A Short and Simple Physical Exercise for Your Brain
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But it's useful for any kind of brain fog or dullness, even emotional instability. It can improve memory, focus, and make you a little smarter. It works for everyone regardless of mental condition.
How to Do SuperBrain Yoga
In the morning, facing where the sun rises with your feet pointing straight ahead, spread them apart about shoulder width. Grab your you right earlobe with the thumb and finger of your left hand. Cross over your left arm and do the same using your right hand on the left earlobe. Then squat as fully as you can, breathing in. That seems counterintuitive, but that's what you do. Breathe in as you squat, breathe out as you stand.
The breathing needs to be synchronized with the squats. Continue this motion repetitively while holding both earlobes for three minutes. That may be too much at first, so start with one or two minutes. One can go up to five minutes, but three is good enough. This can be done by anyone at any age and should be done on a daily basis until the fog lifts!
Positive Effects on the Mind
Los Angeles physician Dr. Eric Robins says that the brain cells and neurons are energized with this simple exercise. He prescribes it to his patients and has had excellent results. One example of this is a youngster doing poorly in school. After being introduced to the exercise, that child went on to become an "A" student.
According to the Yale neurobiologist Dr. Eugenius Ang, the earlobes grabbed are acupuncture points that stimulate neural pathways in the brain. The brain's hemispheres are in opposite sides of the earlobes. Using opposite hands for pinching the earlobes may have something to do with the way our subtle energies are arranged.
Ang showed that the results from EEG (electroencephalography) readings after doing this exercise indicate the right and left hemispheres of the brain had become synchronized. EEG readings measure the neuron firings in the brain via electrodes on the scalp, and are used to determine brain wave normalcies and abnormalities.
As Dr. Ang, who does the exercise daily states, “... in modern terms, the brain is actually lateralized.” This is an ideal but uncommon arrangement. It is something that expensive brain technology CDs attempt to do by producing audible sounds with subliminal sounds to the brain through a headset.
SuperBrain Yoga's Source
SuperBrain Yoga was introduced by pranic healing Master Koa Chok Sui's book SuperBrainYoga and taught by him personally on lecture tours. Master Sui taught other aspects of prana healing also.
Prana is another word for chi, the subtle life force energy that surrounds and permeates the body. It is the stuff of acupuncture and Qi (chi) Gong. In addition to the subtle energy aspects of prana or chi, it seems that combining a mildly aerobic exercise also helps flood the brain cells with oxygen.
It's an easy and inexpensive way to improve memory, mental clarity and focus, while assisting those with debilitating mental disorders. You can see the exercise performed in the CBS report on this page when you click "see how it's done." (link doesn't work - see below)
See CBS Video here:
Prana is another word for chi, the subtle life force energy that surrounds and permeates the body. It is the stuff of acupuncture and Qi (chi) Gong. In addition to the subtle energy aspects of prana or chi, it seems that combining a mildly aerobic exercise also helps flood the brain cells with oxygen.
It's an easy and inexpensive way to improve memory, mental clarity and focus, while assisting those with debilitating mental disorders. You can see the exercise performed in the CBS report on this page when you click "see how it's done." (link doesn't work - see below)
See CBS Video here:
Uploaded on Jun 5, 2008
Superbrain Yoga® is a simple and effective technique to energize and recharge the brain. It is based on the principles of subtle energy and ear acupuncture. This powerful technique is explained in Master Choa Kok Sui's latest book Superbrain Yoga®.
Pilot studies on the effects of Superbrain Yoga® on school children include children with disabilities such as ADHD/ADD, developmental and cognitive delays, Down syndrome and specific learning disabilities. Children studied showed significant increase in academic and behavioral performance, greater class participation and improved social skills. In one study, the result of an electroencephalograph showed increased amplitude in the parieto-occipital region of the brain following the Superbrain Yoga®. This indicates increased brain electrical activity following the exercise. More studies on the effects of Superbrain Yoga® are being conducted.
Pilot studies on the effects of Superbrain Yoga® on school children include children with disabilities such as ADHD/ADD, developmental and cognitive delays, Down syndrome and specific learning disabilities. Children studied showed significant increase in academic and behavioral performance, greater class participation and improved social skills. In one study, the result of an electroencephalograph showed increased amplitude in the parieto-occipital region of the brain following the Superbrain Yoga®. This indicates increased brain electrical activity following the exercise. More studies on the effects of Superbrain Yoga® are being conducted.
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