

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

The Surprising Underlying Causes of Cancer Growth - Video

Time: 3:40Added: 12/4/2012
Views: 13803
What are they? You may be surprised at the thing that might eventually lead 
to cancer growth. Dr. Patrick Quillin discusses diet and conventional cancer 
treatments as well.
Contributor(s): Quillin, Patrick PhD, RD, CNS
Tags: dietsleepdepressionstresstoxinsnutritioncancermelatonin
constipationtoxicity,magnesiumzincfish oilimmune systeminfections
chemotherapyimmune health

Scott:  A lot of cancer patients are going to jump into the chemotherapy,
radiation treatment right away. For those patients, what can a proper diet
do along with those treatments?

Dr. Quillin:  Well, first of all, nobody with cancer is suffering from a
deficiency of chemotherapy. Nobody with a headache has a deficiency of
aspirin. So applying those therapies might kill some cancer cells, but it
does nothing to change the underlying cause of the disease. In many cancer
patients, they're burdened with toxins, which are interfering with their
bodies' normal biochemistry. They have an abundance of nutrient
deficiencies - fish oil, zinc, magnesium, vitamin E, etc. So you have to
correct those.

When a cancer patient jumps into the chemotherapy without looking at,
"What's the underlying cause? How can I nourish my body so it can better
regulate and repair itself?"... Because the essence is, a healthy human
body is self-regulating and self-repairing.

Scott:  You talk about underlying causes. What are some of those?

Dr. Quillin:  Well, let's start with the mind. Recently, we had a great
football coach, Joe Paterno, who was forced to resign in distress. Within
three months, this 80-something vibrant man died of non-smoking lung
cancer. Depression causes a collapse of the immune system which can cause
the whole body just to allow the overgrowth of cancer or infections.

Many other examples in the media - Dana Reeves was the wife of Christopher
Reeves. After taking care of her quadriplegic husband for nine years, a
year after he died, she died of non-smoking lung cancer. Again, depression
and death. So the underlying causes start with the mind. We need to have a
sense of forgiveness, love, a sense of purpose, a good night's sleep.

It's amazing how studies have shown that all of these 400 plus
neuropeptides in the brain, the beginning regulation is melatonin from the
pineal gland and much of that begins with a good night's sleep. Sleep,
stress, we talk about other underlying causes. Americans are bombarded with
toxins. These are things that are carcinogens. They can cause cancer by
damaging the delicate DNA. You need to remove those from the diet and no
longer bring them in. There are ways of detoxifying which starts with

I think one of the problems with too many Americans is constipation. So
they are suffering from endotoxemia. The toxins are being generated from
within because they're not having daily or more often bowel movement. Other
causes, malnutrition. For instance, in animal studies, they can induce
lymphoma in animals just by depriving them of magnesium from the diet.
There are no toxins, there is no stress, but you can cause cancer because
that biological machinery is not being allowed all the equipment it needs
to regulate and repair itself because here's the sound bite.

A healthy human body and a rat body, and a dog body, and all of life is
self-regulating and self-repairing if provided with all the substrates, or
the raw ingredients to perform that magic. We can eliminate the blocks or
the obstructions that prevent it from happening. So underlying causes are
many and complex, but it's essential in order to get long-term favorable