

Wednesday, 17 January 2018


While smokers may be able to undo some of the damage to their lungs, there’s no debating that cigarettes cause long-term effects and increase cancer risk. However, new evidence indicates that certain foods could actually slow declining lung function both in smokers and nonsmokers, according to a release.


Researchers from John Hopkins University found that tomatoes and fruits, particularly apples, slowed how much people's lungs decline over the course of 10 years, indicating that these foods might share certain nutrients that boost health.
For the study, 650 adults underwent tests analyzing lung function. Then, the same test was performed 10 years later to determine how the participants' lungs aged over time. Questionnaires analyzing diets and nutrition were given to people from Germany, Norway and the United Kingdom. Additionally, subjects were given a spirometry test, which measures how much oxygen their lungs can take in.
The team discovered the magic number of tomatoes seemed to be two a day, while three servings of other fresh fruit slowed the decline, as compared to people who included less than one tomato or fewer than one serving of other fruit a day. Processed foods that included fruits and vegetables, like tomato sauce, did not appear to have any benefit in terms of lung health.

Even those who have never smoked benefited from eating copious amounts of tomatoes, according to the paper published in the European Respiratory Journal. And while this may not seem like a cause of concern for non-smokers, our lungs do lose vitality as we age.
"Lung function starts to decline at around age 30 at variable speed depending on the general and specific health of individuals,” said study co-author Garcia-Larsen in a statement. “Our study suggests that eating more fruits on a regular basis can help attenuate the decline as people age, and might even help repair damage caused by smoking.”
Poor lung function can cause a variety of concerns, as mild as getting winded easily during exercise, to an increased risk of stroke, according to a study from 2007.
In addition to keeping your lungs young, tomatoes have been linked to a decreased risk of prostate cancer and heart disease. And even better, processed tomatoes, have also been shown to carry these health benefits. Feel free to use that as an excuse to order the pasta.


Tomatoes may restore lung damage caused by smoking
 Rating: 4.4 - ‎12 votes
Dec 29, 2017 - A diet rich in tomatoes and other fruits may counteract the damage to lungs caused by smoking and slow down lung function decline among all adults.

Tomatoes help lungs | The Courier-Mail
Jun 4, 2007 - A study by scientists at the Hunter Medical Research Institute in NSW has proven that adding more antioxidants to the diet benefits lung health. In a world-first trial, the team fed a group of asthmatics a diet rich in lycopene, a key dietary antioxidant found mainly in tomatoes and tomatoproducts such as ...

Eating fresh tomatoes and apples keeps lungs young and repairs the ...
Dec 22, 2017 - EATING a diet rich in fresh tomatoes and apples keep lungs young and repairs the damage done by smoking, a study found. People who ate most portions of these fruit each day saw their ability to inhale and exhale air decline less as they aged. Tomatoes and apples were found to have positive effects on ...

A new study suggests eating tomatoes and apple could help heal ex ...
Dec 29, 2017 - More tomatoes translated to the healthiest lungs but all fruit helped. The handiest of the hand fruits, apples, were also a contender for favoured fruit. A daily diet of less than one tomato or fruit portion, by comparison, did not yield the same protection. For the full breathy benefit don't count on jars of apple or ...

Smokers, Heads Up: Eating Apples And Tomatoes Could Save Your ...
Dec 23, 2017 - This is exciting news, because even though non-smokers have healthier lungs than smokers, the lungs still decline overtime as people age. According to Garcia-Larsen, lung function begins to decline at age 30, depending of course on many health factors. The study indicates that eatingtomatoes and a ...

Apples, tomatoes could help ex-smokers repair their lungs -
Dec 21, 2017 - Doctors warn against the dangers of smoking, but a diet rich in apples and tomatoesmay be able to repair the damage to the lungs, a new report says.

These two foods could help ex-smokers' lungs heal - Chicago Tribune
New research suggests that diets high in tomatoes and apples could speed the healing of smoke-damaged lungs. (Getty Images). HealthDay. For smokers who've managed to quit, the ... Two experts in respiratory health said the findings are yet another reason to eat healthy. "This study fits into a growing body of research ...

Ex-smokers might want to eat more of these 2 foods - Futurity
Dec 21, 2017 - Ex-smokers with a diet high in tomatoes and fruit, especially apples, experience a slower decline in lung function as they age, a study suggests. The findings raise the possibility that nutrients in these foods might help restore lung damage caused by smoking. Researchers found that adults who on average ...

14 Foods for Healthy Lungs and Improved Breathing - Sunwarrior
A high fat diet has also been linked to a higher risk of developing lung cancer. On the other hand, eating fruits has been shown to lower these risks. Eating well goes hand in hand with exercise in keeping yourlungs clear, healthy, and not overburdened. Fresh, raw foods are the best way to get the enzymes, vitamins, ...

BBC News | HEALTH | Apples and tomatoes 'good for lungs'
May 22, 2001 - Scientists have found that if you want to have healthy lungs you should eat apples and tomatoes.