

Monday, 28 October 2013

This Lady-Finger Vegetable Lowers Blood Sugar

October 27, 2013

Prepare to be shocked…

Naturally lower blood sugar
Nearly 70 percent of people in the U.S. are either diabetic or pre-diabetic. SEVENTY PERCENT!

Worst of all, most cases are entirely preventable. A recent issue of Natural Health Dossier gave a unique protocol to reverse type 2 diabetes (even though the mainstream tells you it’s not possible).

But when thinking about prevention, most people focus on the things they shouldn’t eat. Things like sweets, bread, and too much fruit top the list. But just as important?  Eating more of the foods that can help keep blood sugar in check.

And there’s one vegetable that breaks down starches before they ever get the chance to turn into glucose in your bloodstream.1

It’s known as the “lady-finger” of the vegetable world.

The blood-sugar stabilizer is okra. The seeds are full of alpha-glucosidase inhibitors. They prevent starches from converting to glucose—sugar in your bloodstream.

Researchers say okra can dramatically lower blood sugar levels. They’re even looking at it as a potential alternative treatment for diabetes.2

The fiber in okra steadies your blood sugar by regulating the rate at which sugar is absorbed from the intestinal tract. A half-cup of cooked okra has about 4.1 grams of fiber.

It’s also heavy in vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin K, magnesium, potassium, and zinc.

If you overcook okra, you’ll lose all those vitamins. And you’ll make it slimy. Which is how many people have tried—and hated—okra.

But if you make it correctly, okra will be crisp and flavorful. And it will give you a new appreciation for this misunderstood lady-finger.

Two delicious and healthy ways to eat okra are grilling and very lightly steaming. (We don’t recommend frying it of course).

To grill, toss the pods in some olive oil and seasoning. Throw on the grill for 10 minutes. You could add some minced garlic to the olive oil. Garlic pairs very well with the flavor of okra.

Speaking of garlic, slice it up and sauté in olive oil. After a minute, add sliced okra and a splash of water to lightly steam it. If you don’t overcook it, the result will be fresh, lightly crisp okra. Not slimy at all.

So if you’ve tried okra and thought you didn’t like it, time to give it another go. Like most vegetables, the way you cook it makes all the difference. And eating okra can make a difference in your blood sugar health.

Look for organic, smaller pods. As okra matures and increases in size, it gets tougher.
