

Friday, 31 October 2014

Slipped disc — how to manage the pain

This post is on Healthwise

14 OCTOBER 2014

The key to a better quality of life when you suffer from a slipped disc is learning to manage the pain
At 25 years old, being diagnosed with a slipped disc was not part of Aini’s plan. Newly married and with a promising career in a Fortune 500 company, Aini and her family didn’t react too well to the news.
They were worried about how she would cope with the diagnosis and if she would be able to lead a normal life.
However, the doctor assured her that with proper information and education, her condition would be manageable.
Slipped disc, also known as a prolapsed intervertebral disc or herniated disc, occurs when one of the discs in the spine ruptures and the gel within leaks out.
A disc prolapse can happen at any part of the spine and when it occurs, pressure is exerted on the nerve closest to it. The lower back (lumbar region) is the most common area for a slipped disc to occur.
The pressure exerted on the lumbar nerve is what causes severe pain and tingling sensation, which often radiates or “shoots” down to the calf and foot.
Aini’s pain started in March, just three months after her wedding. The pain was localised on the right side of her lower back but she didn’t think too much of it and figured it would soon pass but, as the days went by, the pain worsened.
Her muscles became tensed, causing her to lean to her right side and she was unable to straighten or stand up straight.
She started to feel pain from her back travelling down to her right calf. Often the pain was excruciating and kept her awake at night.
She described it as “someone taking a knife and stabbing me over and over again on my legs. It drove me crazy and I couldn’t sleep. Exhausted and drained from the pain, I couldn’t go to work. “
The unbearable pain left her with no choice but to finally consult a doctor.
She visited doctors at two different clinics and both provided the same diagnosis — that it was nothing more than regular back pain caused by lifting heavy items. Both doctors prescribed painkillers, which didn’t ease her suffering.
When she was finally referred to consultant orthopaedic and spine surgeon Dr Ozlan Izma Muhamed Kamil in mid-April, she was diagnosed as having lumbar disc prolapse.
Even though Aini was mentally prepared for surgery, Dr Ozlan assured her it was not necessary at this stage — proper medication would be sufficient to treat the pain.
“I was told that I had to change everything in my life, from my car to the chair I sit on at work. I started to panic when I thought of all the adjustments that I would have to make in my life but, with Dr Ozlan’s guidance on pain management, my family and I gained a more positive outlook and in the end, I only had to make a few minor changes. Part of my pain management included being aware of how long I sit — I make it a point to take a walk around the office every hour so that I do not remain seated for too long, said Aini.
Aini had another concern. Would her new condition affect her chances of getting pregnant?
Dr Ozlan said: “It is not advisable for her to get pregnant while on medication. However, her condition is not permanent and nerve pain from the slipped disc will go away. One major misconception is that people with this medical condition should take extra precautions and limit their physical activities.
“This is not true because with proper medication and light exercises, patients can go about their daily routines without problems.”
With some lifestyle adjustments and the correct medications to help reduce pain, patients should be able to get back to their normal activities as soon as possible and recover eventually.
Lumbar disc prolapse is just one of the many causes of nerve pain. Others include shingles, diabetes, fracture, stroke, cancer and HIV.
Nerve pain happens when there is injury to the nerves, spinal cord or brain.
There are countless nerves in the body which make up your nervous system. These are like a series of electrical wires connecting your brain and spinal cord to the rest of your body.
Dr Ozlan says: “Be careful with the way you carry heavy items. Don’t overexert yourself, exercise regularly and sit up straight. Good posture is very important.”
In Aini’s case, her suffering was prolonged because she did not seek treatment early and when she did, she was misdiagnosed.
Another tip is to keep a pain diary: When did it start? Also note the nature and severity of pain and any aggravating or relieving factors.
All these can help your doctor with diagnosis and to provide treatment accordingly.
More details at
Symptoms of slipped disc include:
. Pain (shooting, burning, electric shock-like) and tingling sensation, most commonly on one side of the limb.
. Pain that extends to your arms and/or legs.
. Pain that worsens at night.
. Pain that worsens after standing or sitting.
. Pain when walking short distances.
. Unexplained muscle weakness.

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