

Friday, 28 December 2018

Here Is What’s Wrong With Processed Meats!

The New York Times has taken on the processed meat industry in an article featuring studies that show a possible link between processed meats and the risk for cancer. Be it turkey, beef, pork or any version of it, such as jerky and sausage, processed meats even in small amounts may increase your risk for colorectal cancer by 4 percent, the Times points out.


Stomach and breast cancers may also be linked to processed meat consumption, the article adds. Additionally, the Times warns that labels don’t always tell the whole truth when they claim to be “natural” with “no artificial preservatives.”
Could it be that major media is waking up to the fact that not all foods are created equal when you’re comparing fresh, whole REAL foods to the processed ones rolling off production lines? It’s interesting that this article would specifically address added nitrites and nitrates, as this is something I discuss often in my own articles.
It’s not that nitrates are all bad for you — nitrate-rich plant foods are a valuable part of your diet as they help promote heart health. Meanwhile, the nitrates in cured and processed meats such as bacon and hotdogs are known to be carcinogenic.
So, what’s the deal? Why are plant-based nitrates healthy and animal-based nitrates harmful? The answer to that question has to do with biochemistry — how the nitrates are processed in your body based on cofactors found in their source.
But going a step further, I sincerely hope that the Times will also take a look at a nonfood “food” that’s hit U.S. markets, and that is fake meat created with nonmeat products. Called the Impossible Burger, it is made up of a mix of wheat, coconut oil, potatoes and "heme," the latter of which is derived from genetically engineered (GE) yeast.
This protein is what gives the plant-based patty its meatlike look, taste and texture, and even makes the patty "bleed" when cooked.
While the meatless patties are now sold in nearly 2,000 restaurants across the U.S., questions remain about its long-term safety for human health. Friends of the Earth, an environmental activism group with an international following, has pointed out that we do not yet know enough about the health effects of eating this kind of fake meat, and that its speedy market release is foolhardy at best.
Let’s face it: We’re surrounded by threats, some of them unseen, that are putting us at risk of ill health. GMOs. Processed foods. EMFs. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. It’s at this time that most people seek guidance to help guard against these perils and secure their well-being. Oftentimes, it seems like an impossible feat.
But here’s a secret: The most complex of tasks can become easier and simpler if you take them one step at a time. If you’re truly committed to take control of your health, then my 30-Day Resolution Guide is exactly what you need. This step-by-step plan outlines the most important strategies for achieving optimal wellness, which include:
  • The healthiest foods to eat (and when to eat them)
  • The importance of high-quality sleep (and how to get enough)
  • An innovative HIIT exercise that boosts your mitochondrial health (it only takes 4 minutes!)
And so much more!