

Saturday, 17 February 2018

Auspicious feng shui directions and colours for the Year of the Dog

It seems there are auspicious and inauspicious – “good” and “bad” – directions associated with the ancient Chinese philosophy of feng shui that governs our spatial environment. The idea is to orientate towards the good or auspicious directions to tap good qi (energy) to enhance luck and avoid bad directions that have bad energies.

Apparently, bad directions should not be disturbed or aggravated or else the person or household will suffer negative effects and perhaps court bad luck or misfortune. Malaysian feng shui master Yap Boh Chu shares tips on the good and bad directions.

Good Directions

The good or auspicious directions this year are south-east (127.5°-157.5°) and north-west (307.5°-337.5°). “At your workplace, you face these directions. In your bedroom, you can tilt your sleeping position to have your head point to these directions,” Yap says.
The south-east direction is for wealth and the north-west is for scholarly achievements. You can activate these directions by placing small water features in the correct position, advises Yap. However, these two directions can be a double-edged sword.
auspicious directions colours year of the dog
Yap says the good or auspicious directions this year are south-east and north-west. Photo: Filepic
“If you get the measurement wrong (and enter into 297.5°-307° north-west), you can encounter disaster in the form of wealth loss and sickness,” he says. “If you miss 127.7°-157.5° south-east and activate the 112.5°-127° directions, you will encounter loss of wealth, sickness and other disasters.”
Use a proper compass, he adds, as a smartphone compass is not accurate enough. Buy a good orienteering compass or consult a feng shui master to make sure you get it right.

Bad Directions

This year, the north has the worst concentration of bad energies. Yap says that if your house is facing north or sitting within the northern quadrant (facing south) from the 322.5°-22.5° (facing north) and 157.5°-202.5° (facing south), you should not perform any renovations, drilling or hammering there. You should also not move your bed, stove or bulky furniture.
If you intend to move into a house that faces north or south, you should seek professional advice for an auspicious date to “break” bad energies and avert misfortune. South-east, at 112.5°-127.5°, in your house is considered “inauspicious”. Yap advises against any renovations, drilling or hammering here also, and to avoid shifting bulky furniture.
The north-west at 292.5°-307.5° is the actual direction that holds the energies of the Year Officer (also known as Duke of Jupiter or Tai Sui). It is considered inauspicious to renovate, drill or hammer in this area of your house or move large furniture.

Lucky Colours

This Earth Dog year (double earth element) there will be some colours that are more suitable for certain zodiac signs, but not others. Colours actually only play a small part in enhancing luck – nevertheless, every little bit of effort helps. The person born under a particular zodiac sign can travel to countries that are in auspicious directions or facing towards auspicious directions.

Auspicious Directions And Lucky Colours For Each Zodiac Sign

auspicious directions colours year of the dog
Auspicious compass directions and colours for each Chinese zodiac sign. Graphic: The Star
Rat: north-east; yellow and grey.
Ox: north-east and south-east; red, orange and yellow.
Tiger: east; green, blue and black.
Rabbit: south-west; yellow and brown.
Dragon: north-west; blue and black.
Snake: south-east; red and orange.
Horse: south-west; yellow and brown.
Goat: south-west; yellow and brown.
Monkey: south-west; red, orange, blue and black.
Rooster: north-east and south-east; red, orange, grey and yellow.
Dog: East and south; green, red and orange.
Pig: East and south-west; green, yellow and brown.