

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Many Men Risk Their Health by Taking Testosterone When They Don’t Need It

The male sex hormone testosterone plays many roles in men's health. Besides affecting your sex drive, it also helps maintain muscle mass, bone density, red blood cells, and a general sense of well-being. 

This post is on Healthwise

February 21, 2014 

Testosterone Levels

Story at-a-glance

  • Testosterone plays many roles in men’s health. Besides affecting your sex drive, it also helps maintain muscle mass, bone density, red blood cells, and a general sense of well-being
  • Direct-to-consumer drug advertising is driving men to use testosterone when they’re really not good candidates for it
  • Testosterone prescriptions have tripled since 2001, and men in their 40s represent the fastest-growing group of users. Half of them do not qualify for a diagnosis warranting the prescription of testosterone
  • Recent research found that men aged 65 and older who took testosterone DOUBLED their risk of having a heart attack within the first three months of use
  • Chronic stress can result in hypercortisolemia, which inhibits testosterone production. Stress relief, diet, and high intensity exercise are three potent lifestyle strategies that can reverse low testosterone

By Dr. Mercola

The male sex hormone testosterone plays many roles in men's health. Besides affecting your sex drive, it also helps maintain muscle mass, bone density, red blood cells, and a general sense of well-being. 
Beginning around age 30, a man's testosterone levels begin to decline, and continue to do so as time goes on—unless you proactively address your lifestyle. Symptoms of declining testosterone levels can include:
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction and/or problems urinating
  • Depression
  • Difficulties with concentration and memory
  • Weight gain and/or breast enlargement
Unfortunately, direct-to-consumer drug advertising, which is permissible in the US, is driving men to use testosterone when they're really not good candidates for it. There are studies showing that testosterone therapy can be quite helpful and beneficial, but that's in men who actually have very low testosterone.
Lacking energy and sex drive does not automatically mean you have severe testosterone deficiency warranting taking this hormone. Yet "low T" has become a well-recognized mantra—created by some pharmaceutical PR department—even though there's no hard and set "normal" testosterone level.  

Your Lack of Libido Could Be Due to Other Hormonal Imbalance

For example, a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)1 found that there were significant individual variations in the amount of testosterone required for any particular man to maintain lean body mass, strength, and sexual function.
Other hormones, such as estrogen, also play a critical role in men's health, so the heavy focus on testosterone may be inappropriate. The NEJM study2determined that while testosterone deficiency accounted for decreases in lean mass, muscle size, and strength, estrogen deficiency was the primary culprit when it came to increases in body fat.
Both hormones were found to be important for sexual function, and a deficiency in either had a negative impact on the men's libido.
Please note that men are NOT advised to take estrogen replacement therapy, as this could cause feminization, such as enlarged breasts. As your testosterone levels rise, your body will automatically produce more estrogen.
So the key is to maintain your testosterone level—ideally by incorporating the strategies I will discuss below. Interestingly, simply having more sex has also been shown to boost testosterone levels in men.3 As reported by
"One 1992 study4 examined four couples on days that they did and didn't have sexual activity... [T]hey found that testosterone levels increased on nights after sexual activity and did not on nights where there was no intercourse. The authors noted that their study showed that it was likely sex that increased testosterone and not the other way around."

Low Testosterone—An Invented Condition?

It's important to realize that all of this fake "low T" advertising is merely a PR strategy to sell an expensive treatment. In 2012, prescription testosterone gels generated over $2 billion in US sales. Abbott Laboratories alone spent $80 million on seductive direct-to-consumer advertising for its testosterone product AndroGel that same year.
According to a survey by CMI/Compass, 63 percent of physicians polled feel that drug ads misinform patients.5 And truly, it's worth keeping in mind that advertising is far from realistic or even truthful in most cases. It's about creating a perceived need where there might not be one, in order to sell a product. As reported by the New York Times:6
"In the view of many physicians, [low testosterone] is in large part an invented condition...
Once a niche treatment for people suffering from hormonal deficiencies caused by medical problems like endocrine tumors or the disruptive effects of chemotherapy, the prescription gels are increasingly being sold as lifestyle products, to raise dipping levels of the male sex hormone as men age."
Many people feel so bad they're willing to take just about anything to feel better. Unfortunately, many fail to realize that that "something" probably isn't a drug treatment. Instead, flagging energy levels may be an indication that you're eating too much processed food. Perhaps you're not exercising enough, or failing to address chronic stress or lack of sleep.

