

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Top 10 breakfast cereals and Monsanto's GMO corn

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

This post is on Healthwise



Exactly why I eat NONE of them! Don't want any GMOs. Don't care for the big brother companies that own them (even the "healthy" ones). I get my fiber from fresh vegetables (NOT corn!). When I think about why i used to eat cereal? Quick. Convenient. Tasted good (oh so sugary ;p). Our ancestors did just fine before the invention of cereal. Be careful about wheat and grain products....turns to sugar in the body and has been known to cause inflammation in the body. Turned my health around when I quit them all and went for organic fruits and vegetables instead. Don't support MonSatan (I LOVE that term for Monsanto!!!!) with your money. WIshing all best health!!

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