

Monday, 2 March 2015

Fact or Myth: Soy Is a Health Food?

Soy proponents claim that soy is a health food with many benefits, including protection from breast, colon, and prostate cancers, stroke, osteoporosis, and asthma. Don’t be lured in by the marketing hype.

This post is on Healthwise

This is a MYTH.
soy productsAccording to data collected by Consumer Attitudes About Nutrition 2008, 33% of Americans eat soy foods or drinks at least once a month. Soy proponents claim that soy is a health food with many benefits, including protection from breast, colon, and prostate cancers, stroke, osteoporosis, and asthma. Don’t be lured in by the marketing hype. They’re lumping unfermented soy in with healthful fermented soy, and calling it a health food.
The truth is thousands of studies link unfermented soy—the kind that makes up soymilk, soy cheese, and soy “burgers”—to various health conditions, including:
  • Thyroid problems
  • Breast cancer
  • Food allergies
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding complications
  • Brain damage and cognitive impairment
  • Kidney stones
  • Malnutrition
  • Reproductive disorders
  • Heart disease
  • Immune dysfunction
  • Digestive disorders
  • Developmental problems in infants

What’s So Wrong with Unfermented Soy?
More than 90% of American soy crops are genetically engineered, which exacerbates associated health risks. Genetically engineered soy has been linked to infant mortality and sterility among other conditions in animal studies. But soy-manufacturing methods are just one part of the problem.
Unfermented soy is high in anti-nutrients like phytates that inhibit mineral absorption and can lead to nutrient deficits. Soy is packed with hemagglutinin, which causes red blood cells to clump together. When red blood cells aggregate in a clumped mass they are unable to take in and disseminate oxygen to your tissues.
Soy also contains goitrogens, which inhibit the synthesis of thyroid hormones and disrupt iodine metabolism, thereby impacting proper thyroid function. Unfermented soy is also high in isoflavones, which imitate the hormone estrogen and have been linked to improper endocrine function, infertility, and breast cancer. In facts, just two glasses of soymilk every day for one month is enough to influence your menstrual cycle!
Avoid the following types of soy:
  • Tofu
  • TVP (soy protein isolate)
  • Soybean oil
  • Soy yogurt
  • Soy ice cream
  • Soy protein
  • Edamame
  • Soy infant formula
  • Soy “meat” substitutes

Feast on Fermented Soy
Fermented soy, the type of soy enjoyed in Asian countries, is celebrated for its health benefits. It’s perhaps the best source of vitamin K2, which helps protect against osteoporosis, heart disease, dementia, and cancer. The fermentation process breeds tons of beneficial bacteria (probiotics) that help nurture the health of your gut and immune system. Enjoy fermented soy, such as tempeh, miso, natto, and soy sauce, preferably from organic soy.

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