How Stress Affects Your Testosterone Levels

Chronic stress may in fact be a major contributing factor to decreasing testosterone levels. Stress, when chronic and unaddressed, can result in hypercortisolemia, which in and of itself inhibits testosterone production.7 The cortisol produced in response to stress also interferes with your insulin. As described by chiropractor Kyl Smith, D.C.:8
"This is seen when healthy men exhibit fasting plasma glucose concentrations and degrees of insulin resistance that are directly correlated with fasting plasma cortisol concentrations (i.e., when cortisol goes up, insulin goes up, insulin resistance goes up, and insulin sensitivity correspondingly goes down)...
The subject of insulin and insulin sensitivity ties directly into testosterone, as 'testosterone and insulin status are also directly correlated.' Among adult men, the insulin secretion rate and fasting plasma insulin concentration are inversely proportional to serum testosterone concentrations (i.e., high insulin levels are associated with low testosterone and low insulin levels are associated with high testosterone), while whole-body insulin sensitivity is shown to be positively correlated with serum testosterone concentrations.
In other words, in men who have challenges with high postprandial blood sugar levels, simple carbohydrates that evoke an insulin spike/increase will sabotage the production of healthy testosterone." [Emphasis mine]

Testosterone Is Widely Overprescribed

According to the Endocrine Society, which is responsible for setting the clinical guidelines for testosterone replacement therapy, testosterone should only be given to men with persistent symptoms and "unequivocally low testosterone levels," a condition known as hypogonadism. According to a 2012 study9 looking at the sensitivity and specificity of total testosterone (total T) as an indicator of biochemical hypogonadism found that a total T level below 150 ng/dl is indicative of hypogonadism, while levels above 350 ng/dl excludes the condition in most cases.
Despite that, testosterone prescriptions have tripled since 2001, and men in their 40s represent the fastest-growing group of users. Only about half of men taking testosterone have an actual diagnosis of hypogonadism. Even more curious, recent findings10, 11, 12 also indicate that 25 percent of men given a prescription for testosterone did not even have their levels tested prior to receiving a prescription, and of the remaining 75 percent, it was unclear as to how many actually had a testosterone deficiency.
In short, there appears to be an awful lot of men out there taking testosterone who probably shouldn't. Using hormones as a "cure-all" is a risky proposition, especially if your problems are related to lifestyle opposed to an actual medical condition that severely impairs your hormone production. What most men need is really lifestyle change, in order to optimize their body's natural secretion of testosterone and other hormones.

Recent Research Highlights the Dangers of Testosterone Misuse

According to one recent study published in the journal PLoS ONE, men aged 65 and older who took testosterone DOUBLED their risk of having a heart attack within the first three months of use, even if they did not have heart disease prior to starting the therapy. The result was similar in younger men diagnosed with heart disease. The study was prompted by a 2010 clinical trial that was shut down before completion due to the increase in heart-related problems occurring in the testosterone treatment group.13
Other research14 published earlier this year found that testosterone replacement therapy did not appear to have any positive effects on the cardiovascular health of men who took it, noting that the "cardiovascular risk-benefit profile of testosterone therapy remains largely evasive."
Interestingly, the analysis does suggest that low testosterone and heart disease might both be caused by "poor overall health," as stated by lead researcher, Dr. Johannes Ruige.15 This, again, is why I recommend focusing your efforts on healthy lifestyle strategies such as exercise rather than taking synthetic hormone replacement, the risk/benefit ratio of which is still largely unknown.
The latest results have caused enough concern that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has launched a safety review16 to ascertain the safety of testosterone therapy. In the meantime, the FDA has instructed doctors to "consider whether the benefits of FDA-approved testosterone treatment is likely to exceed the potential risks of treatment."

