

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Google testing virtual doctor service


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

This post is on Healthwise

Google is testing a new feature that will let web users talk to a physician via video chat without leaving home.
The virtual consultations will be offered via Google's Helpouts service, which launched last year as a marketplace where experts can create, post and sell access to pre-recorded and live how-to and training videos, and for the moment at least, the tests are small-scale and restricted to the U.S.
In typical Google fashion, the new feature went completely under the radar until someone on Reddit stumbled upon it over the weekend. But since the mainstream media has picked up on the story, Google has offered more background on the idea.
"When you're searching for basic health information — from conditions like insomnia or food poisoning — our goal is to provide you with the most helpful information available," a company spokesperson said in an email to Re/code. "We're trying this new feature to see if it's useful to people."

Google is examining the effectiveness of offering consumers live video access to doctors.EVERYTHING POSSIBLE/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM
Google is examining the effectiveness of offering consumers live video access to doctors.

Of course, a virtual consultation with a physician is limited. With no ability to physically examine a patent or run tests, diagnostic abilities will be limited. However, as well as Google, there are a host of other companies moving into the healthcare space, including those offering at home testing facilities such asCue, whose clever little box can check for vitamin D levels, testosterone levels, the flu and whether or not the user is pregnant.

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