

Thursday, 7 March 2019

Type 2 diabetes can be reversed by Low-calorie soups and shakes, research finds

Nearly five million people in the UK have diabetes, with 90 per cent of them suffering with the type 2 strain which is linked to poor diet and lack of exercise

A LOW-CALORIE diet of soups and shakes can reverse Type-2 diabetes.
More than a third of patients who followed the regime were found to be free of the illness after two years.
 The NHS is planning to trial the soup and shakes diet and may consider a national rollout if it's successful
The NHS is planning to trial the soup and shakes diet and may consider a national rollout if it's successful
The research showed 46 per cent of patients who took part were in remission after one year, the Daily Mail reported.
Those who managed to stay diabetes-free lost an average of 1st 9lb each — adding to growing evidence that the condition can be defeated with weight loss.
The NHS is planning to trial a fat-free soup and shakes diet with 5,000 participants. If successful it may be rolled out nationally.
Nearly five million Brits have diabetes with 90 per cent of them living with the type 2 strain — linked to poor diet and lack of exercise. It can lead to liver failure, strokes and blindness.
Newcastle University professor Roy Taylor co-led the study, which involved nearly 300 people in Tyneside and Scotland.
He said: “Type 2 diabetes is not a life sentence.
“We now know how people can return to normal despite developing this serious threat to health and happiness.