

Monday, 3 August 2015

Scientists discover there are five kinds of prostate cancer

In landmark research, British scientists in Cambridge have shown that the most common cancer among men in the UK can be classified into five types, depending on its DNA.

Treatment set to be transformed by findings that allow doctors to distinguish deadliest tumours:
  • Discovery that there are five kinds of prostate cancer could help treatment 
  • May allow doctors to better distinguish between slow & fast-growing types
  • Landmark research by British scientists shows that it depends on its DNA 
  • It could save lives of some of the 11,000 who die from disease each year


By Fiona Macrae, Science Editor For The Daily Mail
30 July 2015

Prostate cancer treatment could be transformed by the discovery that it is actually five different diseases.
Landmark research: British scientists have shown that prostate cancer can be classified into five types, depending on its DNA
Landmark research: British scientists have
shown that prostate cancer can be classified
into five types, depending on its DNA

In landmark research, British scientists have shown that the most common cancer among men in the UK can be classified into five types, depending on its DNA.

The breakthrough could allow doctors to better distinguish the more common, slow-growing forms of the disease from the deadlier, faster-growing varieties – the ‘holy grail’ of prostate cancer research.

This would spare some men unnecessary treatment and save the lives of some of the 11,000 who die from the disease each year.

Prostate cancer is unusual because while many men may have the disease, it can grow so slowly it might not cause any problems and the patient eventually dies of something else.

But others have a fast-growing, dangerous form and need urgent attention to survive. Doctors use a variety of techniques, including blood tests, biopsies, microscopy and scans, to determine those most at risk.

But the difficulty in identifying the aggressive type means many men with the so-called ‘pussycat’ form are subjected to painful and unnecessary treatments that can cause side-effects such as incontinence and impotence – and some men with the more dangerous ‘tiger’ version may not get the powerful drugs they need.

But by peering deep into the DNA of tissue samples from 250 men, scientists from the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute and Addenbrooke’s Hospital, also in Cambridge, showed the disease can be split into five main types.

Two have the worst prognosis, and are a sign that a man has the more dangerous ‘tiger’ form, two more signal the ‘pussycat’ version and the fifth lies between in terms of severity. 

Importantly, the genetic analysis is more accurate than the existing methods for determining how serious the cancer is, the scientists report in the online journal EBioMedicine.

Finding: Scientists from the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute and Addenbrooke’s Hospital made the discovery. Two types have the worst prognosis, two signal the 'pussycat' version and one is in between
Finding: Scientists from the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute and Addenbrooke’s Hospital made the discovery. Two types have the worst prognosis, two signal the 'pussycat' version and one is in between


A common chemical found in plastic food containers, cans, cosmetics and till receipts may increase the risk of prostate cancer, scientists have warned.

Unborn boys exposed to bisphenol A (BPA) had damaged stem cells that can lead to the cancer.

The chemical interferes with the body’s hormonal balance by mimicking the female hormone oestrogen, which is produced by men in higher quantities as they age. Scientists from the University of Illinois at Chicago grew a simplified, miniature prostate 1mm in diameter developed from human embryonic stem cells.

This showed that exposure to the chemical, which softens plastics, can cause overproduction of stem cells in the developing prostate. An abnormally high number of stem cells in any organ can be a risk factor for developing cancer. Professor Gail Prins said: ‘This is as definitive as it gets.’

Professor Malcolm Mason, Cancer Research UK’s prostate cancer expert, said: ‘The challenge in treating prostate cancer is that it can either behave like a pussycat – growing slowly and unlikely to cause problems in a man’s lifetime – or a tiger, spreading aggressively and requiring urgent treatment.

‘But at the moment we have no reliable way to distinguish them. This research could be game-changing, and could give us better information to guide each man’s treatment – even helping us to choose between treatments for men with aggressive cancers.

‘This could mean more effective treatment, helping save more lives and improve the quality of life for thousands.’

Black men are more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer than white men, researchers claim.

But Asian men have around half the chance of being diagnosed with and dying from the disease compared with white men.

Prostate Cancer UK estimated the lifetime risk of being diagnosed was 13.3 per cent for white men, 29.3 per cent for black men and 7.9 per cent for Asian men. The lifetime risk of dying from the disease was 4.2 per cent for white men, 8.7 per cent for black men and 2.3 per cent for Asian men.

White, black and Asian men diagnosed with the cancer all have a one in three chance of dying from it.

The research was published in the journal BMC Medicine.