

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Taste Test: Durian Fever

Back in the good ol’ days of mobile phones that could only make calls and send text messages, durians were just about as simple as technology was. All a durian lover needed to know was how to distinguish Malaysian ‘kampung’ durians from Thai durians.

By Julia Yeow 
14 October 2014 1:17 PM Updated 17 Nov 2014
Taste Test: Durian Fever
Back in the good ol’ days of mobile phones that could only make calls and send text messages, durians were just about as simple as technology was. All a durian lover needed to know was how to distinguish Malaysian ‘kampung’ durians from Thai durians.

review-taste-test_durian-fever_durians-galore_02Durian runtuh!
Today, we have so many different grades and species of durians, it’s hard to keep track. All durian species come with a registered agriculture number beginning with D, like D24, D101, D18, and so on. So what sets each thorny fruit apart from the other? We donned our loose clothes, clipped our nails short (all the better to dig those fingers in), and headed for some popular durian stalls around KL and PJ to embark on a taste test. Here are our results: 

review-taste-test_durian-fever_d18D18 remains a solid and affordable choice
The D18 was sweetish, with a faintly bitter aftertaste. While the flesh was a tad on the watery side, it was nonetheless very satisfying and a perfect choice for durian lovers who aren’t keen on mega rich and creamy textures. At RM16 per kg, it’s also one of the cheaper durians available after durian kampung. 

review-taste-test_durian-fever_d24Let D24's rich fillings give you that satisfying feeling
If thick, gooey, rich, and creamy flesh is what you fantasise over, then head straight for the D24s. I almost had problems getting the first mouthful down my throat! The taste of the durian, though, was rather mild compared to its texture, and sweetish. If you go for more mouth-feel and want a really filling durian experience, but are not too keen on strong flavours (and smell), then D24 is your thing. Pricing for the day was RM18 per kg.

Teka/Green Bamboo (Chut-keok in Cantonese)
review-taste-test_durian-fever_tekaBittersweet and prone to weather conditions
The flesh was bittersweet, definitely slightly more on the bitter side. If you love bitter durian that isn’t dry, then Teka would be perfect for you. The texture was a bit on the watery side, although this species of durian usually yields creamy, gooey flesh. At RM25 per kg, it’s worth the price but be sure to check with your durian seller if the flesh is creamy or watery. According to Sue from Donald’s Durian, the texture of the durian flesh is very much dependent on weather conditions. So to be sure you don’t get disappointed, just ask, and hopefully your durian guy is honest. 

Black Thorn
review-taste-test_durian-fever_black-thornBlack Thorn's fancy name comes with a hefty price tag
This species is fairly new in the market, and the durians hail from Penang. The orange-tinted flesh is extremely creamy and thick, filling your mouth with a decadent, luxurious mouth-feel. However, the taste was disappointingly mild. We expected so much more, but the durian could neither be classified as sweet, nor bitter. At a whopping RM36 per kg, I wouldn’t give it another try unless the durian seller convinces me the ones we tried were not the norm. 

Red Prawn
The Red Prawn durians also hail from Penang, and are characterised by the reddish-orangey colour of the durian flesh. The durian tasted sweet, and flesh slightly watery. Not a very memorable experience, but at RM16 a kg, it’ll still manage to satisfy those cravings and leave you some balance to try other durians.
review-taste-test_durian-fever_durians-and-coconut-water-comboWash down all that durian goodness with some fresh coconut juice

Musang King
review-taste-test_durian-fever_musang-kingMusang king remains a very popular choice amongst durian aficionados
Possibly one of the most popular grades of durians now, Musang King really lived up to its name of being worth every sen you pay for it. At first bite, you will be overcome with the sensation of rich, creamy, and smooth flesh that glides effortlessly down your throat. The Musang King’s flesh is bitter and dry, just the way we love it. Definitely worth the RM32 per kg we paid for it. Prices range from as low as RM22, depending on the size of this Pahang native.

review-taste-test_durian-fever_xoStrong and bitter, the XO is one not to be missed
The XO durian is probably the bitterest durian I have ever tasted … and I absolutely loved it! Its colour can be a bit deceiving as it is pale, and looks a bit like curdled cream. But as soon as the durian enters your mouth, you forget about the need to be civilised in a public place because you just can’t help but get all dramatic over the soft, creamy, and gooey flesh. The dryness and heavenly bitterness hits you immediately, and the fact that the seeds are tiny just increases the enjoyment level because that just means more flesh.

XO was priced at RM25 per kg that day, and totally worth every sen! A must-try for bitter durian lovers who want to veer away from the more popular Musang King. So there goes our taste test of some of the most popular durians available. Now it’s time to head out to satisfy those cravings.
review-taste-test_durian-fever_eat-durianNow that's how you gorge on some tasty durian!

If you got a bit overzealous with the durian buying and find one too many extra boxes sitting in your fridge, why not try this awesome durian pancake recipe this weekend. Alternatively, take the easy way out and enjoy a slice of durian heaven with Swich cafe's durian cake within the confines of an air-conditioned shopping centre.