

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Using Vegetables for Cancer Therapy – Beetroot Fights Disease and Even Cures Cancer

According to Jonathan Hartwell, author of Plants Used Against Cancer, the beautiful red beet (Beta vulgaris) has been used historically to treat a number of illnesses and cancerous conditions.

The disease-fighting and detoxifying benefits of the beet have been widely documented for health problems such as…
  • Tumors of the intestines, head, leg, genitals, and rectum
  • Lung cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Leukemia

The Raw Beetroot Revolution

Medicinal use of beetroot goes back at least as far as ancient Rome. However, it was in the 1950s that Hungarian physician Alexander Ferenczi shone a bright spotlight on the power of beetroot against cancer. Using a revolutionary new treatment consisting of nothing but raw beetroot juice, Dr. Ferenczi achieved remarkable results.
He worked exclusively with patients who had already undergone chemotherapy and radiation and who were primarily in the final (cachexic) stage of cancer. All of Dr. Ferenczi’s patients responded positively to beetroot treatment. He observed a clear, clinical improvement in each and every case. The beet treatment was so powerful, in fact, that in some instances the mass intake of nutrients from the beets overloaded patients’ livers.
The results of a later study of “red beet therapy”—the consumption of approximately 2 pounds of raw, mashed beets daily—echoed Ferenczi’s findings that beets can help your body fight against leukemia and tumors.
In yet another clinical trial, 22 patients with advanced inoperable cancers were given 10 ozs. of beet juice daily for 3 to 4 months. All but one of those patients showed dramatic improvements.

The Science Behind Vegetables for Cancer-Fighting Power of Beets

vegetables for cancerScience has proven beyond all doubt that a high intake of vegetables for cancer and fruits can reduce the risk of developing cancer and other disease. Beetroot in particular is extraordinarily rich in unique disease-fighting and anti-cancer chemicals.
The beautiful, rich crimson color of the beet comes from betacyanins, natural compounds that are powerful cancer-fighting agents. Beets also contain powerful health-promoting phytochemicals called betalains.
One of the most researched betalains in beets is called betanin. Betanin has outstanding anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and detoxifying effects. According to The World’s Healthiest Foods (a website run by the not-for-profit George Mateljan Foundation, devoted to fostering a healthier world), lab studies show that betanin pigments can impede tumor cell growth in tissues from the:
  • Colon
  • Stomach
  • Nerves
  • Lungs
  • Breasts
  • Prostate
  • Testicles
The Word’s Healthiest Foods website predicts that, “Eventually, we expect to see large-scale human studies that show the [cancer] risk-reducing effect of dietary beet intake.”
Scientists speculate that the powerful chemicals in beets work synergistically to prevent and fight cancer and other diseases. In addition to betalains, vegetables for cancer, especially beets contain high levels of other important micronutrients such as:
  • Vitamin C
  • Farnesol
  • Rutin
  • Folate
  • Allantoin, a powerful alkaloid
Romanian researchers proved in the 1960s that the alkaloid allantoin has anti-tumor effects. Other lab studies around the same time showed that beetroot extracts normalized the respiration of isolated cancer cells.
Additional cell culture and animal studies in the 1990s confirmed that beetroot juice had significant tumor-inhibiting effects.

Beets Don’t Just Fight Disease…They Promote Health

Beets are considered one of the most rejuvenating of all vegetables, with numerous proven benefits for virtually every system of the body- far too many to list! Just a few of the many known capacities of beets include:
  • Boosting strength and stamina
  • Stimulating the immune system
  • Accelerating bile secretion
  • Preventing cold and flu
  • Reconstructing blood (and thus obstructing cancer cell development)
  • Accelerating cell growth and restoring cell nucleus
  • Regulating blood pressure
  • Lowering body temperature
  • Strengthening skin and vein walls
  • Removing heavy metals and toxins from the brain
  • Speeding the formation of red corpuscles (and thus improving cellular oxygenation)
  • Boosting mood
  • Promoting healthy nails, shiny hair and smoother skin
  • Purifying and detoxifying the liver, kidneys, and bladder
  • Relieving constipation
  • Treating leukemia and other cancers

Tips for Administering Vegetables for Cancer Therapy

Ultimately, the effectiveness of beets is highest when early in a disease’s progression- and may be best used as a preventative treatment.
If you’re ready to try beetroot therapy for better overall health or to treat a specific health problem, you’re in good and long-standing company. The ancient Romans enjoyed a daily glass of beetroot juice to maximize health in a multitude of ways. And today’s natural health experts, including the renowned Dr. Mehmet Oz, also herald the health-giving virtues of the beet, especially as an integral part of anti-cancer diets.
Because beetroot juice is so powerful, practitioners advise that its use be gradual, with very small quantities to start, and incremental increases made over time. Experts say that feeling unwell from beet juice may be a sign of “too much of a good thing,” as your body tries to flush out more toxins than your system can efficiently eliminate.
Some experts recommend mixing beetroot juice into another milder juice such as carrot, cucumber, or apple. When juicing beets, it is advisable to alternate between pieces of beets and pieces of carrots — otherwise, excessive beet pulp could accumulate on the sides of the spinning extraction basket and cause the juicer to vibrate.
People with chronic liver or kidney problems must be especially careful about drinking raw beet juice. Over consumption could overload the liver and kidney, and therefore, should be taken only in very small doses.
While some experts recommend approximately 1/8 to 1/4 cup per day as a reasonable starting dose for beetroot juice, you should conduct your own research based on your health condition and goals, and discuss raw beetroot juice therapy with your healthcare provider.
Heat diminishes the concentration of phytochemicals in beets, so if you choose to cook them, experts recommend steaming them lightly for 15 minutes, which will maximize their nutrition and flavor.
If time is short, one quick and easy option is to try freeze-dried beetroot, available in powdered or cubed form at some health food and specialty stores. Beets used for these preparations are not subjected to the high temperatures that degrade the minerals and vitamins.
Beetroot therapy is just one of the many alternative remedies for cancer. For additional vegetables for cancer cures, particularly those considered by health practitioners as the “best of the best”, go to

Further Related Reading:

This post is on Healthwise