growth, infantile genitalia, and anemia which were all reversed by zinc supplementation.[58] In 1972 fifteen Iranian rejected army inductees with symptoms of zinc deficiency were reported: all responded to zinc. In 1973 the first case of acrodermatitis enteropathica due to severe zinc deficiency was described. In 1974 the National Academy of Sciences declared zinc to be an essential element for humans and established a recommended daily allowance. In 1978 the Food and Drug Administration required zinc to be in total parenteral nutrition fluids. In the 1990s there was increasing attention on the role of zinc deficiency in childhood morbidity and mortality in developing countries.[59] In 2002 the zinc transporter protein ZIP4 was first identified as the mechanism for absorption of zinc in the gut across the basolateral membrane of the enterocyte. By 2014 over 300 zinc containing enzymes have been identified, as well as over 1000 zinc containing transcription factors.[citation needed]
Phytate was recognized as removing zinc from nutrients given to chicken and swine in 1960. That it can cause human zinc deficiency however was not recognized until Reinhold's work in Iran in the 1970s. This phenomenon is central to the high risk of zinc deficiency worldwide.[60]

Soils and crops[edit]

Soil zinc is an essential micronutrient for crops. Almost half of the world's cereal crops are deficient in zinc, leading to poor crop yields.[61] Many agricultural countries around the world are affected by zinc deficiency.[62] In China, zinc deficiency occurs on around half of the agricultural soils, affecting mainly rice and maize. Areas with zinc deficient soils are often regions with widespread zinc deficiency in humans. A basic knowledge of the dynamics of zinc in soils, understanding of the uptake and transport of zinc in crops and characterizing the response of crops to zinc deficiency are essential steps in achieving sustainable solutions to the problem of zinc deficiency in crops and humans.[63]


Soil and foliar application of zinc fertilizer can effectively increase grain zinc and reduce the phytate:zinc ratio in grain.[64][65] People who eat bread prepared from zinc enriched wheat have a significant increase in serum zinc.[citation needed]
Zinc fertilization not only increases zinc content in zinc deficient crops, it also increases crop yields.[63] Balanced crop nutrition supplying all essential nutrients, including zinc, is a cost effective management strategy. Even with zinc-efficient varieties, zinc fertilizers are needed when the available zinc in the topsoil becomes depleted.
Plant breeding can improve zinc uptake capacity of plants under soil conditions with low chemical availability of zinc. Breeding can also improve zinc translocation which elevates zinc content in edible crop parts as opposed to the rest of the plant.
Central Anatolia, in Turkey, was a region with zinc-deficient soils and widespread zinc deficiency in humans. In 1993, a research project found that yields could be increased by 6 to 8-fold and child nutrition dramatically increased through zinc fertilization.[66] Zinc was added to fertilizers. While the product was initially made available at the same cost, the results were so convincing that Turkish farmers significantly increased the use of the zinc-fortified fertilizer (1 percent of zinc) within a few years, despite the repricing of the products to reflect the added value of the content. Nearly ten years after the identification of the zinc deficiency problem, the total amount of zinc-containing compound fertilizers produced and applied in Turkey reached a record level of 300,000 tonnes per annum. It is estimated that the economic benefits associated with the application of zinc fertilizers on zinc deficient soils in Turkey is around US$100 million per year. Zinc deficiency in children has been dramatically reduced.