

Monday, 8 December 2014

Eggs for a heart-healthy diet

November 23, 2014

This post is on Healthwise

Eggs are an important part of the diet, no matter what part of the world you are in. – AFP
Eggs are an important part of the diet, no matter what part of the world you are in. – AFP
The role of eggs in a healthy diet
Eggs are an important part of a healthy, balanced diet. They contain high quality protein, unsaturated fat, omega-3, and more than 10 essential minerals and vitamins. Eggs do not have trans fat and only 1.6g of saturated fat per egg.
Many people are concerned about the cholesterol level in eggs, but you have to remember to eat them in moderation, as indicated by the Malaysian food pyramid guide.
Big or small, eggs have a way to keep you in good heart health. – Filepic
In addition, studies show that trans fat and saturated fat are bigger contributors to elevated blood cholesterol.
Trans fat is known to increase low-density lipoproteins (LDL, or “bad” cholesterol) and triglycerides, and lower high-density lipoproteins (HDL, or “good” cholesterol).
During the preparation and consumption of eggs, avoid deep frying and use of hydrogenated oil to lower the intake of trans fat.
These days, eggs may also be enriched with additional nutrients that are good for health.
An example is omega-3-enriched eggs. Omega-3 consists of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosapentaenoic acid (DPA).
Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids are associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks and strokes.
According to the Australia Heart Foundation’s Position Statement, PUFA may decrease the risk of coronary heart diseases through several possible mechanisms, including:
  •  Decreasing blood levels of triglycerides
  •  Increasing the level of HDL
  •  Improving heart rate variability and lowering heart rate
  •  Anti-platelet effects that decrease the risks of thrombosis
  •  Improving endothelial functions
  •  Lowering blood pressure
Please take note that those with medical conditions that require a strict cholesterol-controlled diet should always consult their doctors on their daily egg intake.
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