Lifestyle Factors Influence Your Hormone Levels

Despite the above objections it would seem a more conservative approach would be warranted. While a man's testosterone level does decline with age, starting around the age of 30, there are many other factors that play a role. Think of generations past, when men were active and healthy well into old age. Clearly, it's possible to grow old without losing your "oomph." It really boils down to lifestyle. Diet and exercise are critical factors. But chemical exposures, including prescription drugs like statins, can also play a role by having an adverse effect on your testosterone production. And, as reported in another more recent New York Times17 article:
"Testosterone appears to decline naturally with aging, but internal belly fat depresses the hormone further, especially in obese men. Drugs like steroids and opiates also lower testosterone, and it's suspected that chemicals like bisphenol A (or BPA, commonly found in plastic food containers) and diseases like Type 2 diabetes play a role as well." [Emphasis mine]
Testosterone production follows a similar decline with age as human growth hormone (HGH), illustrated below. Fortunately, your body has a natural ability to optimize hormones, even as you age. It does require you to address important factors such as your diet and exercise, however.

To Raise Your Hormone Levels, Exercise Intensely, But Briefly

Both testosterone and HGH are boosted in response to short, high intensity exercises. I personally do not take any hormone or prohormone supplements. Instead, I've been doing Peak Exercises for just nearly four years now, and at the age of 59, my testosterone and HGH levels are still in the normal ranges for a young adult male without the aid of ANY prescriptions, hormones, and hormone precursor supplements.
Keep in mind that high intensity interval training is the only type of exercise that will help boost your testosterone and HGH levels. A slow one-hour jog will not have this effect, so it's critical to make sure you're exercising correctly if you want to affect your hormone levels. Below is a summary and video demonstration of what a typical high-intensity Peak Fitness routine might look like:
  • Warm up for three minutes
  • Exercise as hard and fast as you can for 30 seconds. You should feel like you couldn't possibly go on another few seconds
  • Recover at a slow to moderate pace for 90 seconds
  • Repeat the high intensity exercise and recovery seven more times

Weight training will also have a beneficial impact on your testosterone levels. When you use strength training for this purpose, you'll want to increase the weight and lower your number of reps. Focus on doing exercises that work a wider number of muscles, such as squats or dead lifts. You can take your workout to the next level by learning the principles of Super-Slow Weight Training. Whole body vibration training using a Power Plate is yet another effective ancillary method.
Besides raising testosterone and HGH, aerobic exercise in general is known to benefit your heart, in part by promoting the production of beneficial nitric oxide, which helps relax your heart and improves blood flow.18 Recent research also suggests that skin-derived nitric oxide metabolites may also play a key role in heart health by normalizing blood pressure when your skin is exposed to UV rays from the sun19 --yet another reason for making sure you're getting enough sun exposure.

Your Diet Affects Your Testosterone and HGH

While high intensity exercise is perhaps the most effective strategy to raise your testosterone levels, your diet also plays a critical role. First of all, if you're overweight, research shows that simply shedding the excess pounds may increase your testosterone levels.20
Testosterone levels also decrease after you eat sugar. This is likely because sugar and fructose raises your insulin level, which is another factor leading to low testosterone. Ideally, keep your total fructose consumption below 25 grams per day. If you have insulin resistance and are overweight, have high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol, you'd be well advised to keep it under 15 grams per day.
The most efficient way to shed excess weight and normalize your insulin levels at the same time is to strictly limit the amount of sugar/fructose and grains in your diet, and replace them with vegetables and healthy fats, such as organic pastured egg yolks, avocadococonut oil, butter made from raw grass-fed organic milk, and raw nuts. Saturated fats are in fact essential for building testosterone. Research shows that a diet with less than 40 percent of energy as fat (and that mainly from animal sources, i.e. saturated) lead to a decrease in testosterone levels.21 My personal diet is about 70-80 percent healthy fat, and other experts agree that the ideal diet includes somewhere between 50-70 percent fat. I've detailed a step-by-step guide to this type of healthy eating program in my optimized nutrition plan.
Another effective strategy for enhancing both testosterone and HGH release is intermittent fasting. It helps boost testosterone by improving the expression of satiety hormones, like insulin, leptin, adiponectin, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), cholecystokinin (CKK), and melanocortins, which are linked to healthy testosterone function, increased libido, and the prevention of age-induced testosterone decline.

