

Monday, 15 February 2016

Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms CAN be cured with THIS incredible discovery

A high level of vitamin D can cure IBS symptoms - while also helping to protect the body from Alzheimer’s, dementia and even depression.

This post is on Healthwise

Vitamin D woman
The symptoms of IBS can be relieved by vitamin D, it's been revealed
Suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is unpleasant and embarrassing at the best of times, but there could be a simple way to alleviate some of the symptoms. 
A boost of vitamin D can stabilise bowel movements, it's been revealed. This news will come as music to sufferers' ears after years of stomach cramps and rushing to the toilet. 

Isabelle Gnany, a Technical Nutritionist at NutriCentre, told there was a direct coloration between getting the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D and relieving the worst symptoms of the bowel condition. 
She said: "Studies show that supplementation improves quality of life by stabilising the bowel movements. 
Vitamin D seems to also exert beneficial effects on anxiety, insomnia and low mood that is often experienced by IBS sufferers. 
"In addition to a healthy diet to promote an increase in levels of healthy bacteria, vitamin D supplementation can help keep inflammation in the gut at bay."
We asked her all about what vitamin D does to your body and to explain the connection in more detail - does it mean we should be sitting out in the sunshine more? 
Vitamin D woman
This young lady is boosting her vitamin intake with a sit in the sunshine
How does Vitamin D affect your body?
IG: Also known as the sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D is essential to our health. Its involvement in supporting bone health arises from the fact that it contributes to the normal absorption and utilisation of important bone minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. 
A lack of these, affect bone and growth development in children and also put us at risk of developing conditions such as osteoporosis with the occurrence of fractures and falls. 
Latest research has found low levels of Vitamin D affect the nervous and psychological system predisposing us to neurological conditions such as to alzheimer’s, dementia or depression
Lack of vitamin D can also affect our immune system and therefore our ability to fight off bugs or recover from illness. 
Vitamin D is an amazing nutrient to support our youthful looks. This coupled with exercise, helps against the effects of ageing. Besides Vitamin D’s ability to maintain normal muscle function, it works as key nutrient for hormonal balance. It has been found to impact on weight loss and cancer prevention amongst others.

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