Helpful Supplements

There are also nutritional supplements that can address some of the symptoms commonly associated with low testosterone. Some may even help boost your testosterone levels as well. These include:
  • Saw palmetto. Besides addressing symptoms of low testosterone, this herb may also help to actually increase testosterone levels by inhibiting up-conversion to dihydrotestosterone.22 When choosing a saw palmetto supplement, you should be wary of the brand, as there are those that use an inactive form of the plant. According to industry expert Dr. Rudi Moerck, what you want is an organic supercritical CO2 extract of saw palmetto oil, which is dark green in color. Since saw palmetto is a fat-soluble supplement, taking it with eggs will enhance the absorption of its nutrients.
  • Astaxanthin in combination with saw palmetto. There is also solid research indicating that if you take astaxanthin in combination with saw palmetto, you may experience significant synergistic benefits. A 2009 study published in theJournal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition23 found that an optimal dose of saw palmetto and astaxanthin decreased both DHT and estrogen while simultaneously increasing testosterone.
  • Ashwagandha. This ancient Indian herb is known as an adaptogen, which can help boost stamina, endurance, and sexual energy. Research published in 201024 found that men taking the herb Ashwagandha experienced a significant increase in testosterone levels.
  • Ashwagandha also helps promote overall immune function, and can help increase your resistance to occasional stress.25 It also supports healthful levels of total lipids, cholesterol, and triglycerides already in the normal rangeWhile some adaptogens are stimulants in disguise, this is not the case with Ashwagandha. It can give your morning exercise routine a boost, and when taken prior to bed, it can help you get a good night's sleep as well. I recommend using only 100% organic Ashwagandha root, free of fillers, additives, and excipients to ensure quality.

Do You Really Need Testosterone Therapy?  

The take-home message is that taking testosterone if you're otherwise healthy could jeopardize your health for virtually no gain. And, if you're using a topical gel or cream, you're also jeopardizing the health of anyone in your family that you end up having skin to skin contact with. I personally do not use any hormone or prohormone treatments as I've been successful in getting my hormone levels in the healthy young adult range using the protocols described above. However, if you do chose to use hormones, it is really crucial to use bioidentical versions.
I advise using bioidentical hormones like DHEA if you opt for this route. DHEA is a hormone secreted by your adrenal glands, and is one of the most abundant precursor hormones in your body. It's crucial for the creation of testosterone and other sex hormones. However, it's important to monitor your levels and work with an experienced professional before you start using DHEA (or any other hormone, bioidentical or not.) If you use trans-mucosal applications you will likely only need a few milligrams a day, not 50mg, 100mg, or more that is typically used. There are still questions about long-term safety, and there's still the potential for side effects.26
I also recommend trans-mucosal (rectal) application, as this allows for the most effective absorption, and inhibits the production of unwanted metabolites of DHEA. All of that said, I do NOT recommend prolonged supplementation of hormones, even bioidentical ones. Doing so can trick your body into halting its own DHEA production and may cause your adrenals to become impaired.
Your best bet really is to address your diet, and incorporate high intensity exercise into your lifestyle. For even more information on how exercise can be used as a natural testosterone booster, read my article "Testosterone Surge After Exercise May Help Remodel the Mind."

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